Page 43 - FoodFocusThailand No.181 April 2021
P. 43
แล่ะการติัดสินใจล่งทุนในระยะยาวข่องนักล่งทุน ข่ณะท่�ยังสามารถท่�จะล่ดแรงกดดันจากข่้อกล่่าวหาใน
สำาหรับป็ระเทศไทย ศูนย์วิจัยกสิกรไทย มองว่าโจทย์สำาค่ัญข่องทางการไทยค่งติ้องป็ระค่ับป็ระค่องเศรษฐกิจ
แล่ะเสถ่ยรภาพข่องกล่ไกหล่ักติ่างๆ ให้สามารถผ่านพ้นวิกฤติโค่วิด-19 ไป็ได้ก่อน ส่วนค่วามสามารถในด้าน
การแข่่งข่ันนั�น ไทยค่วรจะเร่งเดินหน้าเจรจาข่้อติกล่งทางการค่้าติ่างๆ ทั�ง CPTPP แล่ะ EU-Thailand ส่วนเรื�อง
ข่องอัติราแล่กเป็ล่่�ยนนั�นเป็็นป็ระเด็นท่�ม่ค่วามซับซ้อนแล่ะล่ะเอ่ยดอ่อน เนื�องจากม่ทั�งผู้ได้
แล่ะเส่ยป็ระโยช่น์ ข่ณะท่�การดำาเนินมาติรการท่�นอกเหนือกล่ไกติล่าด (Non-market
measures) เช่่น การแทรกแซงโดยติรงในรูป็แบบติ่างๆ อาจม่ผล่ในระยะยาวติ่อภาพล่ักษณ์
แล่ะค่วามน่าเช่ื�อถือ (Credibility) ข่องทางการไทยในสายติาข่องนักล่งทุน
Will Likely be Able to Maintain
Competitiveness Despite Strengthening Dong
In the latest currency manipulation report published by the US
Department of the Treasury in December 2020, Vietnam was
designated as a currency manipulator because it fulfilled three
benchmarks set by the US.
These include an intervention in the currency-exchange market Dong is set to appreciate on the back of the country’s trade surplus,
as evidenced by Vietnam’s net foreign currency purchases, which it is expected that the relevant authorities will gradually revalue the
were equivalent to 5.1 percent of GDP (exceeding the benchmark Dong when they deem appropriate to ensure that there is sufficient
set at 2.0 percent of GDP). Vietnam also fulfilled the other two room for the economy to adjust. The move may help ease any adverse
benchmarks: A bilateral trade surplus with the US of more than USD impact on Vietnam’s export competitiveness and long-term investment
20 billion and a current account surplus at 2 percent of GDP. while also helping dispel the accusation that Vietnam is a currency
The weak Dong has been one of the factors helping support manipulator.
exports from Vietnam, which is already competitive in terms of For Thailand, KResearch is of the view that an immediate
manufacturing, and attract more foreign investment than its rivals. challenge for the Thai government is to maintain the economic growth
For this reason, Vietnam can bolster its production and exports at a and stability of key mechanisms so that the country can survive the
faster rate. However, being labeled as a currency manipulator will COVID-19 pandemic. Regarding the country’s competitiveness,
likely make it more difficult for Vietnam to intervene in the foreign- Thailand should accelerate its negotiations for various trade deals,
exchange market ahead. In addition, as Vietnam’s current account including the CPTPP and EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement.
surplus is expected to increase further, supported by high growth in Meanwhile, issues related to foreign exchange rates are complicated
exports and foreign investment, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) and sensitive because there are both beneficiaries and non-
may be pressured to revalue the Dong so as to minimize the risk of beneficiaries involved. The implementation of non-market measures
trade retaliation from the US. such as direct intervention in various forms may have long-term
KResearch is of the view that the gradual strengthening of the implications on the Thai government’s credibility in the eyes of foreign
Dong within a limited range may not significantly undermine its export investors. Therefore, those who make decisions must weigh all of
competitiveness over the short to medium term because of the these issues carefully.
advantage of Vietnam’s manufacturing structure in terms of low labor
costs. In addition, Vietnam has free trade agreements with many ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู/Additional Information
countries; the strong Dong has allowed it to import capital goods and 1 เป็็นการติิดติามการแทรกแซงค่่าเงินในช่่วง 4 ไติรมาสล่่าสุดก่อนการรายงาน
intermediate products at lower costs and will unlikely affect the profit 1 Foreign exchange intervention was monitored during the last four quarters
market in the Vietnamese export sector much. Looking ahead, as the before the report was published.
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