Page 34 - FoodFocusThailand No.194 May 2022
P. 34
Soybean Products
from Traditional
Use to Modern Applications
According to global experts, food security is a critical issue products like sausages, baked goods, mayonnaise, and dressing. By
with severe consequences in the future, and therefore, comparison, the lecithin content of dry soybean ranges from 1.48 to
3.08%, while fresh hen eggs contain about 2.94% . In food production,
reformation is urgently required to sustain our food soy protein also helps to improve gelling and stabilize emulsion. When
consumption. From the beginning of human civilization, used in extruded processes for dry texturized vegetable protein and
meat has played a vital role in acquiring proteins and other meat analogues, soy protein, which is high in fiber, can even enhance
the texture and juiciness of the products. In the market, soy protein
nutrients. But rather alarmingly, at current and projected is available in a variety of forms, each with its own set of properties
consumption rates, meat production will be insufficient and applications.
by 2050. Soy protein concentrates and isolates are the most commonly
used ingredients for sausages, burgers, and meat analogues due to
their rather strong taste and beany aroma. Soy milk and defatted soy
By that time, global meat consumption is expected to reach between flour, on the other hand, are preferred for food products that claim to
460 million and 570 million tons, or roughly twice as much as in 2008 . be high in protein. They are frequently used as a substitute for eggs
Moreover, the high demand for animal products and increased consumption or dairy products as well, because they do not significantly alter the
also pose a great risk to the environment, including land, water, pollution, flavor or aroma and are widely accepted by consumers.
greenhouse gas emissions, and endangering biodiversity. Despite rising demand, Thailand’s soybean production has been
According to the EAT-Lancet Commission, eating more plant-based declining, and our food producers are increasingly relying on imported
foods could reduce emissions from livestock production by up to 80%. As a soybean from the US, Brazil, and China. But even so, the Thai
result of that, the market for nutritional protein alternatives with comparable government continues to prohibit domestic cultivation of all transgenic
taste and texture has grown rapidly. Especially during the COVID-19 or biotech plants, including soybeans, and the country can only
pandemic, when many consumers became increasingly concerned about produce approximately 39,495 tons of soybeans per year, whereas
maintaining a healthy diet and chose to eat plant-based foods instead. As the US, Brazil, and China collectively produce 117,208,380 tons,
per the Global Burden of Disease study, proper nutrition may help prevent accounting for 60% of global production . However, this issue is a
nearly half of the cardio-metabolic deaths in the US. A plant-based diet, in complex one as many researchers still suggest that eating genetically
particular, seems to reduce all-cause mortality and the risk of obesity, type 2 modified organisms, including GMO soy, may lead to antibiotic
diabetes, and coronary heart disease, partly by effectively improving nutrient resistance and the amount of potentially beneficial isoflavones in
intake, and thereby solving the underlying health conditions that put our genetically modified soybeans may be lower . Plus, any genetically
population at such a high risk of severe COVID mortality and morbidity. modified product may pose an additional risk of allergic reactions. As
a result, it is best to avoid GMOs by purchasing only 100% organic
ตารางที่่� 1 ส่่วนผส่มของโปรตีีนที่ี�ใช้้ในเน้�อส่ัตีว์เที่ียม soy products or those labeled as non-GMO.
Table 1 Summary of already used protein ingredients for meat analogue applications.
Protein ingredient Composition (%w/w) Functionality Application in meat Role Products
Soy isolate (alkaline/ acid ~90% protein Good stability, gelling Structuring process: Protein source, texture, Burger patties, minced
precipitation treatment) and emulsification Extrusion, shear cell, binder, base for fat meat, sausages
spinning, freeze structuring substitutes, emulsifier
Soy concentrate ~70% protein Good texturization Process: Extrusion, shear Protein source, texture, Burger patties, minced
properties cell binder meat, sausages, muscle-
type products
Soy milk >45% protein, ~30% fat High solubility, good Process: Freeze Emulsifier, texture Tofu and yuba production,
(spray-dried powder) emulsification properties structuring mayonnaise, dressing
Soy flour/meal (defatted) ~43-56% protein, 0.5-9% Water binding capacity and Process: Extrusion Texture, binder Burger patties, minced
fat, fat retention, native protein meat, sausages,
~3-7% crude fiber, muscle-type products
>30% total carbohydrate
Plant-based is nothing new. The concept of animal product alternatives
as protein sources has existed since ancient times, with traditional products เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
such as soy milk. Soy milk was invented in China by Han Yi (1700 BC) and consumption-of-meat/story
was extensively consumed throughout the Qing dynasty before spreading 2 HEDAYATI, Sara; MAZAHERI TEHRANI, Mostafa. Effect of total replacement of
to Japan, Korea, the United States, and all over the world. It is one of the egg by soymilk and lecithin on physical properties of batter and cake. Food
science & nutrition, 2018, 6.4: 1154-1161.
most popular non-diary milks right now. In addition to soy milk, soybeans 3
can also be processed into other products such as soy sauce and tofu. in-2021-22
Soy has gained popularity as a plant-based protein alternative due to KYRIAKOPOULOU, Konstantina; KEPPLER, Julia K.; VAN DER GOOT, Atze Jan.
its proportional and nutritional value. It has a high level of good-quality Functionality of ingredients and additives in plant-based meat analogues. Foods,
proteins, essential amino acids, omega-3-fatty acids, dietary fibers, and 2021, 10.3: 600.
isoflavones, all of which can help prevent cardiovascular disease and colon
cancer. Besides, soy protein can be used in emulsified processes to make
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