Page 42 - FoodFocusThailand No.173 August 2020
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            STRATEGIC R&D
            plant-based polysaccharide into SCFAs. This occurrence is a result of altered   in eating behaviors and ingesting probiotics or microbial metabolites such
            eating patterns such as more consumption of processed foods,   as SCFAs, oligosaccharides, and dietary fibers. These nutrients promote
            carbohydrates, and fats as well as lower intake of dietary fibers than the   the growth of gut microbiota, which will contribute to a greater diversity
            recommended amount of 30 milligrams per day. Indigestible dietary fibers   of microorganisms and beneficial health implications.
            will be fermented by intestinal microorganisms where they can thrive and   Gut health is associated with the health of benign microbes in the
            produce SCFAs  that  will,  in turn,  produce  immunoglobulin A and   body. In other words, they must thrive well and enjoy a high degree of
            immunosuppressive cytokines with anti-inflammatory properties. There is   diversity.
            a correlation between the consumption of low-fiber foods and the decrease
            in SCFAs generated by gut microorganisms. High-fiber foods help maintain  7 Signs of Poor Gut Health
            a healthy colony of the SCFAs-generating microbiota. For example, butyrate   1. Upset stomach, diarrhea, abdominal distension, flatus, and
            is one of the SCFAs in the colon that has multiple beneficial properties. It   acid reflux are signs of poor gut health. A balanced quantity of intestinal
            acts as an energy source for epithelial cells of the colon, strengthens   microbiota will help eliminate these problems as the undesirable factors
            immunity, and prevents intestinal inflammations. The decline in Butyrate-  are removed as body waste.
            producing bacteria is associated with a lower level of insulin sensitivity and   2. The consumption of high-sugar processed foods, which reduces
            a higher risk for obesity. It may also induce the occurrence of Type-2 diabetes.   the size of gut microbiome, leads to an imbalance that may induce craving
            Intestinal microorganisms can, therefore, be used as a biomarker to predict   for more sugar-rich foods. This is especially true with regards to the
            the initial symptoms of Type-2 diabetes. Studies have found that children   consumption of high-fructose corn syrup, which will perpetuate the cycle
            at risk for Type-1 diabetes tend to have lower diversity and number of gut   of reductive effects on benign microbes, thus resulting in inflammatory
            microorganisms than healthy counterparts.              conditions that may cause other chronic diseases or even cancer.
                                                                      3. Changes in weight without known causes, and do not change
            The Relationship between Gut Microbiota, Stress, and   diets, may indicate poor gut health as an imbalance of gut microbes may
            Mental Health Stress can have multiple physiological implications on   obstruct the body’s absorbability of nutrients and consequently stimulate
            the GI tract such as changes in the peristaltic movement of the intestines,   craving. As a result, the affected individual may feel the urge to eat more,
            the nutrient absorption, and the conditions of gut microbiota. Studies have   gain weight, acquire higher blood sugar, develop insulin resistance, and
            revealed that individuals with mental stress may experience undesirable   experience fat accumulation.
            changes in intestinal microorganisms, thus resulting in a higher level of   4. Insomnia and chronic fatigue syndrome can occur when
            cytokines which can lead to vagus nerve stimulation, heightened risks of   serotonin, a sleep- and emotion-related hormone produced in the
            mental disorders, and onset of depression. In an experiment, the lab rats   intestines, is unfavorably affected by poor gut health. Insomnia is found
            that were administered microorganisms such as Campylobacter jenuni and   to be associated with increased risks of fibromyalgia.
            E.coli (bacteria that cause foodborne disease) exhibited a heightened level   5. Skin irritation or skin diseases such as psoriasis is associated
            of anxiety while those that received probiotic microorganisms such as   with worsened gut health. Intestinal inflammation due to food allergy or
            Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. showed a milder degree of   poor nutrition may cause protein to leak into the body, thus inducing skin
            agitation and depressive behaviors.                    irritation or even psoriasis.
