Page 60 - FoodFocusThailand No.171 June 2020
P. 60


                                                  A Decade of Spinning on

                                                  The Same Bearings!

                                                  Koninklijke  Vezet  BV,  the  market  leader  in  Europe  in  fresh  food
                                                  processing, is a fan of innovation and technology. Not in the sense of
                                                  a goal to achieve, but as a means of providing their customers with
                                                  the best possible service. Notably, the production team is expressly
                                                  involved in any innovations.

                Vezet processes a huge variety of produce. This is done on largely   high pressure air knife
             automated production lines, with a minimum of manual labour. Innovative   which cleans all residual
             machines  have been integrated in many of these processing lines.   particles of leaf out of the drum. The continuous production cycle
             Vezet has been using one of the best centrifuges  for a decade.  immediately continues without interruption and the infeed charge
                                                                    conveyor re-fills the drum.
             One of a Kind Centrifuge with Unique Concept              The unique construction of the centrifuge  minimizes product
             This revolutionary new centrifuge  design concept delivers the ultimate   damage because of the spacious drum dimension and the controlled
             control for the drying of delicate salad leaves, standard lettuce varieties,   layer thickness of the product which eliminates product pressure
             prepared vegetables and delicate herbs. The drum has a completely   during the spin cycle.
             smooth inner surface without a central axle or other contact parts which
             could directly damage the product. The patented drive with magnetic    A Decade and So On
             bearing support delivers an almost silent operational sequence cycle.  “The forces released by the centrifuging process create a heavy load
                The product to be dried is very gently delivered into the drum during   on the machine,” says Rinus Bakker, project engineer at Vezet. “So
             its slow revolution sequence. This infeed system ensures the minimal   it’s quite remarkable that we didn’t have to replace the bearings for
             movement of the product as it is layered equally over the whole   the first ten years. And what’s more, we haven’t even had to lubricate
             circumference of the centrifuge drum. On completion of the filling cycle   them either!”
             the drum accelerates to the pre-set optimal rotating speed to suit   That these machines can spin using the same bearings for such
             the specific product to be dried, when the timed spin cycle,   a long time goes to show just how reliable the innovative
             which is also variable in conjunction with the rotational       centrifuge  is! And that is vital for companies like Vezet
             speed is completed the drum automatically slows                  who have  to full rely on the performance of their
             down and the product very gently gravitates to the                innovative, technically advanced production lines to
             discharge conveyor.                                               optimally serve their customers.
                During this part of the production cycle the
             centrifuge drum turns very slowly and activates a

             60 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  JUN   2020

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