Page 79 - FoodFocusThailand No.196 July 2022
P. 79


                     For six days from 14-19 May 2022 at Frankfurt am Main, exhibitors presented   Convinced, Excited, and Inspired The exhibitors’
                  innovations for sustainable and efficient production and packaging of meat and   booths were crowded: whether between bowl cutters, transport
                  alternative proteins. Around 50,000 trade visitors were more than satisfied with   lines, or packaging machines, in front of shelves of ingredients,
                  ‘their’ industry meeting, which took place following its usual three-year cycle,   in the butchers’ competition area, or in the IFFA Factory – visitors
                  which corresponds to the industry’s innovation cycle. Wolfgang Marzin,   were primarily interested in the haptic experience. Touching,
                  President and CEO of Messe Frankfurt, also expressed his enthusiasm: “It   smelling, tasting, seeing machines in live operation, exchanging
                  was a pleasure to walk through the halls and meet industry participants again.   personal experiences, and expanding knowledge were at the
                  An almost euphoric mood dominated IFFA. You could clearly feel how relieved   top of the agenda. At 96 percent, overall satisfaction is even
                  everyone was to finally be able to meet in person again. The industry was open   higher than at IFFA 2019 - and thus at an absolute top level.
                  to new topics and impressively demonstrated its innovative strength. The global   According to a regular visitor survey conducted by Messe
                  family reunion once again set the trends for the coming years – not least due   Frankfurt, 95 percent were satisfied with the exhibitors’ range
                  to the expansion to include alternative proteins.”          of products and services, and 96 percent said they had achieved
                                                                              their trade fair visit objectives. Despite the currently difficult
                  The industry with innovative power shows solutions for      general conditions, visitors came to Frankfurt from 129 countries.
                  tomorrow  Automation and digitalisation are the driving topics in meat and   With a total share of 72 percent international visitors, IFFA thus
                  protein processing and were at the centre of the innovations. The exhibiting   maintains its high relevance for the global industry. The top
                  industry also showed solutions and ideas for increasing energy efficiency and   visitor nations included the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Poland,
                  resource-saving production in order to achieve the EU’s target of climate   USA, Brazil, Austria, Great Britain, Switzerland, and France.
                  neutrality by 2050. As for the packaging industry, the innovations were entirely
                  in line with the slogan: “As much as necessary, as little as possible”. In addition   The IFFA Digital Extension Platform For the first
                  to recyclability, manufacturers focused on renewable raw materials: bio-based   time, IFFA was also extended into the digital space: on the IFFA
                  packaging as an alternative to plastic made from fossil raw materials points   Digital Extension platform, participants were able to contact
                  the way to a more environmentally friendly future.          each other in advance, make appointments and find out about
                                                                                                   exhibitors’ innovations even
                  Successful Premiere:                                                             before  the  fair  begun.  These
                  G reat  I n t erest  i n                                                         functions  of  the  digital  event
                  Alternative Proteins  The                                                        platform will also be available after
                  trend is toward a more conscious                                                 the IFFA onsite event until 31 May
                  cons um pt ion  of   meat .                                                      2022. And: Anyone who missed a
                  Nevertheless, many people do                                                     presentation at the IFFA Forum
                  not want to give up their usual                                                  can still watch the recordings on
                  dietary patterns. Industry and                                                   the  digital  platform  afterwards.
                  trade are therefore developing                                                   The  IFFA  Digital  Extension
                  ever more perfect plant-based                                                    recorded 12,661 accesses by the
                  alternatives – the market for meat                                               end of the show.
                  alternatives based on plants or                                                     IFFA Technology for Meat and
                  from  cell  cultures  is  growing                                                Alternative  Proteins   The  next
                  rapidly.  New  products  are                                                     IFFA will take place on May 3 - 8,
                  emerging,  which  also  means                                                    2025.
                  boosting innovation for production technology. Picking up on this trend, IFFA
                  expanded its product portfolio for the first time and focused on process
                  technology and ingredients for alternative proteins. Visitors showed great
                  interest in plant-based meat alternatives, hybrid products, and cell-cultured
                  meat – both on the exhibitors’ stands and with their participation in the event
                  programme. The conference by ProVeg and the Discovery Tours led by the   More Information  Service Info C015
                  Good Food Institute Europe, for example, were very popular.
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