Page 48 - FoodFocusThailand No.173 August 2020
P. 48
The Importance of the Global Standard
on Packaging for Cross-Border
Transport and Logistic Services Providers play a
significant role in today’s supply chain in managing
the internal and external goods flows for retailers,
manufacturers and material suppliers. Thus, the
messages on the Label of packages or pallets are
very important to deliver the information of the goods
among all parties in supply chain.
The label on pallets and packages provides many purposes. It can include extra information about the logistic unit that is not encoded in
be used by marketers to encourage buyers to purchase a product, or it the barcode(s).
can play an important role for reducing the security risks of shipment. 2. The middle building block: contains non-HRI text reflecting
Most likely, pallet and package labels are showcasing the messages of the information represented in the barcode(s) using data titles rather
how to use, transport, recycle, or dispose of the package or product. than AIs, and optionally additional information not represented in
GS1 introducing the standards of logistic label to attaching on pallets barcodes (preferably including data titles). Also, a GS1 2D barcode,
and packages of combining barcodes and texts to contain the necessary if it is used, should be placed to the right of the non-HRI text including
messages with the very limited space to fulfill the needs of the parties data titles within the middle building block.
in supply chain. 3. The bottom building block: contains the barcode(s) including
HRI, and it is mandatory.
The Importance of the Standard for Delivering
the Packages Label Placement on Larger Logistic Units in
In many of these relationships, trading partners are faced with different GS1 Standards
business processes, different identification solutions. Therefore, GS1 For all types of pallets, the barcodes shall be positioned between 400
recommends global standard solutions, which make the different mm and 800 mm from the base of the pallet. For pallet less than 400
functions of capture and automatic information processing operations mm high, the barcode shall be placed as high as possible while
easier. protecting the barcode. The symbol including its Quiet Zones, shall
In the Transport & Logistics industry, it involves the movement of be at least 50 mm from any vertical edge to avoid damage.
goods using multiple transport modes, GS1 offers the standard of the Each logistic unit should at the minimum have one label. For
GS1 Logistic Label to help accomplish the complex logistics flows and pallets it is recommended that two sides of the item are labelled the
the variety of involved parties imply there is a need for easy physical exact same data, to ensure one label is always visible.
identification of logistic units.
Layout of the Label in GS1 Standards Packaging and labeling are very important not only for the parties in
The information included on a GS1 Logistic Label comes in two basic supply chain, but also for the consumers. Packaging involves most
forms: likely the messages to consumers such as physical
• Information to be recognized by protection, barrier protection, containment or
people: This is comprised of GS1 Human agglomeration, marketing, security, convenience or
Readable Interpretation (HRI), non-HRI text portion control. Labeling is more involving into business
and graphics. partners in supply chain such as brand identification,
• Information designed for data capture good’s description, and promotion.
by a machine: Barcodes. GS1 provides the global standards to assist the
The Serial Shipping Container Code packaging and labeling to deliver the messages clearly
(SSCC), the one of GS1 keys, is the single and efficiently to whether consumers or business
mandatory element for all GS1 Logistic partners. It also will help importers and exporters to
Labels. Other information, when needed, shall speed up capture and share the data among the parties
comply with the specifications in this document in supply chain.
and with the proper use of GS1 Application
Identifiers (AIs). A distinction is made between
the types of data communicated on the
Logistic label. There are three building blocks:
1. The top building block: contains รูปที่ 3 ตัวอย่างของฉลากสินค้าบนพาเลท
anything including text and graphics. This may Figure 3 Example of Label on Pallets
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