Page 87 - FoodFocusThailand No.215 FEBRUARY 2024
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                       be cleaned, it would take 40 hours. There was also an   shown in Figure 6. The recycling economy is currently
                       advertisement of salt in a single-use packaging (Figure 2),   encouraged as a minimum recommended solution, but if
                       which was considered an innovative product as it offered   applicable, the circular economy remains a preferred choice
                       a sense of convenience that precisely satisfied consumer   for the zero-waste goal.
                       demand, thus heralding the advent of a disposable lifestyle,
                       which has prospered to this day and contributed to the rise   Ecological Materials and Packaging for Meat
                       of plastic waste, an ecological problem that everyone is   Products
                       aware of. That is the reason why the circular economic   Packaging for meat products, especially fresh meat, must
                       model, which champions the endless circulation of   be designed considering several important factors. For
                       materials, has garnered widespread public attention now.  instance, oxidation, associated with the presence of oxygen,
                                                                         can  cause  color  change  in  meat  and  requires  a  good
                       Keywords for Eco-Packaging                        understanding of the mechanisms involved. The levels of
                       The following are the keywords concerning environmental   oxygen in packaging must be optimized. Hence, high-barrier
                       issues that will provide better understanding of the use of   packaging materials must ensure maximum protection,
                       ecological packaging:                             freshness maintenance, and rancidity prevention. Plastic is
                          - Waste hierarchy, or waste pyramid, is a tool for waste   the only transparent material that allows consumers to view
                       management evaluation (Figure 3). It presents a hierarchy   the packaged product from the outside. Such an advantage
                       of preferred and current waste-handling methods. We are   makes plastic ideal for fresh meat because consumers tend
                       now positioned at the bottom of the pyramid, where waste   to avoid making a purchase altogether if they cannot see the
                       is vainly disposed of through the most common method:   meat within. Thanks to modern packaging technologies,
                       landfill. Meanwhile, the best solution is waste prevention,   plastic packaging structures have been enhanced to preserve
                       being positioned at the top of the pyramid. As a result, the   meat quality, freshness, and color more efficiently. Since
                       circular economy, which promotes the full exploitation of   these initiatives have been going on for quite some time, the
                       waste, has become a popular trend today.          current packaging development efforts usually focus on
                          - Bioplastic, biodegradable, and compostable are   aspects related to environmental sustainability, such as
                       commonly confused words, but they can be better   renewable, bio-based, and biodegradable plastics. These
                       understood through the diagrams in Figures 4 and 5, which   include,  for  example,  polylactic  acid  (PLA),  which  is  a
                       can clarify the differences between these terms.   thermoplastic produced from sugarcane, maize, or tapioca
                       Conventional plastic and bioplastic can be differentiated   starch, landfill-biodegradable plastic, and recycled plastic,
                       by the “origin” of materials: non-renewable and fossil-  such as recycle polyethylene terephthalate (rPET). These
                       based or renewable and bio-based materials. Optionally,   materials are compatible with the circular economy.
                       the differentiation can also be based on the “destination”   Additionally, the design and structure of packaging have
                       or the nature of degradation: biodegradation or non-  also been improved in terms of both ecological sustainability
                       biodegradation. Traditional plastics are fossil-based and   and functionality. Packaging can be streamlined in many
                       non-biodegradable, while bioplastics can be bio-based,   ways most of which is a reduction in packaging materials:
                       fossil-based, biodegradable, or non-biodegradable.   discontinued use of chicken trays (Figure 7), replacement
                       Biodegradable plastics are both bio-based and     of plastic bags for chicken with plastic netting (Figure 8),
                       biodegradable, and one of the most widely used materials   usage of pouches with handles for whole chicken (Figure 9),
                       is polylactic acid (PLA).                         and  replacement  of  tray  for  ground  meat  with  pillow
                          There are some interesting notions regarding the   bag,  which  can  reduce  plastic  content  by  70  percent
                       definition  of  biodegradable  or  compostable  plastics.   (Figure 10).
                       Biodegradable plastic is only defined by its biodegradability,   Packaging for meat products is still largely plastic-based,
                       but not taken into account are other relevant composting   as plastic materials enable consumers to see what is inside
                       factors, such as duration and mechanisms involved –   the packaging. However, since ecological sustainability has
                       namely industrial composting or home composting.   also been factored in to promote a circular economy, novel
                       Certified compostable plastic can degrade under specific   materials,  and  packaging  are  now  available  for  such
                       conditions and will eventually yield a final product that can   purposes. Hence, following up on the information about
                       be used in plant cultivation.  Tracking the certification data   technological advancements and innovations for packaging
                       for both types of plastics from the testing standards will   will benefit entrepreneurs as suitable packaging types can
                       provide more useful insights. Therefore, it can be said that   be efficiently chosen and matched with their respective
                       all Compostable Plastics can be Biodegradable Plastic,   products.
                       but not all Biodegradable Plastic can be Compostable
                       Plastic (Figure 5).
                          - Circular economy is an economic system that makes
                       full use of resources, from upstream to downstream, in the
                       most productive manner without leaving any waste behind.
                       It consequently enables an endless circulation of natural   More  Information     Service Info C013
                       resources. In comparison with linear and recycling
                       economies, the circular economy is markedly different, as

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