Page 55 - FoodFocusThailand No.196 July 2022
P. 55


                    Protein provides 4 calories of energy per gram, curbs hunger, and   have low energy density (a lower number of calories in a specific amount
                 improves satiety. A larger portion of protein in a meal helps maintain   of food).
                 the feeling of fullness for a longer period of time and makes us eat less   5. Yogurts with no added sugar increase probiotic microorganisms
                 in the next meal, thus contributing to weight loss. If insufficient amount   in the intestines and are a good source of protein.
                 of protein is consumed, the body will deplete and use the proteins stored   6. Shell nuts, such as peanut, almond, and walnut, are reported to
                 in muscles for the body’s basic functions instead, and this will lead to   help reduce hunger if consumed as snack before a meal.
                 the loss of muscle mass, lower metabolism, difficult weight loss, frequent   7. Apples, as a fresh fruit rich in fiber and when consumed whole,
                 hunger, and difficulty of diet control. Normally, the body should receive   require chewing, which sends signals to tell the brain that the body is
                 at least 1 gram of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight.  eating, thus inhibiting the secretion of hunger-inducing hormones. Apple
                    Carbohydrate is also important as the body will convert it into sugar   juice and apple sauce are not included in this recommendation.
                 and energy. An excessive intake of carbohydrate results in accumulated   8. Potatoes and some types of root vegetables are rich in potassium,
                 fats. Carbohydrate-based energy should take up approximately 50%   which plays an important role in blood pressure regulation. Boiled
                 of the total daily energy intake.                     potatoes that are left to cool down will develop fiber-like resistant starch
                    Fat should constitute around 20% of the total energy from food   that has multiple benefits for the body, including weight loss.
                 intake. Its function is to dissolve fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins   9. Avocados contain healthy fats, including the monounsaturated
                 A, D, E, and K, which are vital components of the brain, hair, and skin.  fatty acids that are also found in olive oil. They also contain high water
                    Vitamins and minerals are like a lubricant that ensures a smooth   and fiber contents, which lead to a prolonged feeling of fullness after a
                 and effective performance of a motor. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies   meal. They are an ideal ingredient for salad, but since they are rich in
                 contribute to the malfunctioning of the body, health problems, impaired   fats, only a moderate amount should be consumed, otherwise they will
                 metabolism, frequent hunger, and difficulty of weight management.  lead to excessive calories intake.
                    Water is essential to the body as well. Regular drinking of water   To conclude, a good weight loss strategy is to stick to “You are what
                 promotes bowel movement, which is one form of energy expenditure.   you eat” principle by controlling the calorie intake and opting for healthy
                 Water also helps regulate the body’s temperature, relieve constipation,   foods. It is recommended to consume foods that contain all types of
                 improve satiety, and reduce hunger. There are two types of fibers:   essential nutrients required by the body, build muscles, reduce fats,
                 water-soluble and non-water-soluble fibers. The former promotes the   exercise, maintain active lifestyle, get sufficient hours of sleep and, more
                 absorption of water-soluble nutrients, such as sugar, while the latter   importantly, avoid stress. One should always bear in mind that “Through
                 will absorb water, expand, and occupy the empty space in the stomach,   smart diet choices, everybody can become healthily slimmer with no
                 thus allowing the feeling of fullness to set in faster. Fibers are a must   need to skip a meal”.
                 for those who need to loose weight because they make losing weight
                    Other than food and diet, one additional factor that affects obesity
                 is meal time management. In a study, two groups of rats were given   More Information  Service Info C008
                 foods of equal calories: the rats of the first group enjoyed no fixed
                 feeding time and could eat whenever they wanted, but the second group
                 was subject to a fixed feeding schedule. As a result, the scheduled
                 group shedded more weight than the other group. Eating before sleep
                 time makes it impossible for the body to burn that recently consumed
                 energy, which will then be converted into fat. Therefore, no food should
                 be consumed 4 hours or less before bedtime.
                    Sleep is also an obesity-contributing factor. Those who sleep less
                 than 7-9 hours per night may have a higher risk of obesity. In addition,
                 stress can also lead to an increase in fat accumulation as it induces
                 craving,  resulting  in  more  consumption  of  food.  When  the  body
                 experiences stress, the level of cortisol will rise. This hormone causes
                 the body to crave for sweet and fatty foods, thus boosting the possibility
                 of acquiring more accumulated subcutaneous fats.
                    To properly manage excess weight, consume less starch- and fat-
                 based foods, white-bleached flour, and sweetened foods with added
                 high fructose corn syrup, which can mostly be found in soft drinks and
                 boxed fruit juices. Additionally, never skip a meal, eat in smaller portions,
                 avoid eating before bedtime, engage in more physical activities, exercise
                 more, and maintain active lifestyle. Proper consumption of healthy foods
                 is still the more important aspect than the consideration of calorie intake.
                 Get moderate and sufficient amount of energy from food, consume all
                 types of essential nutrients in adequate amounts and, more importantly,
                 skip no meal.
                    Nine foods recommended for weight loss
                    1. Beans are a good source of protein and rich in fiber, which slows
                 down digestion, prolongs satiety, and suppresses craving.
                    2. Soups, especially bone broth, can be a good starter in a meal
                 as it gives a feeling of fullness for a longer period and curbs hunger.
                 No cream nor butter should be added.
                    3. Dark chocolate, when consumed before a meal, made the
                 participants in a study to eat 15% less pizza in comparison with those
                 who had eaten milk chocolate before the meal.
                    4. Mashed vegetables such as boiled, mashed cauliflowers can
                 increase satiety when incorporated in a meal. They also reduce the
                 overall calories by 200-350 calories per meal and are considered to

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