Page 44 - FoodFocusThailand No.167 February 2020
P. 44


              ระหว่่างการผลิิตเป็็นจำำานว่นมาก ดัังนั�น การเป็ิดัใช้้ฟัังก์ช้ันน้�ให้เกิดัป็ระโยช้น์
              สููงสูุดั คว่รติดัตั�งเคร่�องช้ั�งบนสูายพานให้ใกลิ้กับเคร่�องบรรจำุมากที่้�สูุดั
                 การเลิ่อกใช้้ฟัังก์ช้ัน “Feedback Control” จำะช้่ว่ยให้ผู้ผลิิตลิดัคว่าม-
              อ้กที่ั�งยังสูามารถช้่ว่ยเพิ�มกำาลิังการผลิิต (Productivity) เน่�องจำากเป็็น
              ที่ันที่้ แลิะลิดัคว่ามผิดัพลิาดัที่้�อาจำเกิดัจำากการที่ำางานของพนักงาน

                                                                                          Other factors that will affect the
                                                                                        effectiveness and accuracy of a dynamic
                                                                                        checkweigher  are,  but  not  limited  to,
                                                                                        vibration, air movement, room temperature,
                                                                                        inadequate cleaning methods, and product
                                                                                        fragments scattered along the conveyor
                                                                                        belts.  Thus,  apart  from  acquiring  a
                                                                                        dynamic checkweigher with corresponding
                                                                                        effectiveness  and  accuracy,  proper
                                                                                        maintenance is also a vital factor.
                                                                                          The technological features of a
                                                                                        modern-day dynamic checkweigher can
                                                                                        help detect any irregularities if, for example,
                                                                                        the product weight is found to continuously
                                                                                        increase  or  decrease.  Upon  such
                                                                                        detection, signals will then be sent from
              Weighing & Packaging                                                      the checkweigher to the corresponding
                                                                                        filling machine so that a proper weight
                                                                                        adjustment can be made. This automatic
              Technology                                                                process is called “Feedback Control”.
                                                                                          The checkweigher will constantly
                                                                                        measure the product weight and make
                                                                                        necessary calculations to check for any
                                                                                        possible  irregular  tendencies.  If  the
              To ensure that a final consumer product have the same net weight as the   product weight is found to continuously
              measurement shown in the production line, it is necessary to rely on a tool   increase or decrease, the device will send
              which can confirm that every goods meets its defined weight standard.     signals to the filling machine to make a
              When the manufacturing process nears its maximum capacity, it is difficult   proper  adjustment.  During  the  signal
                                                                                        transmission, however, the ongoing weight
              for operation staff to individually check the weight of each product. A   irregularities may continue to occur in the
              dynamic checkweigher, therefore, is a good alternative that can help with   filling process, thus causing further product
              the final quality control before the products reach the consumers. Such   giveaway. In order to minimize this issue,
              device can reduce product giveaway as well.                               the checkweigher should be installed as
                                                                                        near the filling machines as possible.
                                                                                          After adjustment, the filling machine
                                                                                        will then resume its regular and effective
                                                                                        functions as per the established standards.
              What are the Effectiveness and Accuracy Factors of a Dynamic                The “Feedback Control” function helps
              Checkweigher?                                                             manufacturers to quickly minimize losses
              The heart of a checkweigher is a load cell. There are currently two types of load cell technology:   stemming from the malfunction of a filling
              strain gauge and electromagnetic force restoration (EMFR), which are different in terms of   machine. The productivity can also be
              weighing accuracy. Therefore, one should clearly specify the desired accuracy rate in order to   improved thanks to the automatic functions
              get a dynamic checkweigher that can fully meet such specifications and reap the full benefits   that require less time to install, can start
              from the chosen machine.                                                  operating immediately, and help reduce
                                                                                        human errors.
             44 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  FEB   2020

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