Page 123 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
P. 123


                        TGO has started to provide CE-CFP certification
                     since January 2022, and currently, there are 77
                     TGO-certified  products  from  24  companies.
                     Additionally, there are 7 packaging products used
                     in  the  food  and  beverage  industry  that  have
                     received the CE-CFP label.

                     Benefits of Product Carbon Footprint
                        From the consumers’ perspective
                        •  Consumers  can  play  a  part  in  reducing
                     greenhouse  gas  emissions  by  purchasing
                     products with a carbon footprint label.
                        From the manufacturers’ perspective
                        •  Enhance  competitiveness  in  the  global
                        •  Reduce  costs  or  increase  production
                     efficiency  by  using  the  results  of  the  carbon
                     footprint  assessment  to  support  operational
                     planning and enhance production processes to
                     reduce  greenhouse  gas  emissions  related  to
                     energy consumption and raw materials.
                        • Create a process for managing greenhouse
                     gases throughout the entire production supply
                        •  Promote  marketing  and  enhance  the
                     organization’s image.
                        Presently,  an  increasing  number  of
                     manufacturers are paying more serious attention
                     to process optimization throughout the supply
                     chain to reduce costs, protect the environment,
                     and meet the needs of consumers. Receiving a
                     carbon footprint certification will play a significant
                     role  in  promoting  the  products  to  be  more
                     acceptable  to  consumers.  Simultaneously,  it
                     creates a good image for the organization, as well
                     as plays a part in urging other entrepreneurs to
                     focus more on establishing policies in this regard   Figure 5 An example of carbon footprint label products in the food and beverage
                     and encourage competitiveness in the market as   category.

                                                                              More Information        Service Info C018

                                                                                      เอกสารอ้างอิง / Reference

                                                                                                  SEP  2023 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  123

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