Page 32 - FoodFocusThailand No.165 December 2019
P. 32

            SMART PRODUCTI

                          Advanced Food Processing Technology

                          Thermal Food Processing Technology

             For advanced food processing technology part II, thermal processing technologies including Pressure Assisted
            Temperature Sterilization (PATS), Ohmic Heating (OH) and microwave heating are discussed. These technologies
            have been introduced to produce safer, higher quality and healthier food products which can be shelf stable.

            Thermal Food Processing Technology                      electric  field  strength  and  electric  conductivity. The  electrical
               • High Pressure Sterilization (HPS) or Pressure Assisted   conductivity increases with temperature resulting in the increase in
            Temperature Sterilization (PATS) As already mentioned in the 1 part,   heating rate. For solid-liquid mixture foods, heating uniformity can be
            HPP is cold pasteurization and insufficient to inactivate microbial spores;   achieved when the electrical conductivity of solid and liquid is in the
            therefore, the combination of HPP and heat called Pressure Assisted   same range. Ohmic heating inactivates vegetative cells and spores
            Thermal Processing (PATP) or Pressure Assisted  Temperature   due to the nature thermal effect. However, many researches indicate
            Sterilization (PATS) or High Pressure Sterilization (HPS) is developed   that the microbial death is caused by electrical effect.
            to produce shelf-stable foods. Food products are preheated to 75-90  C   Ohmic heating has been used in food industries throughout the
            prior to transferring the products to HPP at 500-700 MPa with the target   world such as USA, Italy, England, Japan, Mexico and France
            temperature of 90-120  C  for 3-10 min (Balasubramaniam et al., 2015).   (Kamonpatana et al., 2013; Yildiz-Turp et al., 2013) the form of
            With a lower temperature and shorter processing time, PATP shows the   continuous flow ohmic heating system. Therefore, OH is appropriate
            potential to preserve foods with better quality and value compared to the   to preserve liquid foods and solid-liquid foods including soup, fruit
            conventional heating. In 2009 mashed potatoes processed by PATP was   juice, milk, yoghurt, sauce, egg, vegetable side dishes and ready-to-
            approved by the FDA. Although the food products processed by PATP   eat packaged foods.
            have been not commercially available, PATP shows great potential for   Since liquid foods containing large chunks or unflowable foods
            the production of shelf stable low-acid foods with high quality and might   such as sausage or rice cannot be processed through the continuous
            be worldwide used in the future.                        flow ohmic heating system, ohmic assisted-thermal sterilization system
               • Ohmic Heating (OH) Ohmic heating is a thermal processing in   has been recently introduced and developed by a researcher from
            which alternating electrical current passes through food products. Heat   Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University. This system can
            is uniformly and rapidly generated within the products as a function of   produce safe foods for pasteurization and sterilization with a shorter
             32  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  DEC   2019

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