Page 47 - FoodFocusThailand No.164 November 2019
P. 47

                                                                                        STRENGTHEN THE PACKAGINGGTHEN THE PACKAGING

                     ยกตัวอย่างเช่น ฟิล์มที่บริเวณฝาซึ่งสามารถซีลซ�้าได้  ถูกออกแบบให้มี
                  คุณสมบัติที่หลากหลาย ทั้งการดัดแปรบรรยากาศให้มี CO  สูง และ O  ต�่า
                  การปรับความชื้นให้อยู่ในช่วง 90-95% และควบคุมการควบแน่น หรือควบคุม
                  ไม่ให้มีการปลดปล่อยความชื้นออกมามากเกินไป จากการทดสอบในห้องปฏิบัติการ
                  พบว่าฟิล์มดังกล่าวมีคุณสมบัติที่ดี โดยสามารถยืดอายุการเก็บรักษาผลเชอร์รี่สด
                  ได้มากกว่า 35 วัน
                     นอกจากนี้ ยังมีการออกแบบถาดอลูมิเนียมบรรจุผลิตภัณฑ์สัตว์ปีก  ร่วมกับ
                  การใช้เทคโนโลยีการบรรจุแบบดัดแปรบรรยากาศ ซึ่งช่วยให้ลูกค้าสามารถน�าถาด
                  ดังกล่าวไปให้ความร้อนโดยไม่ต้องสัมผัสกับผลิตภัณฑ์สัตว์ปีกเลย เพียงฉีก
                  ฟิล์มพลาสติก น�าไก่และถาดอลูมิเนียมใส่ในเตาอบได้โดยตรง หลังจากที่ถาด
                  ผ่านความร้อนแล้วยังสามารถน�าไปรีไซเคิลได้ 100% อีกด้วย

                  Novel Packaging

                  for Extending Shelf Life

                  Every consumer at one point or another has struggled with the limitations of food and beverage packaging.
                  Picture it: coming home and opening the refrigerator intending to use those beautiful bell peppers to satisfy
                  the fajita craving, but upon peering into the produce drawer, there’s a mouldy mess where peppers should
                  be. Guess it will have to be takeout again.

                     Solving such a problem would be any packaging producer’s   contents. Packaging solution company , for example, has designed
                  dream: consumers choose your product (or your client’s product)   and provided seafood packaging trays which utilise recyclable
                  again and again knowing that their food will remain fresh and usable   polypropylene with an integrated superabsorbent polymer in the wells
                  longer than the others on the shelf. While it sounds like a pipe dream,   at the bottom of the tray. The company says that it can extend the
                  advancements in the area of extending shelf life reach ever-closer   shelf life of seafood by at least 50%.
                  to such an ideal.
                                                                        Old Dog, New Tricks
                  Naturally Derived Packaging Components                Perhaps the most innovative recent developments in packaging involve
                  Across many industries, there is a general push toward food- and   taking a fresh look at old technologies like modified atmosphere
                  plant-based additives. Interestingly, this is a growing trend within   packaging (MAP).
                  food and beverage packaging, though not only due to customer   A resealable lidding film  designed to produce several combined
                  demand. Often, food-based additives and packaging have an easier   effects: modified atmosphere (high CO and low O ), modified humidity
                  time gaining regulatory approval or may already be approved for   (90-95%), and condensation control (release of excess moisture). It
                  use in food, as in the case of essential oils- categorised as GRAS   has been successfully utilised in laboratory tests to prolong the shelflife
                  (Generally Recognised as Safe) by both the USDA and the European   of fresh cherries (>35 days).
                  Council.                                                 In a different approach, MAP together with a specially designed
                     This label made essential oils derived from plants like oregano   aluminium poultry tray  has been developed, wherein customers can
                  and thyme ideal candidates for inclusion into halloysite nanotube   cook the packaged chicken without ever having to touch the chicken
                  (HNT)-infused packaging . The HNT’s, composed of aluminium and   itself: they can simply peel back the plastic film and place the chicken
                  silicon, act as ethylene absorbers to prevent excessive ripening.   and aluminium tray directly in the oven to cook. After cooking, the tray
                  When the antimicrobial properties of essential oils were added to   is 100% recyclable.
                  the composition, the shelf life of bread was extended by three weeks.
                     A Research Center  utilised phenolics extracted from mango
                  peels for reduced bacterial activity in food items. In research tests,   ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม/Additional Information
                  the lifespan of minced chicken was extended by 10 days under   1   NanoPack’s halloysite nanotube (HNT)-infused packaging.
                  refrigeration combined with a decreased ethylene production rate.   2   The Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) utilised phenolics extracted from
                  Films in the test were also characterised by improved UV-blocking     mango peels for reduced bacterial activity in food items.
                                                                           Maxwell Chase has designed and provide SeaWell Seafood packaging.
                  properties and higher tensile strength.                4    StePac has recently partnered with Tadbik, Ltd. to produce a resealable lidding film.
                                                                         5   Advanta utilised MAP together with a specially designed aluminium poultry tray.
                  Novel Packaging Additives
                  Moisture absorbers are used in active packaging to control excess   เอกสารอ้างอิง/Reference
                  water accumulation in packages for food with naturally high moisture

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