Page 62 - FoodFocusThailand No.159 June 2019
P. 62
• IFS (International Food Standard) ก�ำหนดขึ้นโดยผู้ค้ำปลีกแห่ง- (IFS Logistics) Version 2.2 ส�ำหรับบรรจุภัณฑ์อำหำร (Food packaging;
สหพันธ์สำธำรณรัฐเยอรมัน (HDE -Hauptverband des Deutschen IFS PACsecure) Version 1.1
Einzelhandels e.V., Germany) หรือ The Central Association of the German นอกเหนือจำกนี้ยังมีมำตรฐำนอื่นๆ ได้แก่ SQF (The Safe Quality Food)
Retail Trade และผู้ค้ำปลีก ค้ำส่งแห่งสำธำรณรัฐฝรั่งเศส (FCD-Federation Edition 8, CanadaGAP Version 7.1, Global Aquaculture Alliance
desentreprises du Commerceet de la Distribution, France) เพื่อใช้เป็น Seafood Processing, Global GAP ภำยใต้ชื่อมำตรฐำน IFA Version 5.2,
หลักเกณฑ์มำตรฐำนส�ำหรับกำรผลิตอำหำรปลอดภัย (Food safety) และมี GRMS (Global Red Meat Standard) Version 6.0, PrimusGFS Version
คุณภำพ โดยบังคับให้โรงงำนผู้ผลิตอำหำรที่ต้องกำรส่งสินค้ำเข้ำไปจ�ำหน่ำย 3.0, JFSM (Japan Food Safety Management Association) ภำยใต้ชื่อ
ในห้ำงผู้ค้ำปลีกของประเทศฝรั่งเศส เยอรมนี และสหภำพยุโรปบำงประเทศ มำตรฐำน JFS-C Version 2.3 และ JGF (Japan GAP Foundation)
ต้องจัดท�ำระบบนี้ ซึ่ง IFS มีกำรแบ่งขอบข่ำยกำรตรวจ คือส�ำหรับกระบวนกำร- ภำยใต้ชื่อมำตรฐำน ASIAGAP version 2.1 ซึ่งได้รับกำรรับรองภำยใต้ GFSI
ผลิตอำหำร (Food manufacturing; IFS Food) Version 6.1 ส�ำหรับกำรขนส่ง เช่นกัน
As we have known that food is one of the essential requisites
for human livings, when the number of populations increase,
it results in more demand for food. Therefore, the production
to serve such demand also increases. However, the more
productions have been made, the more errors can be
occurred. It is necessary to have a standardization to control
quality and food safety from the general food standard to
international food standard both in compulsory form or the
voluntary of each food factory.
General & Global
Food Standard
General Food Standard General food standards that are • Codex Good Manufacturing Practice; GMP Codex and
1applied from small factories to large factories, which have sufficient Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point; HACCP Codex
finance and various facilities resources, are included as follows Alimentarius Commission (Codex) collaborated with Food and
• Good Manufacturing Practice; GMP The Food and Drug Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization
Administration (FDA), Thailand has set the rules, procedures, (WHO) to draft of the standard, which is currently Version Rev
production location into force as a law for food products, which are 4-2003. The standard consists of 10 GMP requirements and HACCP.
effective since July 24, 2003, which are divided by group announcement It is divided into 5 steps, 7 principles, a total of 12 requirements. The
or product type as follows standard is a fundamental standard under the food chain and there
1. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No. 342), BE 2555 is a need to upgrade to the international level and further be applied.
(2012), Title: Production methods, production equipment, and storage • ISO 22000 Standard Quality system that extends to food
of processed food in ready-to-sell containers or known as Primary safety which is a combination of GMP, HACCP, and ISO 9001 - a
GMP, which consists of 6 main requirements. quality management system, which has been added to management
2. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No. 220), BE 2544 and document system, so that this system is suitable for the food
(2001) Title: Drinking Water in Sealed Containers, which consists of industry and increases the efficiency of food production with greater
9 main requirements. safety. At present, ISO 22000 has been changed to Version 2018
3. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No. 298), BE 2549 since June 19, 2018 and has an upgrade period for three years or
(2006) Title: Production methods, production tools, and storage of until June 18, 2021. Every organization with having ISO 22000 must
liquid ready-to-drink dairy products that have been pasteurized, which be adjusted to that version. Major changes of the latest are mention
consists of 7 main requirements. on the allergen, radiological, and application of ISO / TS 22002 as
4. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No. 349), BE2555 well as the modification of the specifications according to ISO 9001:
(2012) Title: Production methods, production equipment and food 2015, which consists of 10 main requirements.
storage in sealed containers with low acidity and acidity or we have
known as Low-acid canned food: LACF / Acidified Food GMP, which Global Food Standard At present the international
consists of 7 main requirements. 2standard having a serious impact on trade in food industry is
5. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No. 386), BE 2560 the standard of private sector that affects, international trade, namely
(2017) Title: Determination of production methods, production The Global Food Safety Initiative or GFSI that creates large effects
equipment, and storage of vegetables or some fresh fruits and labeling, on international trading of food products. GFSI was found by an
which consists of 6 main requirements. integration of a large group of retailers, which was established in