Page 80 - FoodFocusThailand No.218 MAY 2024
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Dairy & Dairy Products Edition

                                                                 เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
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                                                                   cheese with Lactobacillus casei Zhang. Journal of Dairy Science,
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                                                                 G´orska-Warsewicz, H., Rejman, K., Laskowski, W., & Czeczotko, M.
                                                                   (2019). Milk and dairy products and their nutritional contribution to
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                                                                 Yousefi, M., & Jafari, S. M. (2019). Recent advances in application of
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                                                                   functional properties. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 88,
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                                                                   site-specific cancers: prospective cohort study of 257 854 adults in
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            same proportion as inulin. The ice cream’s improved hardness   Rial, N. S., Choi, K., Nguyen, T., Snyder, B., & Slepian, M. J. (2012).
                                                                   Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB): a novel cause for diabetes,
            is caused by an expanded network of ß-lactoglobulin protein     coronary artery disease and cancer initiation and promotion?.
            or foaming after thermal treatment, which is a result different     Medical Hypotheses, 78(1), 29-32.
            from that produced by inulin. Another key function of fat in   Kai, S. H. Y., Bongard, V., Simon, C., Ruidavets, J.-B., Arveiler, D.,
            normal ice cream is to suppress the thermal diffusion rate in     Dallongeville, J., et al. (2014). Low-fat and high-fat dairy products
                                                                   are differently related to blood lipids and cardiovascular risk score.
            ice cream; fat can act as a thermal insulator that prevents     European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 21(12), 1557–1567.
            external heat from getting into ice cream, and it also maintains   Margolis, K. L., Wei, F., de Boer, I. H., Howard, B. V., Liu, S., Manson,
            air-cell stabilization in ice cream’s structure, thus helping the     J. E., et al. (2011). A diet high in low-fat dairy products lowers
            ice cream to maintain its optimal shape during shelf life until     diabetes risk in postmenopausal women. Journal of Nutrition, 141(11),
            time of consumption. Nevertheless, fat substitutes may have   Poddar, K. H., Hosig, K. W., Nickols-Richardson, S. M., Anderson, E.
            adverse effects on ice cream’s sensory properties; for example,     S., Herbert, W. G., & Duncan, S. E. (2009). Low-fat dairy intake and
            the addition of whey protein in vanilla-flavored ice cream will     body weight and composition changes in college students. Journal
            overpower the flavor itself; on the other hand, while the addition     of the American Dietetic Association, 109(8), 1433–1438.
                                                                 Toledo, E., Delgado-Rodríguez, M., Estruch, R., Salas-Salvad´o, J.,
            of 6% whey protein may not affect the vanilla flavor, it will add     Corella, D., Gomez-Gracia, E., et al. (2008). Low-fat dairy products
            to the intensity of milk flavor; finally, the addition of inulin can     and blood pressure: Follow-up of 2290 older persons at high
            enhance the flavor of low-fat ice cream.               cardiovascular risk participating in the PREDIMED study. British
               At present, the ice cream market offers a plethora of     Journal of Nutrition, 101(1), 59–67.
            alternative, low-fat ice cream choices in both domestic and   Akbari, M., Eskandari, M. H., & Davoudi, Z. (2019). Application and
                                                                   functions of fat replacers in low-fat ice cream: A review. Trends in
            overseas markets: Halo Top Ice Cream, for example, is a     food science & technology, 86, 34-40.;  Skarlatos, L., Marinopoulou,
            low-calorie, low-sugar, but high-protein ice cream with various     A., Petridis, D., & Raphaelides, S. N. (2020). Texture assessment of
            flavors to choose from, and Yasso Ice Cream Bars are made     set yoghurt using sensory and instrumental methods. International
                                                                   Dairy Journal, 104, 104644.
            of frozen Greek yogurt with several flavors. In Thailand, low-  Wen, P., Zhu, Y., Luo, J., Wang, P., Liu, B., Du, Y., et al. (2021). Effect
            fat ice cream comes in a wide range of flavors and is available     of anthocyanin absorbed whey protein microgels on physicochemi
            in many convenience stores: Wall’s Strawberry-flavored Yogurt     cal and textural properties of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. Journal
            Smoothie Bar, Ete’s Kimhan with Pickled Mango and Chili-salt     of Dairy Science, 104(1), 228–242.
            Sauce Flavor, or Nestle’s La Frutta Blueberry Yogurt – a soft,   Razavi, S. M., & Behrouzian, F. (2018). Biopolymers for fat-replaced
                                                                   food design. In Biopolymers for food design (pp. 65-94). Academic
            tender, and low-fat yogurt ice cream. These products champion     Press.
            newly enhanced formulas that rely less on fat and sugar but   Guinard, J. X., Zoumas-Morse, C., Mori, L., Uatoni, B., Panyam, D., &
            more on other healthy ingredients, such as fruit, yogurt, or     Kilara, A. (1997). Sugar and fat effects on sensory properties of ice
            probiotics, to ensure increased nutritional values for     cream. Journal of Food Science, 62, 1087–1092.
                                                                 El-Nagar, G., Clowes, G., Tudorica, C. M., Kuri, V., & Brennan, C. S.
            consumers.                                             (2002). Rheological quality and stability of yog-ice cream with
                                                                   added inulin. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 55(2), 89-93.
                                                                 Akalın, A. S., & Erisir, D. (2008). Effects of inulin and oligofructose on
                                                                   the rheological characteristics and probiotic culture survival in low-
                                                                   fat probiotic ice cream. Journal of food science, 73(4), M184-M188.
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