Page 87 - FoodFocusThailand No.218 MAY 2024
P. 87

Dairy & Dairy Products Edition

                     Trends in Kefir Products Growth
                     Kefir is a fermented beverage, one of the 9 strong trends   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     in the food and beverage industry. According to data from   1
                     the Department of  Trade Promotion, Ministry of       Acik, M., Çakiroglu, F. P., Altan, M., & Baybo, T. (2020). Alternative
                     Commerce, and Future Market Insights, it is projected     source of probiotics for lactose intolerance and vegan individuals:
                     that the global kefir market will grow at a compound     sugary kefir. Food Science and Technology, 40, 523-531.
                     annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.5% during the years   González-Orozco, B. D., García-Cano, I., Jiménez-Flores, R., & Alvárez,
                     2023-2026, reaching a market value of USD 1,840.2     V. B. (2022). Invited review: Milk kefir microbiota—Direct and indirect
                     million by 2032. This is an increase from the market value     antimicrobial effects. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(5), 3703-3715.
                     of USD 1,304.6 million in 2022. The market share is   Guzel-Seydim, Z. B., Gökırmaklı, Ç., & Greene, A. K. (2021). A com
                                                                           parison of milk kefir and water kefir: Physical, chemical, microbio
                     dominated by the United States, Germany, Japan, and     logical, and functional properties. Trends in Food Science &
                     Australia, with the United States and Europe being the     Technology, 113, 42-53.
                     largest markets. Russia and Poland are the top two kefir   Pua, A., Tang, V. C. Y., Goh, R. M. V., Sun, J., Lassabliere, B., & Liu,
                     producers in the world. Additionally, other countries have     S. Q. (2022). Ingredients, processing, and fermentation: addressing
                     interesting average annual growth rates for kefir products     the organoleptic boundaries of plant-based dairy analogues.
                     from 2022 to 2032, such as China (5.5%), India (3.6%),     Foods, 11(6), 875.
                     and the United Kingdom market (4.8%). Nestlé and    Reyes-Jurado, F., Soto-Reyes, N., Dávila-Rodríguez, M., Lorenzo-
                     Danone are leading companies in the kefir product     Leal, A. C., Jiménez-Munguía, M. T., Mani-López, E., & López-
                     market .                                              Malo, A. (2023). Plant-based milk alternatives: Types, processes,
                        The  increasing  popularity  of  organic  probiotic     benefits, and characteristics. Food Reviews International, 39(4),
                     beverages is another factor driving the growth of the kefir     2320-2351.
                     market. The expansion of water kefir products is rapidly   Shori, A. B., & Al Zahrani, A. J. (2021). Non-dairy plant-based milk
                     increasing due to consumer demand for natural foods,     products as alternatives to conventional dairy products for deliver
                     lactose-free products, and increasing vegetarian diets.     ing probiotics. Food Science and Technology, 42, e101321.
                     Moreover, kefir can be consumed at any time, and there
                     is a rising popularity of kefir from alternative milks such
                     as soy milk kefir, almond milk kefir, and coconut milk kefir,
                     which can be developed to have nutritional values close
                     to cow’s milk kefir while being free from lactose and having
                     lower calories and fats. There is also a trend towards
                     increasing demand for organic kefir products, which are
                     produced without synthetic chemicals. Furthermore,
                     water kefir and alternative milk kefir products have trends
                     in developing good and unique flavors from fruits and
                     various herbs to make them more appealing and suitable
                     for all ages and genders.
                        Due to the short shelf life of kefir, the complex structure
                     of kefir grains, and the diverse types of bacteria involved,
                     there are limitations in ensuring the safety of products
                     from contamination and maintaining consistent quality
                     throughout the process. Therefore, industrial-level
                     production should have quality control measures to
                     maintain product standards suitable for commercial
                     distribution. In addition to focusing on nutritional value
                     and health benefits, manufacturers should expand
                     distribution channels for their products, such as
                     convenience stores, health food stores, supermarkets,
                     and online platforms. Furthermore, investment in
                     research and product development should be promoted
                     to enhance competitiveness for businesses in the future.

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