Page 48 - FoodFocusThailand No.176 November 2020
P. 48
The occurrence of foodborne disease
outbreaks has continued to be
a threat in all regions of the
world despite the development
of sanitation management,
improvement of consumer
knowledge concerning safe
food handling as well as
technological advances in
food processing to eliminate
contaminated microorganisms
in food products.
Foodborne Pathogens
and Foodborne Diseases
The World Health Organization estimated that approximately 600 to be able to prevent or reduce the incidence of foodborne disease
million world population suffer from consuming contaminated foods and outbreaks.
water resulting in 420,000 deaths each year. Foods contaminated with
bacteria, viruses, parasitic worms, protozoa, and harmful chemicals are Streptococcus suis
primarily the causative agents of numerous diseases in humans ranging Recently, there were reported cases of Streptococcus suis infection
from mild to life-threatening symptoms. This burdens also causes resulting in hearing loss in Thailand. This condition was caused by
tremendous economic loss; hence, foodborne diseases directly affect human infection with S. suis, which is a respiratory microbiota often
public health as well as a socioeconomic development. Foods can found in pigs, especially in tonsils and nasal cavities. S. suis infects
become contaminated at any points from farm-to fork. Furthermore, pigs worldwide and infected pigs might act as an asymptomatic carrier
factors such as changes in consumer behaviors and demographics, to human. Generally, S. suis can be transmitted to human by 3 routes
globalization trades and advanced logistics, changes in food processing as follows. (1) Consumption of contaminated pork, internal organs,
and production, together with changes in microbial genetics are all and pig blood without properly cooking such as spicy minced meat
considered to have tremendous impacts on the occurrence of foodborne salad made with raw pork and pig blood or
disease outbreaks. undercooked Thai barbecue or hot pot. This
Consuming food contaminated with foodborne pathogens is one of transmission route was reported as the
the most important causes of diarrhea in Thailand. The illnesses are major route of S. suis infection in
attributed to disease-causing microorganisms or toxins produced by Thailand. (2) Infection through
microorganisms entering the body. This article focuses on some wounds or scratches on skin from
significant foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and pathogens that exposure to infected pigs and
had recently caused foodborne outbreaks in Thailand. Understanding pork. The risk groups who could
the topic of pathogenic microorganisms in foods is significant in order be infected via this route are pig
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