Page 37 - FoodFocusThailand No.165 December 2019
P. 37


                      Come-up Time  Other than the         In this example, it was found that random swollen cans can be occurred by various
                      come-up time, the drain and the vent   reasons. These examples are just a few of what really happens in the food industry.
                 4pipe closing as the time scheduled,   Consequently, the food safety team must analyze and evaluate the circumstance by collecting
                 equally important to consider is the main   statistical data, microbial and chemical validation as well as process experiments, find out
                 steam pressure and the number of the batch   and solve the real problem on the right spot. It may take time, but only the good collaboration
                 retorts venting the air at the same time. Yet,   of all parties to analyze the root cause is considered the most important.
                 the Temperature Distribution study specifies
                 the required minimum pressure and the   เอกสารอ้างอิง/Reference
                 number of the retorts that can venting air at   กองตรวจสอบรับรองมาตรฐานคุณภาพสัตว์น�้า และผลิตภัณฑ์สัตว์น�้า กรมประมง. 2552. สุขลักษณะในการผลิต
                 the same time. Due to the insufficient steam     ผลิตภัณฑ์ประมงบรรจุภาชนะบรรจุปิดสนิท.
                 pressure, the air in the retorts cannot
                 completely vent and become an insulating   กระทรวงสาธารณสุข. 2556. ประกาศกระทรวงสาธารณสุข (ฉบับที่ 349) พ.ศ.2556 เรื่อง วิธีการผลิต เครื่องมือ
                 barrier covering the products in that area,     เครื่องใช้ในการผลิต และการเก็บรักษาอาหารในภาชนะบรรจุที่ปิดสนิท ชนิดที่มีความเป็นกรดต�่า และชนิดที่ปรับกรด.
                 resulting in an incomplete sterilization.  ปุณิกา ภ., มหาวิทยาลัยราชมงคลธัญบุรี. 2550. การวิจัยและพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์ยอดมะพร้าว
                    Case study analysis: Insufficient steam     อ่อนบรรจุกระป๋อง.
                 in the venting process or too many more   ส�านักอาหาร ส�านักงานคณะกรรมการอาหารและยา กระทรวงสาธารณสุข. 2556. คู่มือการตรวจสถานที่ตาม
                 retorts than specified were venting at the same     หลักเกณฑ์วิธีการที่ดีในการผลิตอาหาร ในภาชนะบรรจุที่ปิดสนิทชนิดที่มีความเป็นกรดต�่า และชนิดที่ปรับกรด.
                 time cause an incomplete air venting, or the
                 obstruction of venting pipes or steam spreader
                 results the steam not been fully released.
                    Case  study,  corrective  action:
                 Thoroughly checking and monitoring the
                 pressure of the main steam pipes and
                 controlling the number of retorts at the venting
                 process, inspecting the condition of the retort
                 equipment as planned, such as draining pipes,
                 venting pipes, fouling in steam spreader, etc.
                      Sterilization Temperature and
                      Time These two values   are the main
                 5controls that the retort controller has to
                 monitor regularly. Generally, the time and
                 temperature can be set automatically. The
                 retort controller, however, has to supervise a
                 temperature of MIG Thermometer compared
                 to  the  temperature  cont r oller  and  the
                 temperature on the graph recorder together
                 with the appropriate record. In the circumstance
                 that the steam pressure goes downward and
                 the sterilization temperature falls, the controller
                 must use an alternative process which is
                 defined by the process authority only and also
                 hold products for further inspection as well. If
                 the temperature or time of sterilization is not
                 complying with the standards, it often results
                 in damage to the entire load, so that they are
                 not the main reasons for random swelling.

                      The Cooling Process Once the
                      sterilization process is achieved, the
                 6product then is at the most sensitive
                 condition.  Due  to  an  accumulated  heat
                 remaining in the can, the rubber compound
                 of  can  lid  can  be  shrunk  and  vacuum
                 conditions occurred inside the cans, in which
                 can cause the microbes breakout. Therefore,
                 the amount of residual chlorine in the water
                 used for cooling must be controlled so as the
                 time and temperature of the cooling process.
                 Using too much time assists Mesophilic
                 organism to form spores that grow best in
                 suitable condition and a rust stain probably
                 occurs on the surface of the cans. In cases
                 where the temperature or cooling time or the
                 chlorine content does not meet the standard
                 requirements, the damage often takes place
                 on a whole lot of product and that may not be
                 presumed to be the main cause of random
                 swelling incident.
                                                                                                  DEC   2019 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  37

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