Page 84 - FoodFocusThailand No.162 September 2019
P. 84
Nowadays, food safety has received higher recognition
from smart consumers. Besides food safety, packaging
is also important as same as food safety issue. If
food is safe but packaging is unsafe, it can cause
contamination and unsafety food.
What is Food Grade Packaging?
Packaging used to store food that does not cause harm to consumers.
The packaging can touch food directly, and does not cause the transfer
of chemicals such as the spread of chemicals or noxious from packaging
into food in excess amount of the legal limit, while it can preserve the The transparency of the glass can make the consumers see the
food properties as well, such as taste, smell, crispness and other product inside. In addition, the color of the glass can also be designed
properties. However, food grade packaging does not mean that the to prevent light. And most importantly, glass is an eco-friendly material
packaging can be eaten. because it can be reused and recycled. However, glass has some
The Properties of Food Grade Packaging disadvantages as same as other packaging. Although the glass is
1. Sufficient for Food Safety Good packaging is not only quite lean, the weight is still high, which affects the higher transportation
functionality including protection, storage, loading, transportation, sales, costs. In addition, there are some concerns of glass packaging that
marketing and service. If it is a package used for contacting food directly, is fragile, susceptible to breakage easily due to internal pressure,
the more important is the safety of the packaging that will not adversely crash, or heat shock.
the health or quality of the food. Metal - Metal is a packaging that has a variety in all forms. Metals
2. Suitability for Functionality The limitation of some kind of foods are excellent packaging with physical damage prevention, while it
can affect the selection of materials used for packaging, such as foods has permeability of air and vapor properties. It can be forming and
that are acidic, alkaline, have alcohol combination, oily food, frozen food, decorating, while the materials can be recycled. This packaging is
food that needs to be heated by microwave, and foods that are packed accepted among consumers. Two popular metals are used to make
while it is still hot. This is because some materials are not suitable for packaging including steel and aluminum
acidic foods, as well as lead in ceramics, galvanized metal, copper and Aluminum – Aluminum is often use for making can, foil coated
copper alloys. paper, and foil. Aluminum is a white silver metal which has lightweight
derived from aluminum ore combined with oxygen and become
Packaging Selection alumina. It is often adding magnesium and manganese to increase
Plastic - Plastic used in food packaging or must contact to food must strength properties. Aluminum is resistant to almost all types of
be safe for consumers. It can be observed from the numbers in the corrosion, which is different from some metals. Normally, aluminum
emblem. Generally, the remark will be put in the bottom of the container oxide coating is good for the preventing of air, temperature, humidity
or packaging. The numbers show the materials use for making the and chemical. Besides its qualification to prevent air, odor, moisture,
packaging as follows. light and microorganism, aluminum is also flexible, softness, able to
General plastic, which are considered safe for food and beverages mold, embossed ability. Pure aluminum is used to make the lighter
are included # 2 HDPE (high density polyethylene), # 4 LDPE (low density for soft drinks can, pet food cans, and with pre threaded bottle caps.
polyethylene), # 5 PP (Polypropylene) The disadvantage of aluminum is high price. Compared to other
Plastic water bottles or beverage containers are # 1 PETE metals, it cannot be welded, therefore aluminum can produce only
(Polyethylene Terephthalate), which use for general water, soda and seamless packaging.
bottle juice that are not designed for reuse because bacteria could be Aluminum Foil – Made from pure aluminum in thin sheets, then
contaminated. It must be cleaned before reusing (But not recommended). melting. Aluminum foil has thick and very thick properties. Thin foil is
Plastics that are at risk, not safe for foods and beverages as they used for wrapping food, while thick foil is used for making food trays.
may have harmful ingredients, such as # 3 PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) Like aluminum, aluminum foil has excellent protective properties for
which have carcinogens during production and burning, # 6 PS air, odor, moisture, light and microorganism without requiring coating
(Polystyrene) may have carcinogens, # 7 Other (generally refers to or other protection. Although aluminum can be recycled, its
polycarbonate, sometimes using an emblem (PC) and may detect BPA disadvantage is that it can easily create pin hole.
(Bisphenol-A), which is also a carcinogen. Laminated Foil and Metalized Foil - Laminated foil on paper or
However, the type of plastic that is safe for food in accordance to plastic can improve packaging properties. Although the foil-based
Regulation: 21CFR177 can be summarized as follows. coating will make the sealing properties, it cannot prevent moisture
• Appropriate for use under GMP standards or air completely, while the price is quite high. Therefore, it is often
• Does not leak or melt by testing methods suitable for plastics used for making high-value packaging such as dried-herb soup,
• Does not contain over amount of hazardous materials or spices. One of the alternatives for cheaper packaging is a metal foil,
substances such as heavy metals which is a coating of aluminum vapor on the plastic layer. These films
• Non-contamination of fundamental level such as microbiology have the ability to prevent moisture permeability, oil, air, odor and
• Non-contamination in food from packaging material under the reflective surfaces of aluminum, making it attractive to consumers. It
specified conditions of that type of packaging has more flexibility than other laminated films, and popularly use as
Glass - Glass has a long history among food packaging because it packaging for snacks.
is an odorless and inert chemical packaging with almost all food products. Tinplate - Made of low carbon steel (black plate). Tinplate is
Glass has many advantages for using as food packaging. It is usually coated by tin on both sides of the black plate with having a thin layer
coated to provide lubrication in the production line and prevent or eliminate of tin coated on it. Although the tin is coated to prevent corrosion of
scratches on the surface, as well as prevent line jam. Glass coating steel, lacquer coating also helps prevent metal from reacting with
process to increase strength and reduce the chance of cracking, better food. Besides the properties of gas, vapor, light and odor protection,
resistance to cracking, so we can use lean glass which has lower weight tin coating can be used in high heat disinfection processes because
for transportation and for disposal (McKown 2000). The advantages of of its toughness and good molding. Therefore, it popularly uses with
glass packaging are to prevent the permeability of gases and steam. many products such as drinks, canned food, powdered food, aerosols,
Therefore, it can maintain the freshness of food products for a long time starch foods due to the relatively low price than aluminum cans. It is
without affecting taste and odor. quite popular and can also make into many shapes.
Moreover, glass is resistant to food production processes that require Tin Free Plate - Or chromium / chromium oxide coated steel. The
high heat and can be used for both low acid and high acid foods. The steel must be coated to prevent corrosion. This tin-free plate is not
glass is hard, so it is a good insulator and can produce into many shapes. suitable for welding but has the properties to stick of color or ink, or
lacquer. Tinplate and tin-free plate have good molding properties and
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