Page 84 - FoodFocusThailand No.173 August 2020
P. 84


            Digitalization in Food Industry

            Since the CIP concept was introduced to food industry in 1957, extensive efforts have been invested in developing
            and refining its system’s hardware and design. Some were allotted on the advancement of programing and
            PLC to improve the level of automation.

               All works are to fulfill the 2 important requirements to achieve optimum   CIP’s Innovative Digital Program 1
            and repeatable cleaning result                         Innovative digital program  that will rationalize your CIP raw data can
               1) Hygienic Design                                  give below benefits to the industry;
               2) Sinner’s Circle or 4 T’s:                           • Better Visibility: Enables a better real time visibility across critical
               • The flow – mechanical action (Turbulence)         unit operations, and everything is within your fingertips i.e.  How many
               • The temperature – right temperature for better chemical reaction   runs yesterday? How many is good run? Why is it a bad run?
            (Temperature)                                             • Operational Integrity and Predictability: Better digital data
               • The concentration – optimum chemical concentration (Titration)  quality rather than manual data gathering helps to protect data’s
               • The time – optimum time for each set/ process (Time)  integrity and predict estimated trends for operations.
                                                                      • Enabling Proactive Action: Trend Patterns for continuous
               Throughout the years, data acquisition program has been part of the   monitoring can enable early corrective actions.
            development. However, the progress has been slow and at some point,   • Scalability with operations: Future proof Digital Platform which
            it went idle in the trend chart, so it has not been appreciated by the industry.   can scale up as operations are enhanced as well. Future refinement
               Most of the time, the industry did not really, was not willing or never   and updates to the Digital Platform can be implemented with relative
            bothered at all to take further step to invest on the resources for capturing   ease, just like apps on our smart phones.
            additional CIP data and making it available. This is the result of industry’s   • Optimisation Potential: Based on the collected data, it is
            belief that the ROI is not enough to justify the investment. In turn, we   potentially that there would be several optimisation potentials.
            settle on manual recording by worker and limit the availability of data that   • Technical Expertise & Support: As with complete offerings, this
            will help the plant make good judgment.                Digital Platform comes with the full support of the extensive technical
               Deliberately concluding, the industry limits necessary CIP data on 4   expertise in Cleaning & Sanitation as well as Utilities.
            T’s, which is inefficient to generate important decision and understand   • 24 X 7 Monitoring: The system will monitor and benchmarking
            their CIP performance. The limited CIP information only satisfies their   the pre-set parameter for every CIP; and will email alerting if the run
            compliance to the certification’s requirement. The scenario can be best   is not compliance with the parameter. This digital platform also offer
            illustrated by Picture below.                          continuous  remote  monitoring   of  the  critical  systems  for  better
                                                                   response and action.
            Industry Perception:
               •  Data available is only what can be easily seen – the 4 T’s.
               •  Experience  said  –
            Nothing much to do with                                                          ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู/Additional Information
            the information aside from                                                         โปรแกรมดิิจิิทััลสำำ�หรับข้้อมูล CIP ทั่�ไดิ้รับ
            audit  purposes  which  is                                                         ก�รพััฒน�โดิยทั่มเทัคโนโลย่ปัญญ�
                                                                                               ประดิิษฐ์์จิ�ก Ecolab โดิยโปรแกรม
            true at some points.                                                               สำ�ม�รถสำั�งว่่� "เม่�อไรคว่รทัำ�คว่�มสำะอ�ดิ
               In fact, what you see is                                                        เม่�อไรคว่รหยุดิ และผลลัพัธ์์"
            just tip of the crop. There                                                        Digital solutions program developed
            are much more than you                                                             by ECOLAB’s AI team that will
            can  imagine.  But  the                                                            rationalize CIP raw data. This program
            question is… How can this                                                          then can tell “when to clean, when to
            data become useful to you                                                          stop and a preventive outcome base
            and  to  your  corporate                                                         2   ทั่มคว่บคุมระบบ (System Assurance
            drivers?                                                                           หร่อ SAC) อยู่ทั่�เม่องปูเน่ ประเทัศอินเดิ่ย
                                                                                               System Assurance Centre (SAC) from
                                                                                               Pune, India

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