Page 54 - FoodFocusThailand No.196 July 2022
P. 54
In terms of obesity, the Thai population statistically ranks
second among the ten ASEAN countries, while Malaysia
occupies the first spot. One thirds of Thai people are
overweight. According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), obesity or overweight is a condition in which there is
an excessive and unhealthy accumulation of fat in the body.
Eat Smart,
Lose Weight & Stay Healthy
How to determine obesity? The obesity indexes or indicators causes of obesity, most of which mainly stem from the imbalance
are as follows: between energy intake and expenditure. Weight gain occurs when
1. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a value obtained by dividing a person’s more energy is received than burned. If this happens, every 7,000
weight by the square of the body height (meter). The result that exceeds excess calories will lead to 1 kilogram of weight gain. On the contrary,
25 indicates obesity. For Asian people, the figure should not exceed 22.9, the energy deficit of 7,000 calories will lead to 1 kilogram of weight
and a value that is equal to or exceeds 23 is a sign of obesity, which can loss.
heighten the risks of other diseases. The BMI higher than 40 points to The total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) consists of 3
very severe obesity and entails highest health risks. following components:
Remark: The use of the BMI as an obesity measurement tool may • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the amount of energy spent during
not suffice because more muscle mass, such as those in athletes, resting time to maintain the body’s most basic functions, such as
contributes to more weight and may yield the same BMI as that of an breathing and functioning of internal organs. This portion of energy
overweight individual who has similar weight and height but with more takes up 60-75% of the total energy expenditure.
body fat. A person with more body fat appears to have more rotund body • Digestive activities uses 8% of the total energy to activate
than a muscular person. Therefore, other indexes should also be taken peristalsis for digestive purpose.
into consideration. • Activity-based energy from, for example, physical movement and
2. Waist circumference should not exceed 90 and 80 centimeters for exercise takes up 17-32% of the total energy expenditure.
men and women, respectively. In other words, it should not exceeds the One of the main principles for healthy weight loss is to increase
body height divided by two. the BMR because it makes up as much as 70% of the total energy
3. Waist-hip Ratio (WHR) should not exceed 0.9 and 0.8 for men and expenditure. A proper weight loss approach is, therefore, to lower the
women, respectively. Anything higher than said values lead to higher body fat percentage and increase muscle mass. It is found that the
risks of chronic diseases. increase in muscle mass, which is like a fat-burning incinerator, will
When “obesity” is detected, weight loss is essential to maintain good also stimulate the BMR. For every pound (454 grams) of muscle mass
health. What are the goals of weight management? Evidently, the numbers increment, the body will burn 14 more kilocalories. An excessively low
on a weight scale alone do not tell much about the quality of healthy intake of calories that falls beyond the body’s minimum requirement
weight loss. The body weight consists of lean body mass and body fat will lead to the body automatically adjusting the BMR down and storing
mass. The former consists of water, muscles, and bones, while the latter more fats. Additionally, ageing also contributes to this process, which
comprises accumulated and essential fats. The female body contains explains why people older than 30 years will experience a drop in the
45-60% of water, while that in the male body makes up 50-65%. Essential BMR by 1-2% annually.
fats include, for instance, bone marrow, brain fats, spinal cord, and internal An effective weight management can be achieved through
organ fats. Accumulated fats include subcutaneous and visceral fats. consumption of healthy foods. The body must receive adequate
Fats are actually beneficial to the body because they help create cellular amounts of both macronutrients – carbohydrate, protein, and fat – and
and tissue structures and store nutrients such as fat-soluble vitamins. micronutrients, which consist of vitamins and minerals. One meal
They also protect internal organs and serve as an energy source for the should contain 45-65% of carbohydrate, 10-15% of protein, and
body and as raw materials for hormone production. Muscles help maintain 20-35% of fat, and 30 grams of fiber should be consumed everyday.
metabolism, assist in recovery from illnesses and injuries, enhance the A healthy dish should have one portion of rice, one portion of meat,
body’s ability to react to insulin, and suppress osteoporosis. A sudden, and two portions of vegetables (Source: Thai Health Promotion
rapid drop in muscle mass is associated with cardiovascular diseases Foundation, aka Thai Health).
and cancer. Quantity is not the heart of weight-loss diet, but the quality of food
Women who aspire to have a fit and firm body should have a fat is. For example, a boiled egg yields 75 calories, while a fried egg
percentage that is somewhere between 21-24%, while men should aim contains 150 calories, and an omelette has 255 calories. The intake
for 14-17%. of calories can be reduced through a careful selection of cooking
In addition, there are other measurement tools for the identification methods, without sacrificing or compromising on nutrients. If an
of risks of metabolic disorders provided by WHO as shown in Table 2. omelette is replaced with a fried egg 3 times per week, the weight will
The diseases that derive from digestive and metabolic abnormalities be shedded by 1-2 kilograms per year. If a boiled egg is consumed
are, for instance, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, gallstones, instead of a fried egg, the outcome will drop even further, by 3-4
osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, insomnia, certain types of cancer, gout, and kilograms per year. Believe it or not, a daily consumption of canned,
hypertension. These disorders worsen the body’s functions, have adverse carbonated soft drink for one year will result in 8-9 kilograms of weight
effects on health, and render normal lifestyle difficult, if not impossible. gain. An extra piece of cookie a day will add 2-3 kilograms of weight
Weight loss is a way to keep them at bay. The first step is to identify the a year. One tablespoon of salad dressing per day pushes the weight
up by 2-3 kilograms. Apart from calories, essential nutrients should
also be taken into account.
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