Page 117 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
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                     that produce the most stable refolded   pipettes  for their assays. They immediately noticed the more comfortable pipetting
                     protein with the highest melting     experience and the high-quality data provided by modern technology . Confident
                     temperature. By screening out suboptimal   that these multichannel pipettes  would improve throughput and data quality and
                     refolding conditions, native structure(s)   diminish the risk of injuries.
                     can  be  identified  quickly  and,  more   Pipettes are very important scientific equipment for research laboratories. It
                     specifically,  characterized  by  further   is often used for dosing-measurement of liquid samples in chemical and biological
                     experimentation.                     laboratories for use in the food industry, medicine, and medical. A multichannel
                        For accurate data, DGR assays must   pipette is a small-volume dosing device for applications that require high precision
                     be prepared quickly and carefully. Mark   and accurate results. It also reduces sample loss and reduces operator fatigue.
                     Lee, a technician in the Phillips lab,   In addition to choosing a suitable pipette, it is essential for the user to study the
                     highlights two potential pitfalls: first, to   technique of pipette usage to minimize experimental errors that may occur.
                     screen many refolding conditions,
                     particularly in 384-well format, reagents
                     must be dispensed  with  the  highest
                     precision and accuracy. Secondly, DGR                 More Information        Service Info C017
                     relies  on  fluorescence  from  the  light-
                     sensitive  compound  orange .  Mr.  Lee
                     described the lab’s attempts to refine their
                     experiments. Using  single-channel
                     pipettes consumed 10 minutes per 96-well
                     plate and produced inconsistent data due
                     to fading of the orange  signal. Multichannel
                     pipettes improved throughput, but the lab’s
                     existing instruments caused user fatigue
                     and  risked  repetitive  strain  injuries.
                     Moreover, researchers were concerned
                     about the repeatability from tip to tip of the
                     volumes aspirated and sample loss when
                     tips fell off.
                     Multichannel pipettes: the Easy
                     Way  to  Increase  Efficiency  of
                     Mr.  Lee  discussed  options  with  the
                     expert lab’s representative  to find out the
                     right solution. Familiar with their single-
                     channel pipettes and modern technology ,
                     the lab chose to demo these multichannel
                     ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional information
                     a   SYPRO Orange เป็็นสีีย้้อมเรืืองแสีงป็รืะเภท
                       เมโรืไซย้านีน เพื่ื�อใช้้ในการืรืะบุุคุุณลัักษณะของ
                         SYPRO Orange is a merocyanine -type
                       fluorescent dye that is used for protein
                       staining in the course of protein characterization.
                     b   บุรืิษัท เมทเลั่อรื์-โทเลัโด (ป็รืะเทศไทย้) จำำากัด
                         Mettler-Toledo (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
                     c   LiteTouch™ System (LTS™) เทคุโนโลัย้ีที�ช้่วย้
                       ลัดแรืงในการืโหลัดแลัะดีดทิป็ จำึงช้่วย้ลัดคุวาม
                       เมื�อย้ลั้าจำากการืใช้้งานป็ิเป็ตี จำาก บุรืิษัท เมทเลั่อรื์-
                       โทเลัโด (ป็รืะเทศไทย้) จำำากัด
                         LiteTouch™ System (LTS™) reduces the
                       amount of force required to load and eject
                       tips to less fatigue from pipettes from
                       Mettler-Toledo (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
                     d   Rainin  Multichannel pipettes จำาก
                       บุรืิษัท เมทเลั่อรื์-โทเลัโด (ป็รืะเทศไทย้) จำำากัด
                         Rainin  Multichannel pipettes from
                       Mettler-Toledo (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
                     เอกสารอ้างอ่ง / Reference
                     1   Biter, A., et al. 2016. DSF Guided Refolding
                       as a Novel Method of Protein Production.
                       Scientific Reports 6: 18906
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