Page 100 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
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                                Halal Food                                     Organic Thailand
                                 The Central Islamic Committee                 According to the Ministry of Agriculture and
                                 of Thailand has certified the                 Cooperatives, organic products must include
                                 Halal mark, which appears on                  95%  or  more of  their organic  farming
                                 labels or packaging and                       constituents to display the Organic Thailand
                                 indicates that the product is                 certification logo on their packaging. It
              suitable for Muslim consumption. The word “Halal”   indicates that these organic products come from an agriculture
              comes from the Arabic language and refers to any   system that does not utilize synthetic substances like chemical
              production, service, or distribution that is not contrary   fertilizers and pesticides or use genetically modified plants or
              to religious commandments. This mark will be issued   animals. Furthermore, production has no adverse effect on the
              to food products, beverages, Halal products, and   ecosystem or environment. If the product contains a lower organic
              imported meat. The Halal emblem is popular around   component at 95% but more than 70%, it cannot display this
              the  world,  not  just  among  Muslims,  because   certification mark to claim that it is organic. However, the word
              consumers are concerned about hygiene, security,   “organic” can be placed after the primary ingredients on the label.
              and well-being.
                                                                               Thailand Trust Mark (T mark)
                                 RADURA                                        The “Trusted Quality” symbol is an excellent
                                 Radura is a mark for food                     quality  indicator  with  accepted  and
                                 products that have been                       guaranteed safety in accordance with world-
                                 irradiated at the appropriate                 class standards in all aspects. It consists of
                                 level, according to the Ministry              product quality that is verified according to
                                 of Public Health Announcement                 international standards,  fair labor, social
                                No. 297, certifying that irradiated   responsibility, and environmental concerns. The most important
              products are safe for consumption and contain no   criterion is heartmade quality or certification that the products were
              residual radiation. Gamma rays from cobalt-60,   meticulously  produced  and  originated  in Thailand.  Over  800
              X-rays, and electrons from the generator are examples   companies have received the T Mark logo in 8 industry sectors,
              of radiations that can be used in food. The primary   focusing on the food and agricultural industries. This logo will support
              purpose of irradiation is to minimize microorganisms   consumers in building trust and a positive perception in the global
              and eliminate pathogens, delay the ripening of   market.
              vegetables and fruits, inhibit germination during
              storage, control the reproduction of insects, and                GI Symbol
              prolong the shelf life, particularly for the export of raw       This symbol displays the glycemic index or
              materials. The Ministry of Public Health announced               glycemic value (high, medium, or low) on
              that irradiated food must bear the irradiated label with         food product packaging. It offers information
              the word “Irradiated,” whereas the Radura mark is                for deciding whether to buy or consume
              optional.                                                        alternative products. Some countries, like
                                                                               Singapore and South Africa, have certified
                                 Healthier Choice            GI products within their own borders. This product must be tested
                                 A healthier choice is a symbol   in clinical according to the ISO 26642:2010 standard method. In
                                 for an approved product that   Thailand, samples can determine glycemic index using standard
                                 meets a nutritional requirement   procedures  at  the  Glycemic  Index  Testing  Center  (GIC),
                                 and contains appropriate    Chiang Mai University.
                                nutrients, particularly sugar, fat,
              and sodium content, to reduce the risk of                        Thai Food Good Heart
              noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and overnutrition.               The Thai food good heart symbol is applied
              It is viewed as a tool to support consumers in selecting         to  certified  food products  by  the Heart
              healthy products and avoiding harmful foods for their            Foundation of  Thailand under royal
              bodies. Additionally, this symbol raises food industry           patronage. These products have fulfilled the
              awareness of formula modifications, such as reducing             quality requirements, focusing on reducing
              saltiness, oiliness, and sweetness. More than 3,000              sweetness, oiliness, saltiness, and high fiber
              products are certified as healthy choices across 14   content by following the guidelines of many sectors to reduce the
              categories, including main dishes, beverages,   incidence of cardiovascular disease, which is the primary cause of
              seasoning, dairy products, instant foods, snacks,          death among Thai people. Five product groups are allowed to exhibit
              ice cream, oils and fats, breads, breakfast cereals,   this logo: (1) grains and products, (2) seafood and meat, (3) milk
              bakery, appetizers, fish and seafood products, and   and milk products, (4) oils and fats, and (5) nuts and nut products.
              meat  products,  totaling more  than  3,000  items.   When buyers see this symbol on the products, they will know that
              However, the healthier choice is not always nutritious,   the product has the proper quantity of fat and contains healthy vitamin
              so consumers should consume all food groups and a   D, both of which lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.
              wider range of foods to achieve complete nutrition.  Additionally, this sign encourages food producers to create foods
                                                             that improve Thai people’s health.
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