Page 35 - FoodFocusThailand No.171 June 2020
P. 35
Tip: It’s important that food isn’t Be Willing to Forgo Convenience Supporting a sustainable food system
sent to landfill as it adds to the carbon 10isn’t easy. When you commit to buying locally-produced foods and Fair Trade foods
pollution problem as rotting food in and adhering to other tenants of sustainable living, these conscious choices may cost you time
landfills help to create methane, a and money. But ultimately, you’re working toward a greater cause that will ensure you pass on
greenhouse gas. So make sure to
compost your food. a healthy earth to future generations.
Contributing to a sustainable food system may require a personal investment on your part,
Support Fair Trade Foods but when you weigh the benefits, it’s well worth the effort. With just a few minor tweaks to your
6that bear the Fair Trade label have daily life, you could have a huge impact on the way the food system develops in the coming
been produced in a way that ensures decades. So pick one or two of these steps that you can take to do your part in living (and
fair treatment of employees and the eating) more sustainably.
earth. So if you’re committed to the
sustainable food movement, you
should opt for Fair Trade foods
whenever possible to support the right
kinds of producers.
Tip: If you really want to support
a sustainable food system, make sure
to choose more plant-based foods,
reduce your meat intake or try a
vegetarian or vegan diet.
Consider Food’s True
7Cost The “true cost” of food
refers to the often unseen
environmental and social impacts that
mass food production creates.
Although unsustainable foods may be
cheaper at the supermarket, they
ultimately have a higher “true cost” in
their negative impact on people and
planet. It’s important to keep this issue
in mind when you buy food.
Invest Financially The
8 Netherlands is a small nation, but
it exports the second-highest amount
of food in terms of value, after the
United States. How? The Dutch have
invested in sustainable agriculture.
They get innovative, using indoor
farming techniques to make the most
of every square inch of land. They also
forgo most chemical pesticides so they
can keep their soil fertile.
Tip: Vertical farming is a great
example of indoor farming.
Avoid Additives, Pesticides
9 and Go Organic Synthetic
pesticides, fertilizers and antibiotics
take a toll on the earth and on animals,
but are used frequently by primary
producers and livestock farmers in
conventional farming to ensure
produce and animals grow – and
turnover profit – as quickly as possible.
When you have the option, try to buy
organically grown and additive-free
produce and grass-fed meats where
possible. This should be clearly
marked on the packaging but if it isn’t,
make sure to ask an assistant.
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