Page 53 - FoodFocusThailand No.166 January 2020
P. 53

                                                                                    STORAGE, HANDLING & LOGISTICSANDLING & LOGISTICS

                     Traditional traceability products are not only alive but thriving.
                  That’s in part to industrywide efforts to convert old paper dependent
                  traceability programs to searchable digital versions. Because of that
                  push, non-blockchain, digital traceability products are competing

                  Associations Push for Modernization  Many in the
                  industry have sought a way to improve produce tracebacks for a while
                  now. The old paper version of traceability is unwieldy, especially when
                  public health is in danger.
                     “Traceability is necessary for the sake of public health (along with
                  better business benefits), and we support PTI [Produce Traceability
                  Initiative] because it uses globally-recognized standards allowing for
                  interoperability throughout the supply chain,” says United Fresh’s Dr.
                  Jennifer McEntire, Vice President of Safety.
                     “Everybody’s focused on improving the whole process of food
                  safety,” says Wester Growers’ Senior Vice President Hank Giclas.“If
                  you look at the recommendations that came out of last year’s romaine
                  task force, they revolve around the PTI program. And we’d like to see
                  that reinvigorated, not only at the grower-shipper level, but more   Global Trade Item Numbers for each product. In the event of a recall,
                  broadly accepted and adopted at the buyer-distributor level.”    we can use a photo of the PTI label to trace the product back to the field
                     The PTI, a collaboration between several industry associations,   of origin as well as identify where other cases from the same block may
                  aims to converts the entire industry to electronic traceability.   have been distributed.”
                     “Our program is a broader, more comprehensive marriage of
                  existing technologies, refining traceability down to the item level, a    Why Not Adopt a Universal System Like Blockchain?
                  specific bunch or bag or clamshell, as opposed to a case or pallet,”   One argument in favor of adopting blockchain industrywide is that one
                  Giclas says. “We’re all about integrating what’s already on the ground   system will simplify things and make trace-backs a snap. But that ignores
                  to allow us to rapidly trace both forward and backward.”   a few key points. What each supplier offers doesn’t always fit with what
                     Western Growers, also representing the supply side of the chain   different parts of the industry needs.
                  in Arizona and California, recently launched its own Supply Chain   “One universal system everyone could subscribe to sounds like a
                  Risk Management Solution program to go beyond traditional paper-  good idea, but we like the flexibility for members to use alternate methods
                  based food tracking efforts.                          of  data  tracking,”  says  Dr.  Hilary Thesmar,  Food  Safety  Program
                                                                        Coordinator, Food Marketing Institute (FMI).
                  Newer Programs Must Connect the Entire Supply            So FMI doesn’t endorse any one traceability platform.
                  Chain  The key to these programs’ effectiveness? Industrywide   “As long as there is accurate information concerning traceability that
                  adoption.                                             can be shared with the supply chain, that’s our focus,” Thesmar says.
                     “If it’s going to work, it has to go through the entire distribution   “Technology is advancing quickly. We’ve made a huge shift from
                  chain, so there’s a lot of work still to be done,” says California Leafy   paper to electronic data systems in the last decade with additional
                  Greens Marketing Agreement CEO Scott Horsfall. “I wish it was as   advances expected. Who knows what the innovations will be in terms
                  easy as everyone flipping a switch and using the system in unison,   of making it even easier to capture information in the future? Tracking
                  but that’s still being worked out.”                   produce will be even faster and easier in the future using systems that
                     His leafy greens counterpart in Arizona, Teressa Lopez, says most   have not yet been conceptualized,” Thesmar says.
                  growers already embrace that mission.                    “We need to remember that produce safety isn’t just an action — it’s
                     “The largest breakdown of traceability is that last mile —   an attitude reflecting our core beliefs,” says Cathy Burns, CEO of the
                  distribution and retail,” she says. “Growers and shippers are labeling   Produce Marketing Association.
                  product and United Fresh and the Produce Marketing Association are
                  working diligently on FDA-allowed providence labeling to identify the   How Do Traditional Traceability and Blockchain
                  specific city or county of origin, leaving it up to retail to scan those   Differ? Blockchain and traditional traceability products have the same
                  labels and make sure every single package has accountability.”   goal: increase data availability of foods progress through supply chain.
                     McEntire doesn’t feel there is one universal program, a one-size-  The primary difference comes from blockchain’s ability to decentralize
                  fits-all solution, to solve the problem.              data housing and rely on encryption for data verification and assurance,
                     “Looking holistically, we need to maintain a visible and readily-  the Institute of Food Technologists says.
                  navigated relationship with chain partners that allows for choice and   Blockchain differs in another way. All partners have a copy of the
                  flexibility. We need whole-chain traceability, the ability to track and   shared ledger. That’s likely a major factor in retailers like Walmart
                  trace both internally within a company and externally via a data   demanding its suppliers adopt it.
                  exchange between trading partners,” she says.            Modern traceability products digitize all paperwork related to the
                     Ocean Mist Farms, the largest domestic grower of artichokes, as   product, from harvest data to import inspections to arriving at a grocery
                  well as a full line of fresh vegetables year-round, also is a PTI   store dock. Its not as centralized as blockchain, but it still offers a speedy
                  proponent.                                            way to trace each step produce takes through the supply chain.
                     “While we had a traceability program allowing us to trace each
                  carton to the block and field of origin, it made the most sense to
                  migrate toward a product-tracking platform in use across other arms
                  of the supply chain,” says Chris Drew, Vice President of Operations.
                     “Utilizing our previous format of assigning block codes made the   เอกสารอ้างอิง/Reference
                  switch more palatable by starting evenly across all commodities with
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