Page 55 - FoodFocusThailand No.167 February 2020
P. 55

                                                                                        STRENGTHEN THE PACKAGINGGTHEN THE PACKAGING

                 Closed-loop Recycling

                  Usually, when someone decides to launch a startup company, they
                  start small. But not Bob Daviduk and Joe Ross. When they established
                  rPlanet Earth, they set up a company that recycles post-consumer PET
                  containers and converts the flakes into food-grade preforms, extruded
                  sheet, and thermoformed packaging in a single, closed-loop process.

                     Bob Daviduk and Joe Ross envision a world without plastic waste.   we looked at some projects around the world that were already using
                  “It’s a very ambitious goal, but you have to aim high from day one,” explains   their equipment. We were quite impressed by how mechanically sound
                  Bob Daviduk. Plastic is a valuable resource, but only around nine percent   the equipment was and how little manual labor was involved,” says
                  gets recycled worldwide. The rest lands in incinerators, landfills, or worse   Ross. Daviduk adds: “We believe that the German company  offered
                  – the environment.                                      the most comprehensive and the best recycling system in the world.
                     Daviduk and Ross both hail from the United States, where daily   And we fully expect the German company  to live up to that.”
                  consumption of single-use plastics is staggering: there’s coffee in to-go
                  cups, disposable cutlery, and even peeled hard-boiled eggs in plastic   As One of the General Contractors
                  containers. But when it comes to recycling these products, things look   Of course, a plant of this size needs a lot of space. rPlanet Earth
                  pretty grim: “In terms of sustainability, the US is an emerging market. We   found that space in Vernon, California, about five miles southeast of
                  recycle one in five bottles give or take. In Europe, it’s closer to five out of   Downtown Los Angeles. Vernon is an industrial city with its own power
                  ten. In Germany, it’s over 90 percent because of the deposit,” says Daviduk.   company, which provides competitively priced electricity. The facility
                  In the US, only one-fifth of the states have adopted a deposit and   sits on a 657,000 square-foot property (about 15 acres) that houses
                  redemption system for PET and glass bottles and cans. But where there   a logistics yard for truck traffic, a covered collection area for PET
                  is a system in place, it works, as these statistics show: while the collection   plastic bale receiving and storage, and the 302,000 square-foot plant
                  rate averages only about 30 percent nationally, the ten states with bottle   at the heart of it all. The plant itself consists of three different sections:
                  deposits have raised their collection rates to an average of over 70 percent   -  In the front end, the feedstock is debaled and sorted using
                  and as high as 92 percent.                              multiple technologies. When the sorting is complete and only PET
                     So, there’s still enormous potential for deposit-refund systems to more   plastic containers remain, they are then shredded.
                  than double or even triple the average collection rate. What is primarily in   -  The resulting flake enters an innovative wash line , which
                  place right now, though, is curbside recycling, which is available for most   removes any remaining contaminants and foreign matter and cleans
                  plastics, paper, and aluminum. All of these materials land in a big collection   the flakes in several stages. Another sorter at the end of the wash
                  bin, get pre-sorted, and then sold for further processing.  line ensures that only PET flakes move on to the next processing
                  Growing Demand for Recycled PET (rPET) Packaging          -  In the decontamination reactor , the flake is heated to around
                  But returning bottles for recycling is just one (extremely important) part of   390 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius) – depending on the
                  a functioning recycling process. Of course, the goal is to ultimately make   target application – under a vacuum. Flake that has passed through
                  the best possible use of the post-consumer PET and convert it back into   this step is safe and approved for direct food contact packaging. The
                  high-quality products.                                  rPET flake continues right on to one of the plant’s plastics processing
                     And that is where rPlanet Earth comes in. The company’s two founders   lines, where it is converted into preforms or extruded sheet. The latter
                  have recognized the market’s enormous potential. “I have been in the   is also used as the basis for producing thermoformed containers
                  plastics industry for over twenty years. Unfortunately, most people don’t   downstream.
                  give any thought to what happens to plastic once it’s been used. So, our   This closed loop is both extremely compact and highly complex
                  goal is to produce plastic packaging for a broad array of consumer   and is ultimately what sets rPlanet Earth apart. “The setup was
                  packaged goods (CPG) companies and then be able to take that used   important for us for a couple of reasons. One is because, as far as
                  plastic and turn it right back into the same product,” explains Joe Ross.   we know, it gives us the lowest carbon footprint for packaging
                  Bob Daviduk adds: “There is strong demand for rPET across almost every   worldwide,” explains Bob Daviduk. “Another is that it just made sense
                  CPG company, but not enough material. The market is growing fast. A few   for us to have everything under a single roof because it’s a more
                  years ago, most companies were satisfied if their preforms had 25 percent   efficient process. At rPlanet Earth, our goal is to have the lightest
                  recycled content, and now many are saying they want 100 percent. Many   possible impact on the environment, on our planet Earth.”
                  brand owners see that as their contribution to protecting the environment
                  and promoting sustainability,” says Bob Daviduk. And that is why the two   Skipping the Pellets
                  entrepreneurs decided to start up a company that converts used PET   rPlanet Earth bypasses the traditional step of pelletizing, instead using
                  containers back into new food-grade packaging – an ambitious project for   the flake directly in its own plastics production. Together with the
                  a start-up.                                             German company , the company developed a process in which the
                     Once they had secured financing, Daviduk and Ross began to look   still-hot flake is converted into product in three sheet extrusion and
                  at technology and equipment in earnest. And it was purely by coincidence   two injection molding machines. That reduces the amount of time the
                  that rPlanet Earth found the German company  who are the recycling   PET is heated, which benefits both material quality and energy
                  experts.                                                efficiency. To ensure that everything went smoothly, rPlanet Earth
                     The German company  served as one of the general contractors,   placed high importance on having a German project lead  on site all
                  integrating the front end for sorting and shredding the post-consumer PET   the time in the early stages not only to make sure everything was
                  containers, its own cleaning and decontamination modules, and all   installed properly but also to do any necessary fine tuning and
                  pneumatic material conveyance. The line processes approximately 6,600   immediate troubleshooting during the initial stages of operation.
                  pounds of PET per hour. “Before we decided on the German company ,
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