Page 19 - FoodFocusThailand No.143_February 2018
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และเตรียมวัตถุดิบ ความยากง่ายในการประกอบอาหาร รูปลักษณ์/รูปแบบ Consuming at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day is
การจัด และการน�าเสนอ จากกิจกรรมการแข่งขันท�าให้ได้เมนูอาหารจานหลัก recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
อาหารว่าง และเครื่องดื่ม อย่างละ 10 เมนู รวมทั้งหมดทุกประเภท คือ 30 Nations (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO). Its meta-analysis
report suggests that consuming 400-600 grams of fruits and vegetables
เมนู น�ามาจัดท�าข้อมูลด้านคุณค่าโภชนาการโดยใช้โปรแกรม INMUCAL- per day can ease burden from several diseases such as Ischemic heart
Nutrients V.3 (ฐาน NB.1.1) และน�ามาจัดพิมพ์หนังสือเพื่อเผยแพร่ disease (31%), ischemic stroke (19%), and reduce morbidity and mortality
ประชาสัมพันธ์แก่ผู้บริโภคเพื่อให้สามารถเป็นทางเลือกอันจะน�าไปสู่การเพิ่ม rate from diseases such as gastric cancer (19%), lung cancer (12%), and
การบริโภคผักผลไม้ของคนไทยต่อไป colon cancer (2%). Therefore, the FAO/WHO set up procedures advising
intake of at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables to reduce risks from
several diseases (WHO, 2003). Among those 400 grams, starchy
ภาพตัวอย่างการจัดท�ารายการอาหารประจ�าวัน vegetables are not included, no less than 20 grams of whole grain and
ส�าหรับเมนูอาหารไทย และตัวอย่างเมนูอาหารฟิวชัน legumes should be included so that at least 25 grams of fiber are consumed.
At the same time, other nutrients such as fat, salt/sodium, and sugar, should
Sample Images of Daily Thai Food Menus be controlled. One report shows that by guzzling 1 serving size (80 grams)
and Samples of Fusion Menus more of fruits and vegetables each day can lessen 10% and 6% risks from
ischemic heart disease and ischemic stroke, respectively, as well as 1-6%
risks from some types of cancer (gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, lung
cancer, and colorectal cancer) (Lock, 2005).
In order to provide consumers with practical way to consume at least
400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day, the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol
University, with support from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation
(ThaiHealth), set up a campaign to promote the consumption of fruits and
vegetables of at least 400 grams per day in 2 strategies;
1. Making samples of daily food menu of Thai food and snacks based
on the information from two books; Eat Less Salty to Beat Hypertension
(Kin Khem Noi Long Sak Nid Phichit Roak Kwam Dun) (Department of
Health, Ministry of Health, 2014), and 50 Menus for Weight Loss (50 Menu
Ar-harn Lod Nam Nuk) (Rungrat Jamchant and Rin Charoensiri, 2015).
The suggested menus are Thai dishes that consumers are familiar with,
or sometimes fusion menus that add extra amount of fruits and vegetables
to meet with the recommendation. This sample menus will be published
as an infographic online (
2. Host a competition “Creating Fusion Menus with 100 Grams of Fruits
and Vegetables” to spawn new fusion menus combining of 2 or more
nationalities food in response to the popularity of well-designed, beautiful
presentation, and healthy cuisine. Contestants must prepare main dish,
snack, and beverage that contains no less than 100 grams of fruits and
vegetables in the recipe. In case of vegetables, roots and tuber crops like
turnip, potato, and sweet potato, are excluded, while seeds, legumes,
whole grain, and brown rice are countable. Contestants can select all kinds
of fruits in any forms either fresh, frozen, or processed. Main dish should
contain no less than 15 grams of protein, while sodium level in every menu
should not exceed 1,000 mg. The 10 finalists will enter into a competition
to prepare foods in front of the judges, who will assess them on taste,
ingredients preparation difficulty, cooking difficulty, food images, and
presentation. The gained from this competition is 30 different menus of
main dishes, snacks, and beverages, which will later
be featured in a book with calculated nutrition facts
by INMUCAL-Nutrients V3 (NB.1.1) method. The
book is hoping to be an option for Thai people,
allowing them to have more choices when in comes
to choosing menus to increase their consumption of
fruits and vegetables.
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