Page 39 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
P. 39
- Brahman, native to India, is into primary sections, such as chuck, round, brisket, and loin, which are further
known for its resilience in hot, humid processed into various products like steak, ground beef, or specialty cuts.
climates. While not highly marbled, These parts will then be further cut into smaller portions in different shapes
it is often crossbred to create new and sizes, depending on their intended purposes. Different cuts have distinct
breeds that can endure harsh tenderness, flavors, and textures. The most common cuts include: (Table 1)
conditions while improving meat The selection of cattle breeds plays a crucial role in differentiating beef products,
quality. while the aging process and butchering steps require appropriate techniques to
obtain high-quality beef suitable for processing and adding value to the beef
Beef Aging: Elevating Flavor products.
and Texture
Once premium cattle breeds undergo
processing, the beef is subjected to More Information Service Info C004
a process called aging to enhance
tenderness and flavor. This is
achieved by carefully controlling
temperature and humidity, allowing
proteins and fats to break down
gradually. The two main aging
methods, each with unique
benefits, are:
- Dry Aging: meat is hung in a
temperature- and ventilation-
controlled room (1-4°C) with 80-85%
humidity for 2-4 weeks, or up to
6 weeks in some cases, depending
on sizes. This process intensifies the
meat’s flavor and enhances its texture
due to water loss.
- Wet aging: meat is vacuum-
sealed and stored at 1-4°C for 7-14
days. This method preserves moisture
and prevents weight loss, resulting in
softer meat, though with a milder
flavor than dry-aged beef.
Butchering: Adding Value to
High-Quality Beef through
Precision Trimming
After aging, beef is cut and trimmed
to maximize value and suit both
culinary and commercial needs. In
this process, carcasses are divided
เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
ชััยณรงค์์ ค์ันธพนิต. 2529. “วิิทยาศาสตร์
เน้�อสัตวิ์”. กรุงเทพฯ. ไทยวิัฒนาพานิชั.
สัญชััย จตุรสิทธา. 2543. “เทค์โนโลยี
เน้�อสัตวิ์”. เชัียงใหม่่:ธนบรรณการพิม่พ์.
สำานักพัฒนาพันธุ์สัตวิ์. 2558 “พันธุ์โค์เน้�อ”.
กรุงเทพฯ. กรม่ปศุสัตวิ์.
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