Page 44 - FoodFocusThailand No.190 January 2022
P. 44


            factors related to a pandemic. By organizing their crisis   • Altering production, shift and break schedules to minimize crowding
            management teams to assess the “what ifs” and determine all   • Adding face masks, shields, and gloves to required PPE and providing
            possible impacts, companies can begin to structure a sound   proper use training
            strategy to address the challenges and mitigate the fallout of   • Ensuring adherence to enhanced hygiene and sanitation procedures
            the COVID-19 crisis and other unforeseen crises. Conducting   During the COVID-19 crisis, it is especially critical that companies assign
            a “crisis within a crisis” simulation exercise will test the   dedicated monitoring resources to constantly manage new control measures at
            adequacy of an organization’s situation, recall, and business   every stage in food manufacturing, processing, and handling to keep their
            continuity plans and assess the capabilities of its people,   workforce and customers safe.
            processes, and systems under strained conditions.
                                                               Sustaining Regulatory Compliance Food producers need to remain current
               Maintaining a Culture of Safety The impacts of the   4 and compliant with complex and ever-evolving regulatory requirements
            2COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in a reduction in the   precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has created unprecedented
            workforce due to illnesses, quarantine, anxiety, and fear of   uncertainty and confusion in dealing with legal liability and regulatory compliance
            returning to work. Simultaneously, manufacturers are operating   consequences.
            at the capacity created by the surge and shifts in demand.   To maintain compliance with regulatory and best practice food safety
            Manufacturers are temporarily moving untrained people into   measures, it is important that food manufacturers must concentrate on reviews
            new roles or hiring temporary help to combat these concerns.   of current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), Food Safety Management
            This impacts efficiency, quality, and potentially food safety   Systems (FSMS) such as HACCP programs, or ISO to ensure current practices
            through mistakes in manufacturing or a potential lack of proper   are effective. While on-site audits may not currently be possible, some certification
            process controls, leading to a higher risk of a product recall   bodies offer extensions upon meeting specific criteria. Non-standard remote or
            incident.                                       virtual audits may be conducted but not replace standard audits for certification
               It is essential to maintain a food safety culture by ensuring   purposes. Impartial third-party audits, assessments, and document reviews
            all workers receive proper training to understand good   focus on ensuring gaps are addressed, and additional preventive controls and
            manufacturing practices and food safety measures to minimize   corrective actions are implemented as needed.
            this risk.
                                                               Building a Resilient Supply Chain The COVID-19 crisis has impacted
               Establish Robust Monitoring Systems While close   5every step in the supply chain from farm to fork. The availability of products,
            3contact can occur anywhere in food manufacturing   affected by products held at ports or delays in transportation, has strained
            environments,  social  distancing  is  especially  difficult  on   suppliers and manufacturers by surge and shift in demand for their products
            production lines where workers are typically within inches of   overwhelming.  One way to address this issue is to diversify their customer base
            one another. Manufacturers have slowed lines and distanced   and increase customers in close geographical areas, thereby minimizing delays
            workers as much as feasibly possible, but production facilities   at ports and borders. Likewise, as supplier contract renewals come up,
            running at maximum capacity may not fully follow social   manufacturers will be looking to diversify their supply chains and bring suppliers
            distancing guidelines.                          closer to home to avoid the challenges and disruptions they are currently facing.
               Manufacturers have enhanced their food safety measures,   The current situation that food manufacturers face is to consider what will
            stringent hygiene practices, and sanitation schedule frequency.   happen in the post-pandemic circumstance and how to adjust their companies
            Establishing robust monitoring will be a key part of mitigating   to this new normal. However, the procedures or practices of risk management
            the risks of exposure and tracking any infection-related trends.   described in this article are the general measures for helping food manufacturers
            Some of these actions may include:              get through this crisi effectively and affect the least impact on their business.
               • Screening everyone for COVID-19 symptoms and   Yet, these measures may evolve into a so-called “new normalcy” that food and
            exposure before the entrance to the premises    beverage producers will need to keep an eye on.
               • Changing traffic patterns in the facility to reduce exposure
            to others
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                                                            เอกสารอ้างอิง / References

             44                 JAN   202222
                                JAN   20
                                                                                                                    21/12/2564 BE   17:56
         40-44_Special Fcous_Risk Mgt.indd   44
         40-44_Special Fcous_Risk Mgt.indd   44                                                                     21/12/2564 BE   17:56
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