Page 39 - FoodFocusThailand No.171 June 2020
P. 39


                  Environment has enacted a set of      plastic bags and films. Anyone can collect this type of plastic waste, but stickers and/or
                  regulations  for  department  stores,   papers attached to it must first be cut off or peeled off. If dirty, it needs to be washed and
                  supermarkets, and convenience stores   dried first. Collected plastics can be sent by mail to “Won” or deposited at one of the 167
                  to refrain from offering plastic bags,   drop points (as of April 2019). The list of drop points can be viewed on the project’s Facebook
                  starting from January 1 , 2020.       fan page (Wontogether).
                                                           So far, “Won” has collaborated with several agencies and organizations to expand its
                  When Waste Needs Disposal             network by, for example, establishing new drop points in organizations or other venues,
                  Can plastic waste be used to create more   developing upcycled products, participating in activities with its network associates, and
                  value? Mr.Kamol commented that there   diffusing knowledge on plastic waste separation and management in schools, companies,
                  is  currently  no  specific  entity  or   and government offices. The project also makes use of online platform by creating and
                  organization  that  offers  to  buy  back   displaying engaging content on waste separation, waste management, and recycling on its
                  plastic bag scraps for recycling purpose   Facebook fan page.
                  in attempt to create added value for these   What about you? Have you started separating waste and become one of 20,185 followers
                  materials.                            of Won page yet?
                     “Plastic bags are lightweight and
                  require a considerable amount of space
                  for storage. Most people do not know that
                  used plastic bag scraps and films can be
                  recycled. Moreover, the knowledge to
                  correctly identify the types of plastic bags
                  and films is not widespread. That is why
                  used plastic bag scraps and films are
                  seen to be mixed up with general waste,
                  most frequently in landfill sites.”

                  Circular Economy…Creating
                  Changes and New Life for
                  The project “Won” was initiated in the mid
                  of 2018 by a group of people from TPBI
                  who aspired to find creative approaches
                  to deal with plastic waste problems.
                  Spearheaded by Mr.Kamol, the project
                  incorporates the concept of circular
                  economy to attain sustainable solutions.
                     How to reach sustainability? “Won”
                  focuses on the diffusion of knowledge
                  and advices on how to separate plastic
                  bags or films from general waste. The
                  ones with good quality can be used as
                  raw materials for the plastic industry in a
                  sustainable manner. This effort will also
                  create a good culture of conscious plastic
                  use for Thai people as the separation of
                  plastic bags and films from the beginning
                  is a vital key to reduce the amount of
                  garbage to be buried in landfills. Moreover,
                  another focus is also laid on the same
                  path as the conservation of and reliance
                  on oceans and marine resources for
                  sustainable development (SDGs-UN
                  No.14 Life below water) to prevent plastic
                  bags and films from adversely affecting
                  marine life and environment.
                     “Won” aims at establishing guidelines
                  for Thailand  to  become  a  social  role
                  model  for  proper  plastic  use  via
                  comprehensive plastic waste
                  management and zero leakage of plastic
                  refuse into the environment.
                     Recyclable plastic is soft PE plastic
                  (one  that  can  be  stretched)  such  as

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