Page 108 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
P. 108
6. The system will implement post-launch monitoring of on specific physiological functions of the human body, such as
the product to guarantee compliance. Should the product improved brain health, reduced inflammation, and decreased
fail to meet the approved efficacy levels of bioactives and fat accumulation, when consumed in moderation.
safety compliance, the food operator will be notified to rectify 3. The expansion of midstream businesses will create
the issue through the notification system. Failure to address opportunities in ingredient deconstruction, ingredient extraction,
the issue will result in the revocation of the FFC registration specialized formulation of bioactive compounds, and
number and blacklisting of the operator. encapsulation technologies. This will cement advancements in
7. Information, encompassing fundamental health production processes and ingredients, which can then be
science knowledge and data on FFC and functional food exported and supplied to downstream companies interested in
ingredient (FFI) products, will be made publicly accessible. developing health products to meet the needs of both domestic
This initiative aims to empower consumers with enhanced and international consumers.
knowledge and understanding for making well-informed 4. As food entrepreneurs successfully develop and introduce
product selections and other information, consumers should FFC products to the domestic market, their manufacturing and
know about health and wellness. export capabilities will also expand. This will enable Thai food
products to effectively compete in the global markets of food
How Does FFC Thailand Meet Thailand’s supplements and functional foods.
Needs? Moreover, FIRN’s team of qualified FDA members has
1. It will streamline integrated product design by analyzed, assessed, approved, and added bioactive compounds
simplifying the evidence submission process through a from Thai ingredients to the Positive List of functional bioactives.
training, offering guidance on necessary documents, and The primary goal is to authorize selected bioactives (that have
compliance the set standards throughout the supply chain. already undergone through scientific evaluation in the
2. Thailand to foster research support with a much clearer international arena with well accepted standards) for use in
direction for functional ingredient and food developments products without requiring further clinical studies. These
unlocking the full potential of Thai raw materials, transforming bioactives from Thailand-sourced ingredients are listed and are
them into a creative form of soft power using food from permitted to use health claims. However, certain conditions must
Thailand as a new business platform. be met: the bioactives must be validated and strictly comply with
a. Thailand’s food with functional ingredients (FFI) the safety standards (such as for novel foods) set by the FDA.
products offer a gateway of business opportunities for local The inclusion of these bioactives in the Positive List may benefit
farmers upstream. By leveraging modern technologies, they SMEs and startups more than larger corporations, which typically
pave the way for the emergence of functional ingredient undergo extensive research and innovation processes to secure
suppliers, thereby, alleviating the economic strain caused trade secrets and intellectual properties. This process often
by the country’s trade deficit resulting from extensive imports involves conducting studies at various levels, including clinical
of functional ingredients or bioactives from foreign trials and systematic reviews, before applying for FFC product
economies. registration or permission to use health claims, as per original
b. The distinct identity and soft power of Thai food and FDA regulations. SMEs and startups, however, can bypass these
local ingredients across various regions will be solidified, complexities thanks to the Positive List initiative. Furthermore,
particularly in their association with health-related properties. consumers can access product and scientific supporting
This will amplify the country’s capacity to develop products information and can search for functional ingredients in FFI foods
of elevated standards and greater added value through food containing these bioactives in the FFC system. This enables
innovation. Such initiatives will underpin the enhancement consumers to educate themselves and make informed
of value in Thai food products and businesses, while purchasing decisions, distinguishing products backed by
simultaneously heightening awareness and accessibility for scientific studies from those relying solely on advertising.
foreign consumers. Ultimately, these benefits will also echo Consequently, Thailand will cultivate more discerning consumers
back to the local Thai consumers, small and medium who are adept at making informed choices and are vigilant
enterprises (SMEs), and community businesses who are against misinformation.
the fragile sectors of Thailand but most vital for economic FFC Thailand is currently refining its model and preparing
growth. to introduce it to the market, alongside an online platform that
c. Tourism will take a significant leap forward as local will benefit private sectors, research communities, and
Thai foods boasting functional properties, appealing to consumers alike. The initiative aims to enhance the value of
health-conscious consumers, create new marketing and Thai agricultural and food products and foster the creation of
business opportunities. Examples of these foods include products aligned with empirical principles, emphasizing
antioxidant-rich Thai red pomelo, brain health-promoting evidence-based research design and clear protocol of required
purple rice, and new banana varieties containing resistant documentation. In the hopefully near future, FFC Thailand is
starch. Moreover, some local dishes bear resemblance to anticipated to solidify its pathway, offering a clearer vision of its
Japanese bento lunchboxes, offering a fusion of smaller final form.
meals such as brown rice with GABA, fish rich in omega-3,
and vegetables containing quercetin. These bioactives are
backed by scientific research, demonstrating positive impacts
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