Page 38 - FoodFocusThailand No.218 MAY 2024
P. 38


                                                                     1. Consider the placement of stored products, the quantity
                                                                  of products to be stored, and the layout of products for proper
                                                                  distribution of cold air throughout the room.
                                                                     2. The floor, walls, ceiling, doors, and windows of the cold
                                                                  storage room should be made of durable, smooth, and tightly
                                                                  sealed materials to facilitate easy cleaning and maintenance.
                                                                     3. Insulate the cold room walls, floor, ceiling, and doors
                                                                  with suitable materials against heat transfer to maintain the
                                                                  product temperature stable and follow specified standards.
                                                                     4. Regularly inspect for cracks or damage on the floor,
                                                                  walls, ceiling, insulation, or gaps around doors, and if any
                                                                  damage is found, repair it immediately to prevent water
                                                                  condensation on the cold room ceiling in the case of a freezing
                                                                     5. Prevent insects and pests from entering the storage
                                                                  area with regular preventive measurements.
                                                                     6. Use quality cooling equipment in the cold storage room,
                                                                  such as refrigeration systems, refrigerants, and valves, and
              Guidelines for Professional Management of           ensure that the  cooling  equipment is assembled and
              Cold Storage Warehouses                             arranged according to standards.
              After the RTE production process, cold storage room should   7. The air duct system and air distribution within the cold
              involve separating the blast chiller or freezer Room. There   room should be able to distribute air widely and evenly to
              are additional factors to consider in managing the cold   reduce the temperature inside the cold storage room as
              storage room, as follows:                           required and maintain a standard temperature throughout
                 •  Temperature Control in the Cold Storage Room:   and consistently throughout the room.
              Maintaining a stable temperature inside the cold storage   8. Regularly check for refrigerant leaks from the cooling
              according to standards throughout the shelf life of the stored   system.
              products. Even a slight temperature change can alter the   9. Install temperature monitoring devices and display
              product’s quality or shorten its shelf life. Good cold storage   systems at suitable locations for convenient monitoring and
              should maintain a consistently low temperature to slow the   recording of temperatures. Consider using automatic data
              growth of surviving bacteria and contaminants from   loggers that can store data from temperature recording
              production, reducing chemical reactions in the food and thus   devices or store data in cloud systems for real-time
              preserving the quality of the food products throughout their   monitoring.
              shelf life.                                            10. Regularly calibrate and verify temperature-measuring
                 •  Relative  Humidity  in  the  Cold  Storage  Room:   devices with appropriate methods and frequencies to ensure
              Relative humidity directly affects the quality of the stored   that the devices can measure temperature accurately and
              products, especially for foods in inappropriate packaging for   precisely.
              cold storage. High humidity in the cold room can promote   11. Assign trained personnel responsible for checking
              bacterial growth and lead to faster spoilage of food products.   and recording temperatures and appropriate procedures for
              Conversely, excessively low humidity in the cold room can   managing situations where the cold room temperature does
              cause moisture to evaporate from the food products, resulting   not meet specified standards.
              in quality changes.                                    12. Develop preventive maintenance and cleaning plans,
                 •  Air Circulation and Ventilation in the Cold Storage   which must be strictly followed.
              Room: A cold storage with an appropriate air circulation   13. Set backup or emergency plans in case the cold
              system helps maintain a stable temperature and air   storage room temperature does not meet specified standards,
              composition. Entrepreneurs should design cold storage with   such as power outages, refrigerant leaks inside the cold
              proper air circulation and ventilation systems.     room, or other emergencies that may cause the cold room
                 •  Types of Foods Stored: If various food products are   temperature to deviate from the specified requirements.
              stored together in cold storage, considerations should be   The key to a successful cold storage warehouse for
              made to prevent cross-contamination. Strong-smelling foods   ready-to-eat foods is maintaining a stable and standardized
              should not be stored with easily odor-absorbing foods.   cold room temperature before transportation and distribution
              Additionally, it is advisable to use quality, tightly sealed   to prevent changes in food product quality. Additionally, there
              packaging materials to prevent cross-contamination among   must be ongoing measures to maintain the cold storage room
              different types of food products stored in the same cold   to keep ready-to-eat food integrity before reaching the hands
              storage room.                                       of consumers.
                 In addition, operators should have good practices in
              designing and efficiently managing cold storage rooms, as
                                                                           More Information        Service Info C003

            38   FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  MAY  2024

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