Page 128 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
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              packaging  (one-way  packaging)  and  flexible  plastic   rPET materials because operators can account for the origin
              packaging. Additionally, the introduction of global warming   of the used plastic bottles, combined with the fact that no
              policies has also been applied to the packaging business as   contaminants  are  detected  that  may  cause  harm  to
              well.                                               consumers as well. And most recently, the Food and Drug
                 Basic packaging standard requirements must be based   Administration (FDA) has approved using rPET material in
              on food safety to prevent the deterioration of food quality.   Thailand.  However,  entrepreneurs  must  still  buy  rPET
              From  awareness  and  global  warming  campaigns,   material from producers authorized by the FDA first. In
              entrepreneurs must consider whether the processes in their   Thailand, there is still an absence of solid campaigning to
              supply chain are creating an impact on the environment or   extensively  use  rPET,  as  in  other  countries,  including
              not. It is an undeniable fact that the packaging industry plays   consumers’ unawareness of using rPET materials.
              a key role in causing environmental issues. Therefore, a   2. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
              policy has been issued for packaging, which must go through   Suppose an entrepreneur intends to send goods to EU
              a recycling and upcycling process, as well as the use of   member countries. In that case, they must be aware of the
              biodegradable packaging.                            meaning of “Producer”, or the product owner, including the
                                                                  manufacturer or the importer. When the EU Green Deal was
              European Green Deal: Transition the EU              announced, the producer was expected to be responsible
              Economy to a Sustainable Economic Model             for the product throughout its lifetime. For example, Thailand
              European Union (EU) countries have issued measures or   exports ready-to-cook or ready-to-eat food to the EU, and
              regulations  that  help  slow  global  warming  and  solve   its responsibilities towards the product life cycle right up to
              environmental problems, such as the Green Reform Plan   the packaging that the consumers use in which it must be
              and the EU’s tax measures (European Green Deal). These   disposed of by appropriate methods that do not present a
              measures were introduced before the COVID-19 pandemic;   burden and responsibility of the locale. This includes recycling
              however,  they  have  become  more  stringent  since  the   or disposal, depending on local management procedures.
              pandemic has subsided. Some entrepreneurs may interpret   There may be additional costs associated with the disposal
              these requirements as a non-tariff trade barrier from the   of such packaging waste.
              European Union.                                        3. Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
                 On the other hand, some entrepreneurs considered these   Concerns measure to adjust the carbon pricing before
              measures can contribute towards protecting consumers,   crossing EU borders which were recently introduced to set
              while  simultaneously  protecting  and  preserving  the   the import price of certain commodities in order to prevent
              environment  for  high  purchasing  power  EU  importing   the import of goods with high greenhouse gas emissions
              countries, which influence to negotiate on quantity and   (Green House Gas; GHG). The regulation requires that
              quality. During the initial stage, the manufacturing cost of   imported  goods  into  the  EU  submit  a  greenhouse  gas
              recyclable packaging may still be higher than non-recyclable   emission  report.  However,  this  is  currently  still  in  the
              materials packaging. When the ecosystem is adopted, it will   “transition period” as data needs to be consolidated and
              ultimately reduce the cost and price of green packaging to   measures tested to ensure a smooth implementation. During
              be close to that of non-recyclable packaging.       this transition period, importers must report the amount of
                                                                  greenhouse gas emissions without paying for the CBAM
              Examples of Packaging Measurements for EU           Certificate (Figure 2). The United States has a mechanism
              Exporting                                           called the Clean Competition Act (CCA), or the US Carbon
                 1. Post-Consumer Recycle (PCR)                   Tax.  This  measure  covers  more  items  than  CBAM
                 Plastic packaging constitutes the most plastic waste, i.e.,   (Figure 3), and more items or product categories will be
              up to 70% of non-recyclable waste. Disposing of these wastes   added accordingly. The packaging category is one of the
              is to deposit them in landfills or through incineration only,   categories currently under consideration.
              especially multilayer flexible packaging (MFP) mainly used   Thai businesses interested in exporting food products to
              for snacks due to its property in preventing the penetration   the European market are advised to accelerate the adaptation
              of water vapor and oxygen. Therefore, new management   and  development  of  products  to  meet  the  needs  of
              practices to reduce plastic waste are to re-utilize this used   consumers. It must build consumer confidence in food safety
              plastic to produce new packaging in plastic bottles or bags.   and  produce  products  that  have  a  low  impact  on  the
              The EU has already enforced this requirement, and large   environment, help prevent an increase in packaging waste,
              operators have also started to apply this regulation (see   and ensure that all packaging is recyclable by 2030 to comply
              Figure 1). Thailand has not been able to enforce the PCR   with EU food regulations.
              measures extensively throughout the industry due to the
              inefficient management of plastic waste sorting.
                 For example, drinking water bottles made from PET
              plastic abroad must use 35% PCR material; 35% of the
              reused PET must be mixed and recycled into new bottles. If
              the PCR material constitutes up to 50 percent of the bottle,   More Information      Service Info C019
              it will be known as rPET. Foreign countries allow the use of

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