Page 54 - FoodFocusThailand No.170 May 2020
P. 54


            VOSSKO is a company based in Northern Germany

            that sells processed poultry, pork and beef products
            through retailers, food services and processing plants.
            The company is operating a second facility in Brazil
            since 2004 and has chosen one of the global leading

            packaging solution provider  from Spain to be its
            technology partner and develop packing and packaging
            solutions for its plants.

            Packing and Packaging

            Solutions for Frozen Processed Plant

               Operating over a dozen vertical wrappers, VOSSKO   Forming Tube that Switches between Each Side of the Machine
            started researching the VFFS machine market during   With the latest vertical packaging machine , the forming tube can be moved 90° to
            2017, as its oldest machines were about to be replaced   one side of the machine. This means that the client does not have to move the output
            and additional machines were required for the planned   conveyor, they can easily switch the tube from one side and move it back. This is a
            increase in production. The aim was to find the latest   far quicker system and, as the tubes are generally quite heavy, it saves a lot of time
            technology available on the market and make ongoing   for the operator, as well as offering a competitive advantage in terms of the ergonomics
            investments in the coming years. Germany is one of   and handling of the machine by operators.
            the most competitive markets in the world for almost
            every type of packaging machine, yet this German client   Hygienic Design
            chose the Spanish company over other machines and   Another of the most notable features of the latest vertical packaging machine is its
            suppliers. The decision of choosing the Spain company    hygienic design, a design with an IP rating of 66: an outstanding figure. The client can
            as technology partner is due to certain factors that we   even clean the machine from the front, with water jets set to around 6 bar, without
            will detail below.                          having to remove the jaws for cleaning. To facilitate cleaning, all electrical and electronic
                                                        systems are covered inside the body of the machine, which does not have an external
            Air Extraction System 2                     electronic cabinet. In turn, the HMI graphical interface has an IP rating of 67.
            With this system that has been patented, shortly before   The first latest vertical packaging machine  was installed at the beginning of 2018
            sealing and cutting the bag, the air is suctioned out of   and, when VOSSKO and the Spanish technology partner company  established an
            it. When selecting the duration of the extraction (a matter   excellent partnership, VOSSKO opted to support and assist in the development of a
            of milliseconds) on the HMI –graphical interface-, the   totally new sealing system and allowed all of the necessary testing to be performed
            client sets the level of air to be left in the bag. The   on the latest vertical packaging machine that had been installed.
            reduced level of air in the bags allows VOSSKO to   In frozen food plants, polyethylene is the film material that is generally used for
            automatically load the bags into cardboard boxes as   packaging products in bags. Polyethylene requires impulse sealing with a Teflon
            they leave the bagging machine. This system developed   adhesive tape on the jaws after each shift. However, the fused polyethylene sticks to
            by VOSSKO’s Spanish packaging technology partner   the jaws. This requires a second set of jaws for each machine, one in production and
            can automatically load an additional 20% of bags into   one in the workshop as a spare, along with a team of technicians to perform this task,
            boxes. This leads to significant reductions in labour   if the company is working with several vertical VFFS machines.
            costs, secondary packaging materials and warehouse   The new system successfully developed with the Spanish technology partner
            and logistical costs.                       company  operates with continuously heated jaws, with specially coated sealing
               The standard machines available on the market   profiles. The sealing profiles can be replaced directly on the machine in less than 5
            pierce holes in the film on the packaging machine or   minutes when they become worn. Profiles generally last for around three weeks,
            use pre-perforated film to remove the air from the bags.   depending on the products being packaged and the number of shifts. During this
            This working method can oxidise or even dry out the   sealing system development period, three latest vertical packaging machines  have
            product. This does not happen when you use the air   been installed in VOSSKO with the same application.
            extraction system . The bags are hermetically sealed,   The installation of the Spanish technology  machinery in VOSSKO’s facilities has
            thus preventing any exchange of atmosphere and   been an ongoing process that has been carried out gradually over time, working in
            preserving the high quality of VOSSKO’s products. In   close collaboration with the client, ultimately resulting in an increase in output and an
            terms of output, it is possible to package between             improvement in quality, meaning that the German frozen food industry now has new
            250 g and 3,700 g at speeds of 12 to 78 bags per minute   facilities with the Spanish technology machines.
            by using this air extraction system.
             54 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  MAY   2020

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