Page 58 - FoodFocusThailand No.154 January 2019
P. 58
“…การเลี้ยงโคนมก็เป็นอาชีพที่ดีส�าหรับคนไทย เหมาะกับประเทศ
และถ้าใช้หลักวิชาที่เหมาะสม จะท�าให้มีความเจริญและมีรายได้ดี…”
พระราชด�ารัสของพระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาภูมิพลอดุลยเดช รัชกาลที่ 9
พระราชทานให้ผู้แทนสหกรณ์การเกษตร สหกรณ์นิคม สหกรณ์ประมง ยุวเกษตร
และสมาชิกผู้รับนมสด ณ โครงการส่วนพระองค์สวนจิตรลดา
เมื่อวันพุธที่ 11 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ.2531
“…Dairy farming is an appropriate occupation for
Thai people. With proper knowledge,
we can grow and earn decent income…”
His Majesty the late King Bhumibol’s royal speech given at the
Royal Chitralada Projects on Wednesday 11 May 1988
to the delegates of Agricultural Cooperatives, Estate Cooperatives,
Fishery Cooperatives, Juvenile Agriculturalists, and Subscriber Customers.
Over 80% of the products temperature from 4 ºC to 30 70 and 95 ºC, until the temperature of
produced by Muak Lek Dairy Plant the milk reaches 139 ºC for 3 sec.
is UHT milk. With the capacity of 5. Filling Process: Packaging materials are sterilized with
320-350 tons/day, it can be hydrogen peroxide. The UHT milk is packaged in aseptic container
increased up to 500 tons/day. under aseptic condition by automatic filling machine. Then, the UHT
Another 20% is pasteurized milk milk will be moved by conveyer belt to imprint the expiration date,
products, ready-to-drink yoghurt, loading, and storage waiting for quality inspection. Seven filling machines
and ice cream, with a capacity of 20 here have put up into production with a capacity of 24,000 carton packs/
tons/day and capable of producing up to 60 tons/day. hour/machine.
6. Storage: After filling process, all products will be kept in the warehouse
From Farm…To Table before distribution. UHT products, however, can be stored at ambient
The production process of UHT milk is as follows. temperature in the warehouse.
1. Raw Milk Reception Process: Raw milk entering the factory will 7. Transportation: The products that have gone through the quality
be sampled for physical, chemical and microbiological quality control inspection process will be delivered to the distribution center.
inspection. After, raw milk that meets the quality standard is piped into the Besides UHT milk, pasteurized milk, yogurt and ice cream, there are
bulk tank through the cooling plate that reduce the temperature of raw also organic products produced by organic dairy farms under Morganic
milk to 4-8 ºC for further processing. brand. Nutritional benefits of organic dairy include nourishing the brain,
2. Thermization Process: Before processing, raw milk will be primarily reducing the risk of allergy, containing omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 and
sterilized at 75 ºC for 15 sec and cool it down to 4 ºC by the principle CLA. Kid-D brand is also introduced to the market with DHA fortification.
method of heat transfer between hot and cold water within the Plate Heat ... All these dairy products have been initiated with the benevolence of
Exchanger. The milk is then stored in the bulk tank for the next processes. the King Rama IX, and that will remain in the heart of all Thai people forever...
3. Homogenization Process: Thermized milk, then flows into the
homogenizer to reduce milk fat globules to the smallest in size and
dispersing them evenly, so the cream does not separate into layers when
set aside. Using pressure at 200 kPa per square centimeter knock off the
milk to flow through the small chamber.
4. Heat Treatment Process: UHT (ultra-high temperature) is the
application of heat treatment that renders the product sterile at the time
of processing. Thermized milk, therefore, will be dispatched to final
sterilization process by the Tubular Heat Exchanger. The process is to
exchange between the heat and stream by gradually increasing the
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