Page 42 - FoodFocusThailand No.186 September 2021
P. 42
Barcode technology
with unseen features
A barcode is well known to everyone consisting of 13 digits with a series of stripes affixed to various products.
However, a few people know that a barcode can be more than just a product identification number for a trading
Mr. Sinchai Tiensiri, Director of the International Code Institute of the 2D barcode, the additional product information can be recorded
(GS1 Thailand), informed that the barcode is the technology existed over e.g., the production date, the expiration date, and the Batch or Lot
50 years ago. At that time, a barcode was used as a serial number to identify number, etc.,
the product varied in flavor, color, smell, size, quantity, and packaging. The By means of a single barcode scan, consumers are able to
purpose was to specify a variation to prevent any discrepancy. A barcode access the product information. They even can access data regarding
reader could guide to identify the products with a quick access, and it could to the production process, as well as the supply chain information.
help the front cashier to operate in short time. At present, barcode technology The data can include all kind of safety certifications. Besides, it can
remains its function effectively. Besides, the benefit of barcode does not only be further used for packaging validation. In case of plastic or can
provide the product identification number, but also inform the consumers packaging, they can even list the parties who can buy back the empty
about various product information i.e. category, group, price, packaging, and packaging. This feature is suitable for supporting the growing demand
images of product just by scanning it. The product information can be for the environmental protection program.
accessed from a reliable source. Thus, the buyers can use it for their decision- Mr. Sinchai Thiensiri further explained the highlight of barcode
making. To the department stores, they can also use the barcodes to manage usage during the Covid- 19 outbreak. As known, it is mandatory that
their inventory more effectively. each vaccine bottle has its own barcode on. Using the same barcode
At present, the barcodes are very useful to consumers. For instance, to record the additional treatment information can reduce the workflow
the intelligent refrigerator can monitor the date of goods purchased. It can process for doctors, nurses, and related hospital staff. No barcode
even predict how long the stock will be last with the series of notifications is reprinted, no time is wasted. In addition, there are still many people
of expiry dates. The products can then be repurchased online by scanning who misunderstood that the barcode is only required for the products
the barcodes. Therefore, the barcode simply looks like an I.D. of the product, sold in the department stores. In fact, Thai manufacturers or
which can be further used for other benefits via the technology availability. distributors should understand the benefit of barcodes to apply the
Mr. Sinchai Tiensiri illustrated, “We can integrate the barcode technology special features into their existing production processes. It will even
thru the existing system platforms. For example, if we take the barcode help to gain efficiency in the supply chain system. The barcode can
technology as the core of the supply chain system, there will be no need to guide consumers to access the product information, and this visibility
create any new database because the barcodes are embedded. Considering can improve the food safety aspect. Moreover, the barcode system
an old day transaction when the information was always repeatedly filled, is globally recognized. If Thai businesses can implement the barcode
I.D. card alone nowadays can be manifold with various transactions.” application with support from the public and private sectors, it will
GS1 Thailand, Thailand’s international code institute, has foreseen further evolve Thailand.
the demand trend for raw material validation and production process “Education, Promotion, and Connection are 3 key elements which
verification (Traceability) to determine whether the product is safe for need to be all simultaneously implemented, not one at the time.
consumers. Therefore, the manufacturer needs to record their information When you learn, you then apply. And so, you can connect the dot
about the product origin and the production process. Then, consumers can to the existing. This is the way to make life better.” ended Mr. Sinchai
self-check that information for their decision-making. Accordingly, the Thiensiri.
development program is to promote the replacement of the existing 1D to
the new 2D barcode system. By 2027, it will be the milestone when the entire
barcode system will be fully shifted from 1D to 2D. The 2D barcode will be
able to store more details of product information. By the superlative feature More Information Service Info C004
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