Page 95 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
P. 95


                   different sizes and all sizes. The high CV implied the high   fields by taking crab shells from crab processing factories for
                   fluctuation of the weight of that component, i.e., fat and egg   further research and development to add value in various
                   because out of 53 crabs, there were only 8 crabs with eggs   industrial sectors. For example, in the construction industry,
                   and 10 crabs with fat. The other components had low to medium   biopolymers from crab shells can be used to help increase the
                   CV, implying that the average could be acceptable.    strength of the axial compressive in civil construction. For the
                      The crab shell, which was about 44.57 percent of the raw   bio-chemical  energy  industry,  crab  shells  can  be  used  as
                   crab weight, was mostly thrown away. Two components, fat   catalysts in the production of biodiesel (alternative energy).
                   and finger, which were about 7.29 percent of the boiled crab   Meanwhile, functional food production can synthesize crab shells
                   weight, had values lower than those of the other components.   as prebiotics and natural preservatives. In agriculture, shells
                                                                         can be used as crab shell powder as an additive in composting
                      Value Added from Blue Crab towards Sustainability in   green waste for growing hydroponic vegetables. The government
                   3Various Industries The enterprise has considered creating   sector should research the wastes of crab shells from processing
                   value for crab shells and other low-value meats through product   plants in Thailand and the amount of production per year to be
                   development to utilise fingers and fat to add value in the form   helpful in making decisions for large-sized manufacturers who
                   of items, such as crab carapace developed into savory crab   could invest in one or more of these applications to create the
                   meat with salted egg crab. Fingers and fat were processed   value chain in the future.
                   into crab curry paste, crab chili paste, deep-fried crab meat
                   rolls, crab meatballs, etc. While it was found that most of the
                   shells that were obtained after peeling the crab were discarded
                   without being processed, only some crab carapace and claws
                   are used to add value in processed crab products such as       More Information        Service Info C013
                   savory crab meat with salted egg crab and crab claw products,
                   as well as in processed crab products where crab carapace
                   and claws are added to add value. Hence, there is an   เอกสารอ้างอิง / Reference
                   opportunity for the community to collect crab shells and claws   Kongsup, K. and Ongkunaruk, P. 2022. The Value Chain Analysis and
                   to increase their value.                                the Effect of COVID-19 on a Small-Sized Blue Crab Manufacturer: A
                      The government should play a role in pushing for budgets     Case Study in Thailand. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences,
                   to support research projects on the use of crab shells in various     43: 409-416.

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