Page 57 - FoodFocusThailand No.171 June 2020
P. 57


                  cells. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that makes you feel full faster,
                  slows down sugar and cholesterol absorption, and reduces
                  dyslipidemia. The consumption of healthy carbohydrates should
                  be based on the glycemic index (GI) of each food. Foods with
                  higher GI, such as those containing sugar and syrup, quickly
                  elevate the blood sugar levels, and insulin extracts sugar from
                  blood and transfers it to cells faster, thus leading to a sudden drop
                  of blood sugar as well as a craving for more sugary treats.
                  Overconsumption of carbohydrates leads to accumulated fat
                  deposit in the body and obesity. Low GI foods, such as brown
                  rice  and  whole-wheat  flour,  slowly  release  sugar  into  the
                  bloodstream, thus maintaining a constantly balanced level of
                  blood sugar and making us feel continuously energized. Low GI
                  foods help reduce hunger or craving for sweets and prevent an
                  unnecessary or excessive consumption of carbohydrates.
                     Protein: Since proteins cannot be stored in the body, it is   Hours of Sleep: A person who has less than 7-9 hours of sleep a
                  important to consume proteins every day. A healthy adult requires   night runs a greater risk of obesity.
                  approximately 0.8-1 gram of proteins per 1 kilogram of body   Stress: Stress induces cortisol secretion, which boosts craving for
                  weight. The quality of proteins depends on the number and extent   sweets and highly fatty diet, thus contributing to an elevated level of
                  of essential amino acids as well as the body’s ability to digest   subcutaneous fat and additional weight.
                  proteins. For example, an egg contains all of the essential amino
                  acids and its protein digestibility corrected amino acid score   Summary
                  (PDCAAS) is equal to 1, meaning that, after digestion, it provides   Weight management should encompass reduced consumption of energy-
                  per unit of protein 100% of the indispensable amino acids required.   generating food, flour, and fat. Skip no meal. Instead, limit the amount
                  The PDCAAS for meat and fish is 0.82-0.92.            of food in each meal. Refined carbohydrates and sugar should be
                     Fat: Fat is an important food-based source of energy. It is   consumed limitedly. Skip night-time or pre-bedtime diets. Avoid junk food
                  vital for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Our body needs   or soft drinks. Sleep sufficiently, maintain a stress-free lifestyle, and
                  essential fatty acids that can only be acquired from food. The   engage in more physical activities. Bear in mind that good health cannot
                  recommended amount of fat should not exceed 30% of the total   be bought as it can only be achieved through proper actions.
                  daily energy intake.

                  Conditions for Weight Management
                     •  The energy intake exceeding the energy expenditure results
                  in a positive energy balance, higher weight, and subcutaneous
                  fat deposit.
                     •  The energy intake equal to the energy expenditure leads
                  to an optimal energy balance and stable weight.
                     •  The energy intake that falls behind the energy expenditure
                  contributes to a negative energy balance, weight loss, and
                  reduction in subcutaneous fat deposit which is used as reserved
                     7,000 kilocalories of energy are equal to 1 kilogram of weight.
                  If a person maintains a daily energy deficit of 700 kilocalories for
                  10 days, he or she will lose 7,000 kilocalories in total, an equivalent
                  to 1 kilogram of weight. On the contrary, in case of positive energy
                  balance where a daily energy surplus of 700 kilocalories is
                  achieved for 10 days, the person will gain additional 7,000
                  kilocalories or 1 kilogram of weight.
                     When it comes to egg dishes, a boiled egg gives 75 kilocalories
                  of energy while a fried egg and an omelette provides 150 and
                  255 kilocalories, respectively. Reportedly, if a boiled egg is
                  consumed instead of an omelette 3 times a week, an annual
                  weight loss of approximately 3-4 kilograms can be achieved.
                  Additionally, a daily consumption of one canned soft drink for a
                  year will increase the weight by 8-9 kilograms.

                  Other Factors Concerning Weight Management
                     Consumption Time: In an experiment, two groups of lab rats
                  were fed an equal amount of daily diet, but the first group’s diet
                  hours were not restricted while the other could only eat during
                  the day. The result revealed that the rats of the second group with
                  time-restricted diet had normal weights and less fat.

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