Page 55 - FoodFocusThailand No.179 February 2021
P. 55
ดร.ไพศาล มะระพฤกษ์์วรรณ SEE THROUGH MARKET
Paisan Maraprygsavan, Ph.D.
Industrial and Service Trade Research Division
Trade Policy and Strategy Office
Ministry of Commerce Why Not Thailand?
It’s Time Thailand Led to
Food Security
and Sustainability
Thailand has a food security but not a food sustainability. It is the great
challenge for us to catch the big opportunity up ahead. Thailand has
a food security in a quite good rank around the 52 from 113 countries
around the world. From the past, Thailand’s agricultural development policy
is not just to secure food for the people in the country, but also to focus on food
exporting to generate income to the nation.
In macro level, Thailand has produced food surplus above a and devices. That drives a higher cost of service at the end. Fortunately,
domestic demand. However, the farmers in Thailand are generally King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang has recently initiated
still poor, and they have been adversely affected by the rise of material the manufacture project for medical devices to cut down some importing.
and production related costs. On one hand, the rising of production The ability to make its own equipment can assure a security and
costs inevitably declines the net profit at the end. Thus, the impact sustainability of health care business in Thailand.
could drive some labors out of the agricultural to other sectors where
their efforts can make a better return. As the last result, the farmers Opinions/Suggestions
may unfortunately leave their lands behind. The lack of labors will 1. Why can’t Thailand produce a high-quality food by ourselves?
finally shake an uncertainty in supply side which becomes a food For example, whey with a high-quality protein is suitable for many patients
security issue in the future. On the other hand, the demand side has and elderly to strengthen their bodies. This high-profile substance can
shown an arisen sign. There are several indicators of the global market be made from deep sea fish and white egg which are obtainable by
demands in both quantity and quality needs such as: domestic production or neighborhood. However, the country today still
1. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development imports whey from outside. Would it be possible to promote the market-
(OECD), World Trade Organization (WTO), Food and Agriculture driven food industry in similar model of medical device?
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and World Health 2. In China, the key success in developing various industries is
Organization (WHO) all show the similar view on the risk of global derived by the concept of Business Incubation. There are three important
food crisis in 2021 when the global food supply chains were affected parts in equation. 1) Innovative startups who have good ideas but lack
by the COVID-19 situation earlier. of funds 2) Academic experts who understand the market-driven concept,
2. Many countries around the world including Thailand are entering and have research & development information on-hand, and 3) Venture
into an aging society which all high-quality foods are required. Capitals who have funds to invest. The last important piece is the
3. The demand for good health care is stronger to reduce the risk government who can create an ecosystem to drive the sustainability in
of COVID-19 infection. business incubation, for instance, by supporting incentives to Venture
The above observational factors suggest that the agricultural Capitals to step in a business incubation process.
sector must be now developed by a market-driven to ensure a food 3. China is currently the number one investor in Thailand who also
security and sustainability. comes in with the innovation. Therefore, business incubation in food
Thailand has many unique advantages, but yet it still be shadowed industry can possibly be successful to grow exponentially in Thailand.
by an incompetency. For instance, Thailand is the hub of healthcare It is time Thailand learned from the neighbors to construct a food
business, but yet the country is incompetent to produce all medical security and sustainability for our future.
devices. The country still depends on importing expensive equipment
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