               In a study, probiotics or prebiotics were implemented to treat mental   6. Autoimmune diseases, as a result of an imbalance of gut microbes,
            conditions in human patients. The administration of the probiotic bacterial   may make the immune system attack the body instead of targeting the
            species like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium resulted in reduced levels of   intruding pathogens.
            mental stress, hostility, anxiety, and depression in comparison with a placebo-  7. Food intolerances, such as lactose intolerances in adults, involve
            control group.                                         difficulties in digesting certain foods and may be caused by malignant gut
                                                                   bacteria that prevent the digestion of specific nutrients, thus inducing
            The Relationship between Autism Spectrum Disorder      undesirable symptoms such as abdominal distension, flatulence, stomach
            and Gut Microbiota Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition   pain, and vomit.
            that can occur in 1 out of 59 children at the age of 8. Patients with this socio-
            behavioral disorder can be associated with intestinal inflammations and  7 Suggestions for Healthy Gut
            abnormalities. Gut microbiome can aggravate the symptoms of ASD and   1. Reduce stress levels through meditation and massage. Spend
            eventually cause the ASD itself. According to a study, intestinal   quality time with friends, relatives, and family. Inhale essential oils and
            microorganisms in autistic patients are different from those found in normal   enjoy the company of pets.
            individuals, and this phenomenon adversely affects the development and   2. Get sufficient hours of sleep. A minimum sleep of 7-8 hours is
            functions of the neurological system via the production of metabolites that   recommended.
            have specific implications on the neurological activities. SCFAs produced   3. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. In so doing, the digestion and
            by these microbes, in especial, hamper the full development and functional   absorption of nutrients will be more effective, thus enhancing gut health.
            activities of microglia, which are cells that have multiple functions in the   4. Drink water regularly. Water helps lubricate the gastrointestinal
            brain such as phagocytosis of pathogens and removal of cell debris. The   epithelium, thus maintaining a balanced level of benign gut microbiota
            overactivation of microglia in ASD patients can produce inflammatory effects   that contributes to good gut health.
            on the neurological system and obstruct the full development thereof, thus   5. Consume prebiotics and probiotics. Adding prebiotics and
            leading to abnormalities in learning abilities and behaviors.    probiotics in foods will improve gut health. Prebiotics are foods that promote
                                                                   the growth of benign gut bacteria.
            Osteoporosis and Gut Microbiota Bone is a dynamic organ that   6. Avoid foods that cause intolerance. If a certain type of food
            oscillates between the equilibrium of osteoblasts and osteoclasts to maintain   causes flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or vomit, avoid that food and
            its normal functions. The imbalance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts   change your eating behaviors.
            will lead to bone-related issues. Bones are an important system in the human   7. Eat differently. Consume less processed, high-sugar, or fatty foods.
            body, and the stable maintenance of optimum bone conditions is associated   Eat more plant-based foods and lean protein. High-fiber foods play an
            with intestinal microorganisms that have significant implications on nutrient   important role in promoting good health of intestinal microorganisms.
            absorption. For example, a higher concentration of probiotics such as
            Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in the small intestine helps improve the  4 Types of Foods for Healthy Gut
            absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which can enhance   1. Foods rich in dietary fibers such as beans, oats, bananas, berries,
            bone density. In addition, gut flora also affects the intestinal pH level, which   broccolis, and carrots.
            is essential to the absorption of calcium. Intestinal microbiota can also help   2. Garlics and onions have immunity-boosting and cancer-preventing
            synthesize vitamins B and K and affect bile acid metabolism, all of which   properties.
            are vital to bone health. Bile acids play an important role in regulating the   3. Fermented foods, such as yogurt, kimchi, and fermented cabbage,
            calcium absorption. Gut microbiota help break down large-molecule nutrients   are a good source of probiotics.
            into smaller, easily absorbable molecular components, thus slowing down   4. High-collagen foods, such as bone broth, are good for the intestines
            the process of osteoporosis and increasing bone density.        and general health.
               Intestinal microbes facilitate the fermentation of indigestible dietary fibers   The intestines are unexpectedly more complex, and they have direct
            and the production of SCFAs, which help increase bone mass and stimulate   implications on our health in general. Healthy gut can improve our immunity
            the metabolism of osteocytes. In an experiment, SCFAs and high-fiber diets   system, heart, brain, emotion, sleep, and digestion. It also helps prevent
            were administered to lab rats, and the result showed that the subjects   cancer and autoimmune diseases. Changes in behaviors, such as eating
            consequently acquired a notably higher level of bone mass, thus preventing   patterns, sleeping, and exercising, will produce positive impacts on gut
            the loss thereof and alleviating osteoporosis.         and overall health.
               A healthy balance of gut microbiota can be achieved by effecting changes
             42 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  AUG  2020

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