Page 28 - FoodFocusThailand No.223 October 2024
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market, as well as ensuring hygiene standards like Food and chemically-laden foods. Additionally, producers should be more
Drug Administration (FDA) certification, which guarantees that accountable, and smart labeling technologies could be applied to
food sold in Thailand is safe for consumers. Additionally, laboratory food packaging to inform consumers.
testing and surveillance play a key role in assessing risks from
chemical contamination and pathogenic microorganisms. Food Food Safety Policy in Thailand
safety inspections should cover every step of the production Food safety policy in Thailand is a critical focus aimed at ensuring
process, from farm to plate, to ensure the food consumers receive the safety of food from production to consumption, protecting public
is safe. health, and promoting a better quality of life. The policy targets
reducing risks from chemical residues, pathogens, and contamination
Future Food Safety Risks: Emerging Trends and that may occur during food production, handling, and distribution.
Challenges Various agencies are involved in implementing Thailand’s food
Looking ahead, food safety challenges are likely to intensify due safety policy, including:
to several factors, including climate change, population growth, - The Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Responsible for
technological advancements, and the depletion of natural regulating the quality and safety of food sold in the market.
resources. These factors pose new challenges to food production - Department of Medical Sciences: Tasked with testing and
and consumption systems. Future food safety risks can be analyzing chemical residues and other harmful factors that may
categorized as follows: affect consumers.
1. Climate Change and Its Impact on Food Production: - Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Oversees
Climate change, such as droughts, irregular rainfall, or rising agricultural product standards and controls the use of chemicals
temperatures, directly affects agriculture. Crops and livestock in farming.
may yield less, making food less accessible in certain areas. This - Ministry of Public Health: Responsible for enacting laws
can lead to food shortages, higher food prices, and increased and policies related to food safety.
use of chemicals and growth enhancers in production, which in Thailand has developed measures and legislation to ensure
turn compromise food safety. the safety of food consumed by its citizens. Key regulations include
2. Population Growth and Resource Scarcity: The global the Food Act B.E. 2522 (1979), which is the main law governing
population is expected to increase, driving up demand for food. food quality control, and the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP),
Meanwhile, natural resources such as water and arable land are which focuses on reducing chemical use and ensuring safe
becoming scarcer. As a result, fast-growing agricultural techniques agricultural products. Standards such as Good Manufacturing
may become more common, leading to greater chemical use and Practices (GMP) ensure that food production meets proper
the adoption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Without standards, while the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
strict controls, these practices can harm both the environment (HACCP) system helps prevent risks at every stage of food
and consumer health. production.
3. Microbial Contamination and Emerging Pathogens: Over the years, the Thai government has initiated several
Microbial contamination of food is expected to become a more projects to support its food safety policy. Notable initiatives include
severe problem as environmental changes and longer food supply the Safe Agriculture Program (Food Safety), which promotes
chains increase the likelihood of pathogen growth. New diseases the production and consumption of non-toxic food; the
or antibiotic-resistant pathogens resulting from the overuse of Green Market Project, which encourages consumers to purchase
antibiotics in agriculture pose additional health risks and make safe, chemical-free products directly from producers; the
foodborne illness outbreaks harder to control. Organic Thailand Certification, a project designed to promote
4. Inadequate Regulations and Standards: In the future, organic food production that avoids synthetic chemicals; and the
food safety standards may face challenges due to the increasing Mobile Unit for Food Safety, which uses mobile laboratories to
complexity of food production and distribution systems. Insufficient rapidly collect samples and monitor food safety across the country,
oversight, particularly in developing countries or remote areas, ensuring systematic management of food safety data nationwide.
can make food more susceptible to contamination or degradation. Despite strict policies and laws, Thailand faces several
5. Processed Foods and Chemical Additives in Food: challenges in executing its food safety policy. These include
In the future, the demand for convenient food is expected to rise, managing chemical residues, as hazardous chemicals are still used
leading to the development of more processed foods and food in agriculture, posing potential risks to consumers. Additionally,
products containing additives or preservatives. If the chemicals food quality inspections are not comprehensive across all regions,
in these foods are not properly controlled, they could pose long- leading to occasional contamination. Furthermore, consumer
term health risks, such as carcinogens or allergens. awareness regarding food safety and the selection of safe food
products remains limited.
Strategies for Addressing Food Safety Issues Food safety is an increasingly complex problem due to multiple
1. Developing Agricultural Innovation and Technology: and concurrent factors. The urgent need to develop effective policies
Research and development of sustainable agricultural technology and response measures cannot be ignored. Without efficient action,
will be key in tackling food safety challenges. Precision agriculture, food safety risks will undoubtedly impact public health and the
the use of renewable energy, and controlled-environment farming economy. Thailand’s food safety policy is essential for protecting
are examples of technologies that can enhance the efficiency public health and improving quality of life. Although progress has
and safety of food production. been made, challenges remain. Cooperation between the
2. Enhancing Standards and Regulations: The government government, private sector, and the public will be key to effectively
and relevant agencies responsible for food safety should increase implementing this policy. Ensuring that the food we consume daily
the enforcement of food safety standards and quality control at is safe will not only promote good health but also foster a healthy
every stage, from production to distribution. This will help prevent society. Moreover, the promotion of knowledge and the strict
contamination and the unsafe use of chemicals while ensuring enforcement of various measures will help reduce the risk of food-
that regulations keep pace with current challenges. related diseases and create a healthier society, as well as achieve
3. Promoting Sustainable Consumption: Consumers sustainable success in controlling food safety in Thailand.
should be educated and encouraged to prioritize safe food
choices, reducing the consumption of highly processed or
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