Page 48 - FoodFocusThailand No.227 February 2025
P. 48


                 1. Quality Control of Raw Materials                 3. Quality Control for Final Products
                 1.1 Inspection of raw material quality before production   3.1 Product Quality Inspection Before Distribution:
              is a critical step, particularly concerning physical and chemical   This final step assures consumers of consistent quality, safety,
              qualities such as moisture content, pH values, water activity   and compliance with standards. It includes 1) Physical quality
              (a ), and chemical composition. This step not only ensures   inspection,  such  as  color,  texture,  sensory  quality,  and
              quality from the outset, which can directly impact the final   packaging integrity, 2) Chemical quality inspection, including
              product’s quality but also reduces losses during the production   moisture  content,  pH  levels,  and  water  activity,  and
              process and mitigates risks associated with raw materials   3) Microbiological inspection, such as total microbial count,
              sourced from suppliers (Figure 2).                  yeast and mold, and pathogenic microorganisms.
                 1.2 Contaminant Inspection can be divided into two   3.2 Shelf-Life Testing: Confirms that products maintain
              categories:  1) Physical contaminants, such as metal   quality, safety, and acceptability throughout their shelf life.
              fragments, glass, plastic, and container components, can be   Manufacturers can determine appropriate expiration dates
              detected through physical screening and metal detection   through  real-time  storage  conditions  and  accelerated
              systems. 2) Chemical contaminants, including heavy metals,   shelf-life  testing,  using  physical,  chemical,  and
              chemical residues, and mycotoxins, are analyzed using   microbiological assessments tailored to the specific food
              advanced chemical analysis techniques and modern    product.
              instruments to enhance accuracy and speed. Examples include   3.3  Label  and  Nutritional  Information  Inspection:
              Mass Spectrometry, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, and   Ensures product details comply with standards and legal
              High-Performance  Liquid  Chromatography  (HPLC).   requirements. This includes the product name and trademark,
              Additionally, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) technology   ingredient list, allergens, nutritional information, production
              enables non-destructive testing of samples, saving both time   and expiration dates, food registration number, manufacturer
              and cost. In the future, advancements in technology, such as   details,  usage  instructions,  and  warnings.  Labels  and
              artificial intelligence (AI) and the industrial Internet of Things   nutritional information communicate between manufacturers
              (IIoT), will be integrated into analyzing and sorting raw materials   and consumers, building confidence in product quality and
              before processing. Real-time sensor development will also   enhancing consumer safety. These analytical techniques are
              enable immediate detection of contaminants during production.  vital tools for food product quality control and assurance.
                 1.3 Inspection of Raw Material Freshness can be     Selecting appropriate technologies, combined with efficient
              performed using basic methods such as observing the color,   quality control systems, enables manufacturers to produce
              smell, texture, and general appearance of the raw materials,   high-quality, safe, and standard-compliant products. This, in
              as well as analyzing their physical and chemical quality   turn, enhances competitiveness at both national and global
              depending on the type of material. While these basic methods   levels.
              are widely used, they have limitations, such as being time-
              consuming,  costly,  and  sensitive  to  changes  in  the  raw
              materials. Currently, Near-Infrared (NIR) technology is gaining
              popularity for chemical analysis, including moisture content,   More Information    Service Info C007
              fat, oil, pH values, and other parameters. This technology
              provides rapid results and allows non-destructive testing of
              samples, making it highly efficient.
                 2. Quality Control During the Production Process
                 2.1 Monitoring Key Parameters During Production:
              This includes controlling temperature, pressure, time, and pH   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
              levels, which must remain within specified thresholds.      พชรพจน์์ น์ัน์ทรามาศ, สุุคน์ทิพย์์ ชัย์สุาย์ัณห์์ และอัังคณา สุิทธิิการ. (2567).
              Maintaining appropriate temperature and pH levels is crucial     AI ย์กระดัับธิุรกิจอัาห์ารและเคร่�อังดั่�มตอับโจทย์์ Sustainability.
              to inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.    Krungthai COMPASS.
                 2.2 Process Improvement Based on Analysis Results:     sources/EconomyResourcesDownload_494AI_Sustainability.pdf.
              Adjustments to the production process based on analytical   Ahmadzadeh, S., Ajmal, T., Ramanathan, R., and Duan, Y. (2023). A
              results enhance quality control efficiency, leading to sustainable     comprehensive review of food waste reduction based on IoT and
              development in the food industry. This includes reducing     big data technologies. Sustainability, 15 (4), 3482.
                                                                   Hassoun, A., Siddiqui, S. A., Smaoui, S., Ucak, i., Arshad, R. N.,
              production costs, improving operational efficiency, and     Garcia-Oliveira, P., Prieto, M. A., Aït-Kaddour, A., Perestrelo, R.,
              minimizing waste.                                      Câmara, J.S., and Bono, G. (2022). Seafood processing,
                 2.3 Hygiene Monitoring During Production: Ensures     preservation, and analytical techniques in the age of Industry
              the safety and quality of products according to standards.     4.0. Applied Sciences, 12(3), 1703.
              Quality control measures vary based on the production   Qiao, J., Zhang, M., Qiu, L., Mujumdar, A. S. and Ma, Y. (2024).
              process, such as maintaining employee hygiene, controlling     Visual early warning and prediction of fresh food quality
              production  temperature  and  time,  preventing  cross-    deterioration: Research progress and application in the supply
                                                                     chain. Food Bioscience, 103671.
              contamination, and sampling for physical, chemical, and   Ye, W., Xu, W., Yan, T., Yan, J., Gao, P. and Zhang, C. (2022).
              microbiological quality checks. Hygiene monitoring reduces     Application of near-infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral
              contamination risks, builds consumer trust, and supports long-    imaging combined with machine learning algorithms for quality
              term business stability.                               inspection of grape: a review. Foods, 12(1), 132.

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