Page 29 - FoodFocusThailand No.179 February 2021
P. 29
Advantages of Superheated Steam 6. Effective in reducing salt
1. Effectively use of heat transfer in condensation With Chicken breast strips were used
superheated steam, the core temperature of food can rise promptly. as a sample. To reduce the
Figure 3 shows the time spent heating white sauce at the cooking individual difference in shapes
temperature (200 ºC). If the time reaching 100 ºC without steam set as and salt content, the stripes were
100%, it is reduced to 85% with steam 60k/h, 63% with steam 160k/h. cut into small pieces by food
2. Effective in improving color tone Vegetables, for example, processor, stirred, and then
compared to boiling, rapid water evaporation occurs on the surface of formed into a cylindrical shape
vegetables and cells shrink, resulting in condensing pigment components of 33mm diameter and 23mm
and improving color tone. Components such as chlorophyll, susceptible height, while adding 10% of salt in
to color tone change by heating, hardly change in color tone due to weight ratio. Two pieces, 45g each, were heated at 150 ºC respectively
reduced heating time. by hot-air and superheated steam method (Figure 6). The reduced salt
3. Prevention of outflow of UMAMI ingredients Heating rate was 12.2% for cooking with superheated steam and though 0.8%
vegetables destroy cell membranes, flowing out of glutamic acid, UMAMI for hot air. It was clear that heated with superheated steam had a
ingredients. Since glutamic acid is water-soluble, boiling makes it flow desalting effect, and keeping the natural taste intact.
out into the water. Superheated steam cooking makes it possible for 7. Prevention of cell destruction Compared to hot-air cooking,
preventing glutamic acid from outflowing and keeping it in cells. superheated steam can help prevent cell destruction. In the case of hot
4. Capable of cooking with low oxygen depending on machine air heating, the cell structure is destroyed and constriction and outflowing
component This method can prevent vitamin C degradation. Figure 4 of the component are susceptible to occur. In superheated steam
indicates the time course of Vitamin C survival rate when a 10mm cube heating, the muscle structure is maintained while the muscle fibers are
of pumpkin is heated at 150 ºC by both superheated steam and hot-air. destroyed. Superheated steam cooking can keep foods juicy by
In hot-air heating, as heating time got longer, Vitamin C was reduced. minimizing cell destruction. It is ideal for processed vegetables, meat,
After 25 minutes passed, Vitamin C was reduced by less than half of and poultry products.
the initial amount. In superheated steam heating, the Vitamin C survival
rate remained roughly 80% after 10 minutes and 25 minutes steadily. Conclusion The superheated steam method can offer tasty and
healthy food by keeping nutrients and UMAMI ingredients in cells. It
The prevention of Vitamin C degradation was confirmed. has a de-oiling and reducing salt effect in processed foods, making it
5. Effective in de-oiling Beef is used as a sample. Lean meat,
50mm × 60mm × 20mm, nearly 80g, and fat, 40mm × 50mm × 5mm, possible to create healthy products suitable for the health-conscious
market. Also, it prevents food pigments from leaking out and concentrates
nearly 4g, are separately formed to reduce the individual difference in the food due to the reduction of food surface moisture, which results in
shapes and fat amount, and layered lean meat and fat are used as a food being cooked in vivid color. It is one of the most effective cooking
sirloin-like imitated food. Heating was done at 150 ºC and 200 ºC both methods that can produce delicious food for consumers. Recently, many
the hot-air and superheated steam method (Figure 5). The de-oiling rate ovens that can cook using superheated steam have been introduced
for hot air cooking at 150°C was 20% and 38% for superheated steam to the market. By using superheated steam, you can bake, steam, and
at 150°C. Furthermore, hot air cooking at 200°C was 36% and 70% for cook a variety of foods in a single oven. The superheated steam cooking
superheated steam cooking at 200°C. It was confirmed that cooking will allow us to produce products that are suitable for the needs of
with high-temperature superheated steam resulted in more oil removal consumers and will expand the scope of new product offerings to the
and healthier cooking. global market.
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