Page 88 - FoodFocusThailand No.182 May 2021
P. 88


             flavor in cannabis strain, These chemical will reaction to     cannabis plant, known as terpenes or terpenoids is more
             endocannabinoid system in human body.                             effective than taking CBD or THC alone. This is due
                                                                                 to an interaction between phytocannabinoids and
             Cannabidiol (CBD) Cannabidiol is a psychoactive                  terpenes called “the entourage effect”
             cannabinoid, yet it is non-intoxicating and non-euphoric,           Several conditions have been studied in conjunction
             meaning it will not get you “high.” It is often                     with  the  entourage  effect. A 2011  review  of
             used to help reduce inflammation and pain.                             studies in the British Journal of Pharmacology
             It may also ease nausea, migraine, seizures                          found that taking terpenes and phytocannabinoids
             and anxiety. Researchers are still trying                                 together may be beneficial for pain, anxiety,
             to fully understand the effectiveness                                     inflammation, epilepsy, cancer and fungal
             of CBD’s medical use. CBD’s side                                         infection.
             effects may include with appetite                                              Some  people  experience  side-
             changes, fatigue, weight loss,                                              effects like anxiety, hunger, and sedation
             dizziness and diarrhea which these                                        after taking THC. Rat and human studies
             compounds are not fatal.                                                  covered in the same 2011 review suggest
                                                                                        that CBD may help reduce these side
             Tetrahydrocannabinol                                                       effects. Research from 2018 found that
             (THC) Tetrahydrocannabinol is the main                              certain  flavonoids  and  terpenes  may  provide
             psychoactive  compound  in  cannabis.                                neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects.
             THC is responsible for the “high” that most                           Researchers proposed that these compounds
             people  associate  with  cannabis.  THC                                 could improve CBD’s therapeutic potential.
             stimulates cells in the brain to release                                    While it may be that THC and CBD work
             dopamine, creating euphoria. It also                                       better together than alone, it’s important
             helps with pain, muscle spasticity, glaucoma,                                to  remember  that  cannabis  affects
             insomnia,  low  appetite,  nausea  and                                       everyone differently and everyone’s
             anxiety. Nevertheless, it interferes                                   goals for cannabis use are different. A person
             with  how  information  is                                             with Crohn’s disease who uses cannabis-based
             processed in the hippocampus,                                          medicine for nausea relief will probably have
             which is part of the brain responsible for                             a different ideal ratio of THC to CBD than a
             forming new memories. THC can induce                                   weekend warrior who uses it for muscle pain.
             hallucinations, change thinking and cause                                There is no one dosage or ratio that works
             delusions. On average, the effects last about                              for everyone.
             two hours, and kick in 10 to 30 minutes after
             ingestion.  Psychomotor  impairment  may  continue  after  the         Cannabis  Usage  in  Thailand  The
             perceived high has stopped. THC causes temporary side effects, such    Ministry  of  Public  Health  has  issued  the
             as fatigue, dry mouth, red eyes, slower reaction times, memory loss and   Notification  No.  424  and  425  regarding  to
             anxiety.  High THC  use  may  be  connected  to  long-term  negative   cannabis and hemp. It can be summarized as
             psychiatric effects. This is especially true for adolescents who consume   followed:  “Only cannabis produced in Thailand are
             large amounts of THC, though there’s no conclusive evidence that using   lawful, and they must strictly adhere to the following. It is allowed
             cannabis causes psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia.  for using the bark, stem, root, and leave without inflorescences.
                                                                    The material contains CBD with the THC concentration not over
             Terpenes  Terpenes secreted in the same glands that produce    0.2% of dry weight. Also, the residue from the extraction must
             cannabinoids like THC and CBD, terpenes are aromatic oils that color   contain no more than 0.2% THC as well.” More details can be
             cannabis varieties with distinctive flavors like citrus, berry, mint, and   found in both notifications of the Ministry of Public Health available
             pine. Terpenes in cannabis began for adaptive purposes: to repel   at the Ministry’s website.
             predators and lure pollinators. There are many factors that influence a   Regarding to the recent notification by the Ministry of Public
             plant’s development of terpenes, including climate, weather, age and   Health, Thailand has begun to pay attention to the use of cannabis
             maturation, fertilizers, soil type, and even the time of day. Terpenes may   plants for medicinal purposes. This has laid the groundwork for the
             also play a key role in differentiating the effects of various cannabis   broader use of cannabis in the country as already done in many
             strains. Some terpenes might promote relaxation and stress-relief, while   regions. Furthermore, cannabis have the great potential to become
             others potentially promote focus and acuity. Myrcene, for example, is   another economic crop for the nation.
             found in many relaxing cannabis strains. The effect profile of any given   This is an important step when the food and pharmaceutical
             terpene  may  change  in  the  presence  of  other  compounds  in  a   industries are paying their great attention to cannabis with the new
             phenomenon known as “the entourage effect”. More research is needed   direction of the world. It is the fact that the consumers always look
             to understand each terpene’s effect when used in harmony with others.  for the great benefit of products. Thus, cannabis undeniably become
                                                                    the  alternative  resource  to  relieve  various  diseases  or  solve
             The Entourage Effect Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol   unpleasant symptoms which remain nowadays as discussed in the
             (THC) are two of the more well-researched and popular phytocannabinoids.   article. However, the food and pharmaceutical producers who are
             People take CBD and THC in a variety of ways, and they can be   interested in cannabis must have a full picture to understand all side
             consumed separately or together. However, some research suggests   effects which may occur.
             that taking them together along with smaller organic compounds in the

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