Page 107 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
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                     From FFC Japan to the Birth of FFC Thailand         projects. Furthermore, manufacturers should be well equipped
                     Japan embarked on a systematic FFC endeavor in 2015,   with suitable ecosystem with in-depth knowledge and well put
                     issued by Japan’s CAA (Consumer Affairs Agency), to tailor   together through various means, such as training, consultation,
                     agricultural and food products to meet the criteria for   laboratory testing services, online learning centers, and
                     displaying health claims on the labels. A private company is   documentation review services for health claim applications.
                     required to be solely responsible for submitting scientifically   Achieving these objectives would significantly enable successful
                     sound documents and credible scientific evidence to   application process and expedite the significant number of
                     substantiate the functional properties of their food products.   product introductions into the health food markets.
                     By 2017, 1,023 foods were issued FFC products. The
                     National Agriculture  and  Food  Research  Organization   Current Assessment of FFC Thailand’s Scope
                     (NARO) of Japan carried out research initiatives to deliver   FIRN has proposed the following scopes for the Thai version
                     clinical research outcomes of agricultural products and other   of FFC, which are currently under evaluation:
                     necessary evidence of their health impacts, including the   1.  Eligible  product  types:  fresh  agricultural  produces,
                     consumption of agricultural ingredients, extending even to   processed foods, and food supplements
                     foods in bento lunchboxes, processed foods, and        2. Scope of Functional Claims: Scientific research must
                     supplements.                                        substantiate the presence and quantity of bioactive substances,
                        Following the introduction of “Abenomics,” the economic   confirming their beneficial functional or physiological effects on
                     policy championed by former Japanese Prime Minister   the human body under normal conditions. This scope excludes
                     Shinzo Abe, a revised approach to health claim labeling and   products intended for infants, pregnant or breastfeeding
                     definitions for health foods prioritized the convenience of   women, specific-purpose foods, or medical diets. However,
                     consumers and manufacturers. This led to the ratification   disease risk reduction claims are not within the purview of this
                     and implementation of the Food with Function Claim system   scope. For bioactives with functional properties already listed
                     (FFC) alongside the existing FOSHU system. FFC empowers   in the Thai FDA’s Positive List, they can be used in permitted
                     consumers with clearer information on foods, enabling them   quantities (for  specific  claim language)  without  requiring
                     to make informed purchasing decisions based on scientifically   additional clinical research for validation.
                     sound proven effects on physiological function and specific   3. Each product type adheres to specific manufacturing and
                     health claims, with safety criteria assuring confidence in   safety standards, ensuring comprehensive consumer protection
                     product  safety. Adhering  to  regulatory  measures,  food   as mandated by the regulatory framework of the Food Act
                     operators who enter notification with supporting evidence   administered by the Food and Drug Administration. These
                     internal review by CAA and accurately label claim statements   regulations encompass quality, safety, and standards for safety
                     on the products. Engagement of companies in transparent   assessment, aligning with toxicological principles for novel
                     unbiased research of which reports along with products   foods. Furthermore, processed items must obtain certification
                     details are submitted to FFC online. Moreover, product data   with a 13-digit product serial number issued by the Thai FDA,
                     accessibility by the public is required, with respect to the   a requirement should be also extended to agricultural products
                     protection of intellectual property rights.         with FFC health claims.
                                                                            4. Food operators can submit products required for health
                     Establishing FFC Thailand: Procedure and            and safety evidence. Substantiation based on well-designed
                     Process                                             clinical  research,  adhering  to  recognized  international
                     As Thailand’s elderly population is experiencing rapid growth,   standards, or by systematic review (SR) report(s) that have
                     comprising 19 percent of the total population (Source:   undergone a peer review. Permissible levels of bioactives and
                     Foundation of Thai Gerontology Research and Development   the maximum duration of consumption must be determined
                     Institute, 2022), adopting FFC Japan system is imperative.   based on evidence from research and scientifically validated
                     However, adjustments must be made to tailor it effectively   to avoid any adverse effects such as irritation, or allergies.
                     to the scale and needs of Thai agricultural and food situation   Overclaim or similar language is strictly prohibited.
                     and research ecosystem.                                5. The online platform not only encompasses regulatory
                        Today, Thailand continues to rely on costly imports of   measures and guidelines for research design, including clinical
                     functional ingredients and extracts due to its limited   research, but also hosts essential databases that support
                     technological and financial inputs on Thai raw materials for   research  and  development  endeavors.  Through  the
                     functional food ingredients. There is a pressing need to   e-submission system, food operators can access application
                     promote the exploration of bioactive substances and   templates  for  online  completion  and  submission.  Upon
                     functional ingredients to add value to agricultural and food   submission, documents undergo examination by experts to
                     businesses. FIRN reported  Thailand’s abundance of   ensure their validity. Any documents requiring correction are
                     bioactive compounds commonly were commercially      returned to the operator for revisions. Upon approval of all
                     launched by systemic research results published in   documents, an FFC product number is issued. Food operators
                     international academic journals, and patents. To harness the   bear responsibility for the accuracy and integrity of submitted
                     health benefits of Thai agricultural and food products, greater   documentation,  product  information  aimed  at  consumer
                     support is required to transform them into high-value   education, research evidence, and compliance with standards.
                     ingredients and products through innovative research

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