Page 40 - FoodFocusThailand No.170 May 2020
P. 40
Increases Demand for
Safe and Reliable
Beauty and
Personal Care Products
The natural movement continues to shape the beauty industry as women become more conscientious of the
ingredients in beauty products and seek out what is considered safe. However, efficacy is also top-of-mind,
with more than one-third of women agreeing that they care more about the effectiveness of a product than the
ingredients it uses. While women expect brands to use natural ingredients, they ultimately choose a product
based on efficacy, making it increasingly important for brands to link ingredient safety with function.
COVID-19 is impacting the way consumers approach beauty and COVID-19 is a catalyst towards this movement, with brands facing
personal care (BPC) products, especially when they consider ingredient more pressure to convey safety, longevity and efficacy. To avoid
safety, cleanliness and shelf life. distrust, brands must educate consumers about the benefits and
stability of synthetic ingredients, while providing evidence and
COVID-19 is a Catalyst for Clean certifications/seals of approval that denotes product safety.
Since its inception, clean beauty has consistently evolved to meet Beauty and personal care products can also be formulated without
consumer needs and demands. What started out as a natural ingredient water to appeal to consumers’ safety and environmental concerns.
trend has snowballed into a movement incorporating elements such as By offering products in a powder form, consumers can control the
safety, transparency, sourcing/manufacturing practices and a slew of shelf life on their own. Not only do waterless formulas reduce the
other factors that play into the final product. According to Mintel research need for preservatives, they also minimize waste.
on ingredient trends in beauty, nearly half of women who use beauty
products agree it’s important to understand the ingredients used in their COVID-19 Impact on BPC Packaging
beauty products. As consumers become more aware about viruses and germs living
While clean beauty isn’t going anywhere, the unprecedented impact on surfaces, BPC products packaged in ways that eliminate the need
of COVID-19 will have implications on the evolution of clean beauty. Prior to touch one’s face will stand out. Spray and stick formats in both
to COVID-19, natural consumers avoided ingredients such as cosmetics and facial skincare have been increasing in popularity, and
preservatives and artificial ingredients in their beauty products due to with the arrival of COVID-19, “touchless” beauty products will see
perceived health risks. With more concern surrounding shelf-stability and increased demand. Consumers will look to brands for guidance on
sanitation across consumer packaged goods (CPG) categories, how to keep their cosmetics clean and safe. In addition, while much
consumers will be more willing to accept these ingredients as long as attention is placed on the importance of cleaning makeup brushes
brands provide evidence of efficacy and safety, both from a health and and skincare devices, brands can support consumers by offering tips
environmental perspective. and tricks to cleanse auxiliary BPC products without compromising
product efficacy and safety.
COVID-19 Impact on BPC Formulation The anxiety and uncertainty caused by this pandemic leads to a
The arrival of the novel coronavirus will further push the notion that natural greater need for reliable and safe BPC products. Products that mitigate
isn’t always better, especially when it comes to ingredient safety and risks of contamination by utilizing touchless formats and offer extended
shelf life. According to Mintel research on clean beauty, more than one shelf life to consumers rationing supplies and/or unable to obtain
in 10 adults agree clean products expire too quickly. More than ever, alternatives will stand out as being safe and dependable. Brands that
consumers will scrutinize ingredient safety and evaluate the risk of demonstrate their dependability, transparency and willingness to take
possible product contamination and expiration. The future of clean action to ensure product safety will be rewarded by consumers.
ingredient formulations will rely on safe synthetic ingredients, which may
improve shelf life.
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