Page 26 - FoodFocusThailand No.169 April 2020
P. 26


            Detection of Food Allergens                                •  Prevention of cross-contact during processing. Segregate
            Detection methods for food allergens are mostly based on the recognition   production area and employee for allergenic and non-allergenic
            of allergen proteins by antibodies, such as lateral flow device methods   products. If this is not possible, schedule the manufacturing of non-
            and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISAs). DNA-based   allergenic foods before processing foods with allergens. Schedule
            methods such as real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are also   sanitation immediately after the production of foods containing
            used to detect the presence of allergens. Currently, mass spectroscopy   allergenic ingredients and verify the sanitation effectiveness. Limit
            is becoming an alternative to these methods due to it has the advantage   the  traffic  patterns  of  raw  materials,  packaging  supplies,  and
            of permitting simultaneous analyses for several allergens in food,   employees during the manufacture of allergen-containing products.
            including  processed  food  products  which  may  contain  protein   Dedicate tools, containers, and utensils and clearly mark them or use
            denaturation and structural modification that might not be detected by   a color code to identify allergenic ingredients and/or products. Control
            the antibody-based method. Furthermore, it has high sensitivity and   of rework and work in process containing allergenic ingredients by
            specificity (Planque et al., 2017).                     color-coded tags and record their location and amounts.
                                                                       •  Review product labels to ensure packaged food comply with
            Food Allergen Management                                the regulation. Ensure label approval processes are in place for new
            Food allergen management can be accomplished by the collaboration   products or changes to current products. Review incoming labels
            of team members and work synchronized thoroughly the food supply   before receipt for accuracy. Discard all out-of-date labels or packaging.
            chain. As references from Preventive Controls for Human          Implement  proper  inventory  control  procedures  for
            Food (FSPCA, 2016) and Components of an                             packaging materials and labels. Train line personnel
            Effective Allergen  Control  Plan  for  food                         on techniques for ensuring product labels are used
            processors (FARRP, 2020a), the main                                  accurately at product changeover on the production
            issues are mentioned as followed:                                     line.
               •  Establishment of allergen                                            • Validated allergen cleaning program by
            control team is the first step to                                          evaluating the processing equipment and
            gather representatives from all                                              overall plant structure with good sanitary
            appropriate departments such                                                  features. Implement the sanitation
            as production, quality control,                                                standard operating procedures in
            regulatory compliance, research                                                 particular cleaning procedures,
            and development, engineering,                                                    identify the responsible person and
            sanitation and food safety. It is                                                documented training. Implement
            to identify key leaders in the                                                   the  cleaning  validation  and
            organization  who  not  only                                                     verification  process,  define  the
            understand how ingredients                                                       analytical  procedures  and  final
            flow through the facility, but                                                   acceptance criteria. Validate the
            also  understand  the  vital                                                    analytical procedures used to verify
            importance of managing and                                                      and validate cleaning efficacy. Keep
            controlling these ingredients at                                               detailed records for cleaning,
            every stage and every day.                                                    validation, and verification. Monitor
               •  Allergen management                                                    and verify the Allergen Control Plan
            begins with new product concepts,                                           frequently.
            research  and  development  product                                        •  Provide  staff  training  on  allergen
            prototypes,  new  ingredients  and  new                                  awareness and control for all employees at
            labels. Avoid  or  minimize  using  allergenic                       level of the company. Provide specific training along
            ingredients. Create a process to review allergens in new   as job responsibilities. Training is essential and needs to be an ongoing
            products with manufacturing facilities before ordering the ingredients   commitment for both new and experienced employees.
            from suppliers and starting the production. Understand the existing
            allergens or lack of allergens in the manufacturing facilities when
            formulating  new  products.  Question  ingredient  suppliers  on  the
            functionality and necessity of allergens in their formulation. Only add   ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู/Additional Information
            allergens to new products when they make a significant distinguish in   1   The Voluntary Incidental Trace Allergen Labelling (VITAL ) Program
            the taste or functionality of the product.                 จััดทำำ�ขึ้้�นในออสเตรเลีียแลีะนิวซีีแลีนด์   ®
                                                                      The Voluntary Incidental Trace Allergen Labelling (VITAL ) Program
               •  Segregation of allergenic foods or ingredients during receiving,     has been developed in Australia and New Zealand.
            storage, handling, and processing. Identify the allergen information of
            incoming raw material, use tagging/color coding, separate equipment   เอกสารอ้างอ่ง/References
            and storage areas for allergenic and non-allergenic ingredients and/or   FARRP [Food Allergy Research and Resource Program]. 2020a. Allergen
            products to prevent allergen cross-contact. Using and documenting     Control in the Food Industry. Available Source:
            clean up procedures for spills of allergens.               allergen-control-food-industry, Accessed date: 16 March 2020.
               •  Conduct supplier control programs for ingredients and labels to   FARRP [Food Allergy Research and Resource Program]. 2020b. USA: FDA
            ensure the suppliers are diligent and equally as dedicated to controlling     and USDA Food Recall Incidents. Available Source:
            and managing allergens. Require letters from suppliers that guarantee     reg-sit-usa, Accessed date: 13 March 2020.
            the ingredients purchased do not contain undeclared allergens. Audit   FSPCA [Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance]. 2016. Preventive Controls
            suppliers regularly to assess the effectiveness of their Allergen Control     for Human Food. Training Curriculum, FSPCA Lead Instructor Guide.
                                                                     Planque, M., T. Arnould and N. Gillard. 2017. Food Allergen Analysis:
            Plan. Require suppliers to have effective sanitation cleaning procedures     Detection, Quantification and Validation by Mass Spectrometry. Available
            and transportation.                                        Source: DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.69361, Accessed date: 13 March 2020.

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