Page 42 - FoodFocusThailand No.164 November 2019
P. 42
Familiar Meal with New Twists
Over the course of 43 years, Kasemchai Food, which set out as an egg farm with just 800 ducks, has
expanded its business into the layer business, specifically in 1992, and then into the freshwater-fish-breeding
as well as food manufacturing sectors. Currently, the company specializes in a full-service livestock business.
Thanks to its vision and determination in acquiring a leading position in the egg-based food market through
its research and development programs and cutting-edge technology with an objective of providing Thai
consumers with the nutrition of highest quality. And in so doing, Kasemchai Food has now become one of
the kingpins of the layer business…a great source of protein for the world’s population.
In 2018, the layer business was rattled by quite a series of nutrients, especially quality protein with affordable price. Apart from
problems: a huge number of hens being retired from egg production, making common dishes such as omelets and fried, boiled, or
egg prices dropping to subpar levels, and farmers consequently steamed eggs, there are some other equally interesting ways to add
facing more than a year of deficit. Nevertheless, thanks to the extra value to eggs such as turning them into salted egg yolk powder.
collaborative efforts from all parties, such as the government Kasemchai Food has made further use of the salted egg yolk powder
agencies and small, middle, and well-established entrepreneurs by adding it to a brand of salted egg fish skin, Penguin’s Secret,
from the private sector, that promptly embraced the countermeasures produced by oil-free air frying process. The powder is also used to
proposed by the Department of Livestock Development, the Ministry make salted egg yolk custard for coffee and ice-cream products.
of Agriculture and Cooperatives, the prices finally experienced a Kasemchai Food currently offers a variety of egg-based products
rebound. as follows:
Mr.Sathaporn Puwijitwaraporn, Chief Executive Officer, • Fresh hen egg from the closed-system farms. The safety
Kasemchai Food Co., Ltd., commented for Food Focus Thailand standard is certified by the Department of Livestock Development
magazine that the current situation of the egg business in 2019 has while the ISO 9001:2000 and HACCP certifications guarantee the
improved from the previous year because the government has quality in each step such as the selection of healthy chicks and the
adjusted its farmer-support strategies regarding, for example, the control process in every stage of a hen’s life cycle until its retirement.
control of the number of breeding hens and chickens and the The aim is to produce quality eggs as per consumers’ demands.
attempts to promote egg exports, which resulted in more stabilized The processes of egg collection, sizing, and quality control are also
prices with a possibility of further growth. closely monitored so that consumers can be confident that every
“From the beginning of 2019 to April, approximately 100 egg is fresh, clean, and disease-free.
containers of eggs were exported per month, about 25-30% of which • Fresh hen egg from free-range hens fed with quality feed free
were the eggs from Kasemchai Food. And there were around 135,000 from chemicals and hormone-inducing substances. The healthy,
eggs per container.”, said Mr.Sathaporn. He also added that happy, and stress-free hens can produce naturally nutritious and
Kasemchai Food has modified its business model by encouraging delicious eggs with thick white, round yolk, and good smell.
its partnered farmers to set up their own contracted local farms with • Fresh duck egg from free-range and stress-free ducks raised
approximately 300,000-500,000 egg hens while the company will in ideal environments. The farming quality control is carried out and
provide them with the feed to ensure standard quality of the eggs. ducks are well taken care of in every stage of its life cycle in a joint
Additionally, the company also has its own farms with around 1.6-2 effort with the local duck farmers in Bang Len district, Nakhon
million hens in total. Pathom, thus resulting in strong and healthy ducks producing quality,
It is well known that egg is easy to cook, convenient, and can large, and highly nutritious eggs.
also be creatively turned into many different dishes. It is full of • Quality boiled salted duck egg. The eggs undergo a salting
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