Page 50 - FoodFocusThailand No.176 November 2020
P. 50
to cause the illness. Symptomatic and asymptomatic infected people headache, dehydration, muscle cramping and pulse rate and blood
can excrete large numbers of NoV in their stool and become carriers pressure might temporary change. Generally, staphylococcal food
of disease. poisoning is not a life-threatening disease, nevertheless, deaths were
reported for elderly, infants, and severely debilitated people. The most
Vibrio parahaemolyticus common food vehicles linked to staphylococcal food poisoning
V. parahaemolyticus is one of the outbreaks are foods that required directly handling by human during
leading causes of foodborne preparation and those stored under improper temperature facilitating
disease outbreaks in Thailand. growth and toxin production of S. aureus. The examples of foods that
The natural habitat of V. are typically relevant to staphylococcal food poisoning are meat and
parahaemolyticus is coastal water poultry products, dairy products, egg salad, potato salad, sandwiches,
and ocean in tropical-to temperate bakery products such as éclair and custard cream. It is noteworthy
areas of the world. V. that staphylococcal enterotoxin is highly heat stable and retains its
parahaemolyticus required biological activity in food after cooking despite the destruction of
sodium chloride for growth; enterotoxigenic S. aureus cells. Therefore, avoiding store foods with
therefore, V. parahaemolyticus is often found in coastal water and a risk of S. aureus contamination at abusive storage time and
estuarine as well as in seafood harvested from contaminated water temperature plays a crucial role to prevent proliferation and
sources such as oysters, clams, finfish, squid, octopus, shrimp, and staphylococcal enterotoxin production in foods that subsequently
crab. Consuming raw or undercooked seafood is the primary cause of leads to lower the chance of S. aureus-associated food poisoning
V. parahaemolyticus-associated gastroenteritis with symptoms of outbreaks to occur.
diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever, and bloody
diarrhea in more severe cases. The incubation period is usually 4-90 Safe Food Handling Guidelines to Prevent
hours post-ingestion of living bacteria, and the duration of illness is Foodborne Illnesses
approximately 2-6 days. Moreover, V. parahaemolyticus is a causative The occurrence of foodborne disease outbreaks is frequently
agent of wound infection and septicemia. Reported deaths owing to associated the lack of good personal hygiene, unsanitary practices
V. parahaemolyticus are approximately 2% in gastroenteritis and up to while preparing foods, consumption of raw or undercooked, especially
20-30% in cases of septicemia. meat and seafood. Therefore, safe food handling practices are
In order to prevent a foodborne illness caused by V. parahaemolyticus, essential to reduce or prevent the incidences of foodborne illnesses.
the following practices are highly recommended. (1) Avoid consuming U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended 4 food safety tips
raw or undercooked seafood. (2) Thoroughly cook seafood prior to as follows.
consumption. It is recommended that seafood should be cooked until 1. Clean hands and food contact surfaces regularly
the internal temperature reaches 145 ํํF (62.8 ํํC) for at least 15 seconds. - Wash hands with warm and soap for at least 20 seconds before
In case of fishcakes and stuffed fish, heating should be employed until and after food handling and after using the restroom, changing diapers
reaching the internal temperature of 155 ํํF (68.3 ํํC) and 165 ํํF as well as touching pets.
(73.9 ํํC), respectively. (3) Properly cleaning and sanitizing to prevent - Wash cutting boards, food containers, equipment and utensils
cross-contamination from raw to cooked seafood. (4) Store raw and that used for food preparation with hot water and soap after preparing
cooked seafood in a refrigerator to prevent growth of V. parahaemolyticus. each type of food product.
- Clean kitchen surfaces with a paper towel. If cloth towels are
Staphylococcus aureus used, they should be laundered frequently with hot water.
S. aureus is widespread in the environment and can be isolated from - Wash fresh fruits and vegetables under running tab water prior
soil, dust, water, milk, cooking utensils, animal and human bodies. This to consumption.
bacterium is found in nasal passages and throats in addition to hair, - Clean lids of canned food before opening.
skin, and lesions; hence, there are numerous sources that foods become 2. Separate raw foods from other foods
contaminated with S. aureus. One of the major contamination routes is - Separate raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs from other foods
the direct contact from food handlers with hand or arm lesions caused in a shopping cart, grocery bag, and stored these groups of food
by S. aureus. Coughing and sneezing can also introduce pathogens separately in a refrigeration.
into foods together with using unsanitary cooking utensils and food - Use different cutting boards for fresh produce and raw meat,
contact surfaces. Although S. aureus is not spore-forming bacteria, it poultry and seafood.
is one of the most resistant human pathogens. S. aureus can survive - Avoid store cooked food products in the same container that
in dry state for a long period of time. was previously used for raw meat, raw poultry, seafood and eggs
S. aureus is a causative agent of numerous diseases that frequently without properly washing with hot soapy water.
reported in human. A food-related illness causing by S. aureus is - Bring marinades that were previously used for raw foods to a
Staphylococcal food poisoning resulted from consuming foods boil first in case they are reused.
contaminated with staphylococcal enterotoxin. Staphylococcal 3. Cook food to the right temperature
enterotoxin is produced during growth of S. aureus in foods. Since - Cook meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs until reaching the safe
staphylococcal food poisoning is caused by the pre-formed toxin in minimum internal temperature and use a food temperature to measure
foods, the onset period for symptoms to develop is relatively short to the internal temperature of foods to ensure destruction of pathogens
1-7 hours after consumption. The frequent symptoms of staphylococcal in foods.
food poisoning are nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea. - Thoroughly cook an egg until egg white and yolk are firmed.
For persons who develop more severe symptoms, they might experience - When cook foods in a microwave oven, cover food, stir, and
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