Page 48 - FoodFocusThailand No.226 January 2025
P. 48
Lean Laboratory:
Safe and Efficiency Operations Approach
Analytical accuracy and safety in the laboratory are critical factors that operators must prioritize, especially
when dealing with chemicals or active substances. However, speed is equally crucial as safety and accuracy.
This is because time-to-result affects time-to-market. Consequently, Lean thinking originated in Japan, has
become essential in managing supplies, equipment, and workflows to improve and enhance operational
5S+1: A Tool for Improving Work Efficiency in Sustain (Shitsuke) In the “Sustain” step, the aim is to
the Laboratory try to maintain focus on the 5S approach and make it
A common starting point for applying lean thinking is optimizing part of the company culture to maintain standards and
the workplace through the method known as 5S+1, which measure progress. All changes and improvements must be
focuses on enhancing process efficiency, analytical quality, sustainable, requiring every employee to take personal
and safety. The methodology is as follows: responsibility for maintaining performance benchmarks.
Sort (Seiri) The 5S approach begins with the “sort” Continuous training and evaluations help foster the right attitudes
step, which involves sorting all the items in a laboratory toward work.
work area to identify what is and isn’t necessary. This Safety While it may not be necessary to state it so plainly,
enables clutter and unwanted items to be removed, leaving safety should be considered in all 5S steps. However,
only the tools, equipment, components, instruments, and establishing it as an independent concept can help to
machines that are required for daily use. Items are assessed ensure a focus on creating a safe environment for all employees
based on their purpose and necessity, and a color-coded in the laboratory or workspace, preventing accidents, and
labeling system can be applied, such as red for unnecessary minimizing associated risks.
items, yellow for items with unclear purposes, which can be However, lean thinking and the 5S+1 methodology are not
stored for 3–6 months and then permanently removed, and only applicable within laboratories but can also be adapted to
green for frequently used items. other work environments to foster a sustainable work culture
Set in Order (Seiton) The second S focuses on within the organization. By establishing clean and safe
organizing remaining items systematically to facilitate workplaces, these principles enhance operational efficiency,
easy access and reduce time wasted on unnecessary reduce work-related errors, and simultaneously lower operational
movement. Ergonomic principles are applied to minimize costs and resource usage.
movement and reduce stress, ensuring that tools are placed
in the most convenient and logical locations for their usage.
Additionally, a well-organized workspace also helps detect
missing items quickly.
Shine (Seiso) Seiso translates to “clean and check.” More Information Service Info C009
It involves regularly cleaning the workspace and
equipment while inspecting for potential issues. This
step is not just for visible cleanliness but also identifies aspects
of the area that can be detrimental to cleanliness and safety, เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
including leaks so that they can be addressed. Studer, E. (2020). Lean Lab Includes Lab Safety Ensure Accuracy,
Standardize (Seiketsu) In the context of 5S, Seiketsu
refers to standardizing the achievements of the first Safety and Efficiency. METTLER TOLEDO White Paper, 1-12.
three steps to ensure that cleanliness and order Mettler-Toledo International Inc. all rights reserved. (2022, August 4).
become routine practices, such as standard operating ข้้อกํําหนดในกํารตรวจสอบตามหลัักํ 5ส เพื่่�อกํารมีห้องปฏิิบัติกํารแบบ
procedures (SOPs), using specific color codes for types of ลัีนอย่่างย่ั�งย่่น. Retrieved from
documentation, and aligning labels. These standards allow library/tips-and-tricks/laboratory-division/5s-audit-checklist.html
employees to adapt quickly and significantly reduce training
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