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                 fisheries, clothing, and grains. The main markets are China   The road linking Thailand, Myanmar, and India - also known as
                 (40%), Thailand (20%), India (9%), Singapore (7.6%), and Japan   Trilateral Road - that travels from Mae Sot - Yangon - Mandalay - Tamu
                 (5.7%).                                               (Myanmar) - Moreh (India) is expected to be completed later in 2018.

                 Imports of Myanmar                                    As of now, the last section of the road, which lays between Mandalay
                 Myanmar imported USD 913.29 million in April 2018, growing   and  the  border  of  Myanmar  and  India,  is  currently  having  the
                 38.89% year-on-year. Main imports include machinery and non-  installation of traffic signal. It is expected that the road will shorten
                 electrical  logistics  equipment,  and  garment  from  significant   the travel time between Thailand and India down to half a day from
                 markets like China (35%), Singapore (15%), Thailand (12%),   months.  The  products  that  should  benefit  from  this  road,  which
                 Japan (7.9%), India (7%), and Malaysia (4%).          penetrates  both  Myanmar  and  India,  include  processed  food,
                                                                       agricultural machinery, automobile, thread, fabric, leather, sugar, and
                 Trade between Thailand and Myanmar                    plastic beads.
                 Trade between the two Southeast Asian nations in 2017 reached   Meanwhile, Thailand should make gains from natural resource
                 USD 6,784.23 million, and Thailand is enjoying the positive   richness of Myanmar and India. Natural resources that are crucial to
                 balance of USD 4,308 million.                         Thailand’s supply chain includes fisheries, gems, gold, oil, natural gas,
                   ● Exports from Thailand: refined oil, beverages, chemicals,   teak, lumber, and limestone. India has abundant resources of coal
                 steel,  machinery,  sugar,  fabric,  cosmetics,  wheat  products,   (world’s No.4 supplier), iron and manganese (world’s No.7), mica and
                 processed foods, and plastic beads
                   ● Imports from Myanmar: natural gas (accounting for 75%   bauxite (world’s No.5), chromite, natural gases, diamonds, limestones,
                 of imports from Myanmar), minerals, meat products, animal,   and thorium (world’s biggest reserves of thorium is on the coast of
                 fisheries, plants and lumber                          Kerala). Therefore, it is likely that the trading of manufacturing tools will
                                                                       be conducted through this road more once it is finished. Also, India is
                                                                       hoping to use Thailand as a gateway to CLMV countries, which will fully
                                                                       benefit the Thai logistisc system.

                Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
                From April 2017 to March 2018, foreign direct investment in
                Myanmar reached USD 5,718 million, with Singapore ranks as
                the top investor pouring in USD 2,164 million. The island country
                is  followed  by  China  who  invested  USD  1,395  million,  the
                Netherlands and South Korea. Thailand is the 9 biggest investor
                with USD 124 million investments. The most popular industries
                are  manufacturing,  property,  telecommunication,  hotel  and

                The New Special Economic Zones
                China and Myanmar is negotiating the possibility of the new
                special economic zone (SEZ), hence signed a Memorandum of
                Understanding (MOU) on the matter. However, it is expected
                that  when  the  SEZ  is  completed,  more  Myanmar  products
                should be exported to China conveniently, while the tourism
                industry of Myanmar should flourishes. Therefore, Thai investors
                should not ignore this SEZ if they are seeking opportunities to
                penetrate the Chinese market.
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