Page 50 - FoodFocusThailand No.166 January 2020
P. 50

            STORAGE, H

                           10 Warehousing Technology

                           Innovations from Around the World

                           It is predicted that over 85% of all businesses will be digital within the next few years. As such,
                           warehouse operators and logistics firms need to react quickly by implementing the latest technical
                           innovations. Not only will this ensure that these companies will be thoroughly futureproofed, but
                           supply chains will be operating at peak efficiency – great for customers and businesses alike.
                           Here are another 5 trends of the most exciting technological innovations in the warehousing
                           sector that should keep an eye on.

                  Omnichannel Operations E-commerce and omnichannel   facilities could be seen in the future.
             6solutions go hand in hand. As the future is most definitely digital,
             warehousing will have to adapt to meet the needs of this globally   Keeping an Eye on Lithium-ion Batteries The
             redefining  commerce  sector. A  Russia  based  warehousing  and  9other intriguing development in batteries, for warehousing,
             manufacturing real estate company , has implemented an omnichannel   can be found in the form of advances in lithium-ion (Li-ion) power
             solution in their latest project.                      cells. European company  recently updated many of their truck
                 The rise of omnichannel distribution goes hand in hand with the   models, including pallet trucks, low-level order pickers and tow
             advances  in  RFID  and  EDI  tech,  whereas  drones  could  also  be   tractors, with Li-ion power units.
             hovering on the horizon too for greater efficiency and cost effectiveness.     The  results  have  shown  longer-lasting  battery  life  when
                                                                    compared with traditional lead acid units. More than 90% of the
                  Rise of the Robots  Robots are playing a big part in   battery’s charge can be used to power the vehicle, which means
             7improving  levels  of  automation  in  warehousing.  Several   less down time charging and more time in use. Depending on the
             worldwide robot manufacturers  offer robotic solutions that make   application, a lithium-ion battery can last up to 10 years before
             inventory, stock take and picking faster.              needing replacing. Li-ion powered trucks and warehouse equipment
                Take Amazon’s machines for example. Each has its own area to   is one way to keep energy costs low without impacting on productivity.
             cover, learning where to take its inventory from, which is then picked
             and taken to a member of the warehouse staff for further distribution   Crafty  Construction  The  construction  of
             or directly onto trucks. Each small orange robot has what resembles  10warehouses will be changed in the coming years.
             a pallet on its back, so each can travel around the warehouse with   Single-envelope technology is poised to replace traditional methods
             ease.                                                  and materials. By utilising composite panels in the construction,
                                                                    energy efficiency, air-tightness and durability are increased. These
                  Barrage of Batteries You may not think battery technology   are key benefits, especially for cold storage facilities.
             8has anything to do with supply or logistics (beyond the supply   The largest example of this design is in Wisbech, the UK’s leading
             of the batteries themselves, of course) but you would be wrong. A few   specialists in cold storage design and construction , built their facility
             firms have led developments in battery tech that could greatly aid   to improve the UK’s number of frozen food warehouses. Construction
             warehouse operations globally.                         time and costs were reduced by 20% while building the 36,000
                 The company  has recently unveiled two batteries that can draw   square metre space.
             energy from either nearby power grids or from renewable energy
             sources, i.e. solar power. The benefits of these are twofold. Firstly,   The Bright Future of Warehousing Technology
             they allow for greater automation as the energy source will be local   Technology keeps advancing quickly, as e-commerce and digital
             and affordable enough to offset the upfront costs of installing   distribution grows, so it is up to firms to ensure they keep abreast
             automated systems. Secondly, the fact that they can be linked up to   of all the latest innovations. Implementation will be key to the smooth
             renewable energy sources means these batteries allow for a great   running of supply chains as the 21 century roles on. Make sure
             flexibility in the location of warehouses. They are, after all, not entirely   your business will not be caught out and keep up to date.
             dependent on local utility grids, so a further spread of warehouse

             50 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  JAN   2020

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